#40 Removing sphinx as a dependency for building on EPEL7
Closed 7 years ago by clime. Opened 7 years ago by mrmeee.
copr/ mrmeee/copr copr-backend-deps  into  master

@@ -54,7 +54,11 @@ 

  Requires:   ansible


  #for doc package


+ #Sphinx doesn't seem to be needed.. and does not exist on EPEL7

+ %if 0%{?fedora}

  BuildRequires: sphinx

+ %endif

  BuildRequires: python-sphinx


  Requires:   obs-signd

no initial comment


You can actually remove the "sphinx" dependency altogether. It is a search engine instead of being the documentation generation tool, which was probably intended to be added with this. We don't need that dependency for copr-backend in any distro. (We need the dependency on python-sphinx but not on "sphinx").

Closing rhbz#1420257 then. Thanks!

@mrmeee could you update the patch to remove sphinx (build)requirements?

Pull-Request has been closed by clime

7 years ago