#2344 backend: copr-backend-unknown-resalloc-tickets script
Merged 2 years ago by praiskup. Opened 2 years ago by praiskup.
Unknown source cleanup-resalloc-tickets  into  main

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

  %global tests_version 2

  %global tests_tar test-data-copr-backend


- %global copr_common_version 0.15.1.dev

+ %global copr_common_version 0.16.1.dev


  Name:       copr-backend

  Version:    1.161

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

+ #! /usr/bin/python3


+ """

+ Print a set of 'resalloc ticket-close' commands to be manually executed if there

+ are some tickets that deserve a manual close (because backend knows nothing

+ about them).


+ This script is using a heuristic by analyzing the `ps aux` output because we

+ don't track the list of tickets anywhere (only the corresponding builder knows

+ it's own ticket ID).  It would be risky to expect that the lists of IDs are

+ complete (no lock between the used_ids() and all_ids() calls).  Therefore we

+ take the oldest used ticket (copr can not take any older one in the future), and

+ then we don't suggest removing of any newer ticket ID than that one.

+ """


+ import subprocess


+ from resallocserver.app import session_scope

+ from resallocserver.logic import QTickets


+ from copr_common.helpers import script_requires_user


+ def used_ids():

+     """

+     Return a set of ticket_ids that can be found in the "ps aux" output.

+     """

+     cmd = (

+         "ps aux | "

+         "grep ticket_id |"

+         "sed -n 's/.*ticket_id=\\([0-9]\\+\\).*/\\1/p'"

+     )

+     output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf8")

+     output = output.strip()

+     tickets = set()

+     for ticket_id in output.split("\n"):

+         assert all(c.isdigit() for c in ticket_id)

+         tickets.add(int(ticket_id))

+     return tickets



+ def all_ids():

+     """

+     Return all, not yet closed ticket ids (Resalloc DB).

+     """

+     with session_scope() as session:

+         tq = QTickets(session)

+         tickets = set()

+         for ticket in tq.not_closed().all():

+             tickets.add(ticket.id)

+     return tickets



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     script_requires_user("resalloc")


+     used = used_ids()

+     min_used = min(used)

+     all_known = all_ids()

+     unknown = all_known - used

+     for unknown_id in sorted(unknown):

+         if unknown_id < min_used:

+             print(f"resalloc ticket-close {unknown_id}")

+         else:

+             print("This seems like a new ID: %d", unknown_id)

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

+ """

+ Helper methods that can be used by any part of the Copr stack.  Typically small

+ things that don't need to have it's own file.

+ """


+ import os

+ import pwd

+ import sys


+ def script_requires_user(username):

+     """

+     Exit if the current system user name doesn't equal to the USERNAME argument.

+     """

+     actual_username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]

+     if actual_username != username:

+         msg = (

+             "This script should be executed "

+             "as '{0}' user, not '{1}'\n"

+         ).format(

+             username,

+             actual_username,

+         )

+         sys.stderr.write(msg)

+         sys.exit(1)

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@



  Name:       python-copr-common

- Version:    0.16

+ Version:    0.16.1.dev

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Python code used by Copr


This is useful to free the unused tickets. This can help with releasing
tickets taken between server reboots (backend starts the workers from
scratch, forgetting all the previous ticket ids).

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

2 years ago