#1987 doc: add release notes for 2021-11-11
Merged 2 years ago by praiskup. Opened 2 years ago by schlupov.
copr/ schlupov/copr release_notes  into  main

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+ .. _release_notes_2021_11_11:


+ Highlights from 2021-11-11 release

+ ==================================


+ Updated client packages are shipped in `Fedora 35`_, `Fedora 34`_, `Fedora 33`_,

+ `EPEL 8`_, and `EPEL 7`_ Bodhi updates.


+ Searching by attributes

+ -----------------------


+ It is now possible to search by using specific attributes such as project name,

+ owner name, or package name. Searching strings such as @copr/copr of copr-cli

+ returns the exact same results as previously but on top of that,

+ it now recognizes the following GET parameters - `ownername`, `projectname`, `packagename`

+ and their combinations. Dropdown button has been added to Web-UI next to the search

+ box with predefined values to be searched.


+ APIv3 /monitor route

+ --------------------


+ The monitor route was added to our API and it can be used also with the copr-cli as:


+ .. code-block:: python


+     copr-cli monitor @copr/copr-dev --fields "name, chroot, state, url_build_log"


+ Using this `monitor` command you can get information about package build state.

+ You can also choose which fields you want to print out.


+ Homepage redesign

+ -----------------


+ Our homepage was redesigned to a more modern form showing useful information about Copr.

+ There is now information about number of Copr projects and number of Fedora users.

+ We also added large search bar with instructions how to search by attributes such as username, group name, etc.

+ and row of cards with some interesting documentation sections


+ When you're logged in you can see your pinned projects. For users, that

+ didn't customize their pinned projects, we show their most recent

+ projects as a fallback.


+ The "Rebuild all" packages feature enhanced

+ -------------------------------------------


+ Previously, when all packages were rebuilt, Copr built all the selected packages

+ against all enabled chroots, ignoring the "chroot denylist" config (when some

+ packages are not supposed to be in particular chroots). Newly, we respect the

+ denylist by default, but users can opt-out from this.  `rhbz#2003474`_.


+ Bugfixes

+ --------


+ - `#1951`_ - We now accept admin permissions for submitting Copr builds without

+   a need to explicitly grant the builder permissions either manually or automatically.


+ - We fixed login issues that occurred when the user entered their email instead

+   of FAS username. This led to that the user was redirected to /login again

+   and again which caused an infinite loop. So now we inform the user to use

+   the FAS username instead of email.


+ - `#1925`_ - Editing settings for rubygems/rubygems projects didn't work.

+   On @rubygems/rubygems in Fedora Copr, we faced timeouts when we tried to

+   disable mock chroots with too many BuildChroots. We prepared a custom

+   query for related BuildChroots that can be used with limit() safely.


+ - `rhbz#2015964`_ - Removing of builds was too slow, so removing of corresponding project

+   with dozens of builds was taking too much time so the request was even able to

+   timeout.


+ - `#1145`_ - Previously, user disabled the "automatic createrepo" feature, the builds

+   done against the "staging" `devel/` repository were done with `skip_if_unavailable=True`.

+   This had a potential for a very ugly problems, if the devel/ repository was really

+   temporarily unavailable (built failures, or even build successes against an unexpected

+   set of packages).


+ .. _`Fedora 35`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-c0bdefd473

+ .. _`Fedora 34`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-f6b2858d9d

+ .. _`Fedora 33`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-dad028058b

+ .. _`EPEL 8`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2021-eedbf1f47d

+ .. _`EPEL 7`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2021-e74efdc371


+ .. _`#1951`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/1951

+ .. _`#1925`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/1925

+ .. _`#1145`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/1145

+ .. _`rhbz#2015964`: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2015964

+ .. _`rhbz#2003474`: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2003474

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  .. toctree::


+    release-notes/2021-11-11




no initial comment

Build succeeded.

rebased onto 9b11b5de7a5eaecab33a4e36e9db4bf411b6ea4f

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto 7e7133e689021fb8135d5959340fddcaf1a45157

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto 0c47280

2 years ago

sorry, updated, I changed the wrong file.

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

2 years ago