#605 [spike] provide new artifacts storage solution for CI projects
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by arrfab. Opened 2 years ago by arrfab.

This is a kind of meta request, as some projects are still using the https://artifacts.ci.centos.org vhost to expose some built artifacts to the outside world.
That service isn't managed by ansible and was initially tied to the "legacy" now ci.centos.org jenkins setup.
We recently got request #579 to ask credentials to push to it and we unblocked user/project but we need to come with a better approach and also start using eventually cloud usage for such kind of storage (with regular clean-up)

At first sight, using the AWS Storage Gateway would be perfect/ideal as easy to understand and exposing outside this through cloudfront/S3 bucket would make that not depending on CentOS CI infra (and so no storage need, as current node service these files is out of warranty and doesn't have any backup at all)

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue tagged with: centos-ci-infra, feature-request, high-gain, medium-trouble

2 years ago

[backlog refinement]
It would be best to start working on this before the possible COLO move.

Metadata Update from @zlopez:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

2 years ago

[backlog refinement]
This could be a good candidate for ARC Team investigation.

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Assignee reset

2 years ago

Worth adding that this ticket is now a sub-task for cpe duffy move initiative and we'll just host a new artifacts.ci.centos.org EC2 node , and ci tenants will be able to push to restricted folders over ssh (that includes rsync) with their existing ssh credentials known by duffy/openshift. That will be announced when it will be worked on

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

2 years ago

status update : new artifacts-srv ansible role was created, and applied on the new host that will be used.
We'll just have to wait for the announce and plan the migration so that CI tenants can just start moving/rsyncing content between host and then decommission the old internal storage box (out of warranty)

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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