#100 Proposed official change to EPEL guidelines: modules and RHEL
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by tdawson. Opened 4 years ago by tdawson.

The current guidelines[1] say:

EPEL packages should only enhance and never disturb the Enterprise Linux
distributions they were built for. Thus packages from EPEL should never
replace packages from the target base distribution - including those on the
base distribution as well as layered products; kernel-modules further are
not allowed, as they can disturb the base kernel easily.

The proposal is to add the following

In EPEL 8 or later, it is permitted to have module streams which contain
packages with alternate versions to those provided in RHEL. These packages
may be newer, built with different options, or even older to serve
compatibility needs. These MUST NOT be the default stream -- in every
case, explicit user action must be required to opt in to these versions. If the
RHEL package is in a RHEL module, then the EPEL module must have the same
name as the RHEL module. Any exceptions to the module name must be
approved by the EPEL Steering Committee.
In EPEL8 or later, it is also permitted to provide an alternative non-modular
package to any package found only in a non-default RHEL module.

[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/GuidelinesAndPolicies#Packaging_Guidelines_and_Policies_for_EPEL

This propsal was approved on the March 20, 2020 EPEL Steering Committee meeting.

Metadata Update from @tdawson:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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