#156 Recommend retiring rawhide for EPEL-only packages
Merged 2 years ago by tdawson. Opened 2 years ago by dcavalca.
dcavalca/epel retire  into  main

@@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ 


  ** It qualifies for an exception to the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/ReviewGuidelines/[package review process] so you can request the repo with

  *** fedpkg request-repo --exception <package>-epel

+ ** Once the repo is created, you must retire the rawhide branch to make it clear that this is an EPEL-only package and it shouldn't be branched for future Fedora releases

+ *** fedpkg retire 'EPEL-only package'

  ** If you need help building this, ask for help. We have some examples.

  ** When/If the missing package(s) are added to RHEL CRB, retire your

  -epel package.

As discussed on IRC, it's best practice to retire the rawhide branch for EPEL only packages, so document that.

Metadata Update from @carlwgeorge:
- Pull-request tagged with: meeting

2 years ago

Does this really require a meeting discussion? Which parts of it do you want to discuss?

LGTM, but also not urgent so if Carl wants to discuss this that seems fine with me

True, it's not urgent. I'm just curious which part he wants to discuss. Does he think this should be a must instead of a should?

Yes, when this was originally brought up in IRC there was some uncertainty about MUST vs SHOULD. We discussed this at the 2022-02-16 EPEL Steering Committee meeting, and agreed that MUST is appropriate, and this PR will be adjusted to reflect that.

rebased onto f3822bc

2 years ago

Rebased and changed language to MUST.

Pull-Request has been merged by tdawson

2 years ago