
Created 8 years ago
Maintained by kevin
Issue tracker for EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)
Members 11

EPEL Documentation and Issue Tracker


This repository contains documentation related to Fedora EPEL project. It is published via Fedora Docs:

Issue Tracker

EPEL issues are meant for tracking work needed on packages in the various EPEL repositories. Items to be reported are problems with packages over-riding core RHEL/CentOS packages, clarifications on policy that need to be dealt with in weekly meetings, and agendas of weekly meetings. Problems NOT to be reported are bugs in packages or requests to create new EPEL branches of packages. These need to be filed in Red Hat Bugzilla. Release Engineering issues (koji, bodhi, etc.) should be reported in the releng issue tracker. Infrastructure related issues should be reported in the fedora-infrastructure issue tracker.


The project welcomes contributions to our documentation. If your pull request is describing a yet to be implemented change, or if you would like to iterate on feedback before merging, please include the word DRAFT in the pull request title to indicate to others that it is not ready to be merged yet.


SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0