
Crypto in, power out


The devices and price per watt hour is declared in the config file config.toml. You need to restart the program for it to read in changes.

Example file

xmr-per-kwh = 0.00129556

host = 'localhost'
port = 18083

location = 'Camping#1'
host = ''
switch = 3
monero = '46vp22XJf4CWcAdhXrWTW3AbgWbjairqd2pHE3Z5tMzrfq8szv1Dt7g1Pw7qj4gE87gJDJopNno6tDRcGDn8zUNg72h7eQt'

location = 'Camping#2'
host = ''
switch = 2
monero = '84aGHMyaHbRg1rcZ9mCByuEMkAMorEqe4UCK3GFgcgTkHxQ1kJEJq6pBbHgdX1wRsRhJaZ2vbrxdoFTR7JNw7m7kMj6C1sm'

How to calculate the exchange rate?

This program does not support downloading the price of Monero nor the cost of electrcity.

It is reqcommended to calculate a new price when the price of Monero or electricity changes enough.

For Norway this could be done like this:

  • 1 XMR = 230 USD
  • 1 USD = 8,83 NOK
  • 1 kWh = 1000 Wh = 2.63 NOK

TODO: Make formula

When is the exchange rate calculated?

For long term usage, the rate is calculated/bought at the time of payment.

When the program receive the payment it will register that the txid have been credited amount of Wh.

If you change the rate after the payment have been accepted by the program, then the program will use the old change rate.

State dir

The changes are written to files append-only log-file style, each transaction have their own file.

These files can be used for debugging and are used by the program on startup.


<timestamp> <remaining-watt-hours>

Example 2

2022-04-15T20:38:32.417830635Z +0.039
2022-04-15T20:38:37.526962839Z +0.019
2022-04-15T20:38:42.607861054Z +0.000
2022-04-15T20:38:47.674914008Z -0.020