#316 import missing packages in CBS for Hyperscale SIG
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by arrfab. Opened 3 years ago by dcavalca.

As discussed on -devel, please import these packages into CBS so we can add them to our tags:

  • libuser: libuser-devel
  • openldap: openldap-servers, openldap-servers-debuginfo
  • libteam: libteam-devel, teamd-devel
  • npth: npth-devel


Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue tagged with: cbs, low-gain, low-trouble

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

3 years ago

tagging as "groomed" until we have a clear vision/statement on centos-devel for all SIGs

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue untagged with: low-gain, low-trouble
- Issue tagged with: groomed

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue unmarked as depending on: #318

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Assignee reset

3 years ago

Can we get RH approval for this to happen ?
Then we can have a look at importing such packages : recently, even from CentOS Core members had to rebuild themselves a core pkgs (already built on koji.mbox) to have the -devel variant available through cbs.centos.org, so having someone authoritative from Red Hat allowing us to import packages is now required once for all before going further

@jwboyer : do you have opinions on this ? (both a Red Hat side and CentOS Board Side)

I think Stream buildroots in CBS should have their externalrepos pointing at the c8s buildroot directly. This is possible now that we've allowed downloads from kojifiles.

@bstinson : yeah, good idea .. can you give a list of consistent c8/c8s buildroots that we can try to use internally through kojifiles node ? or also once koji.mbox is moved to its own setup (and with valid TLS certs) , we can also use it as externalrepos , but just need to find which url to target
Something like https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-build/latest/ and https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/ ?

Let's start with Stream buildroots, that's where we want to put in the effort first.

https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/ should be the right externalrepo

ack ... that will have to wait for #285 first to ensure no TLS handshake error (as cbs would use internal fqdn and not going through external haproxy) or I can internally point to http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org .. what do you prefer as option ?

Can someone clarify if this is a request for packages from the CentOS Linux or CentOS Stream buildroot to be made available in CSB?

[EDIT] Of course I submitted without refreshing first :) I agree with Brian that Stream is perfectly reasonable.

@jwboyer yeah, for this request it's CentOS Stream but same request (either on this tracker or on centos-devel list) happened multiple times also for CentOS Linux
Can work easily (I'll try to grab Brian) on this and close this ticket when done :-)

@dcavalca : can you give me a a specific Hyperscale SIG tag that you'd like me to use to test this feature ? and if that works for you we can enable on a list of tags you'll need/want.
I'd like to see how koji will react about priority and checksums for pkgs found both signed and unsigned, reason why I'd like to give first a try on specific tag

For testing, feel free to use hyperscale8s-packages-experimental-el8-build. Once we've confirmed it works, we'll want this enabled on all our build tags.

Added so can you give it a try ?

cbs taginfo hyperscale8s-packages-experimental-el8-build
Tag: hyperscale8s-packages-experimental-el8-build [2246]
Arches: x86_64
Groups: build, srpm-build
Tag options:
  mock.package_manager : 'dnf'
  mock.yum.module_hotfixes : 1
  rpm.macro.centos_hs : 1
  rpm.macro.dist : '.hsx.el8'
This tag is a buildroot for one or more targets
Current repo: repo#846641: 2021-06-25 16:12:06.138358+00:00
Targets that build from this tag:
External repos:
    5 centos8s-cr (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream//cr/$arch/os/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
   10 centos8s-extras (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream//extras/$arch/os/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
   15 centos8s-powertools (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream//PowerTools/$arch/os/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
   20 centos8s-appstream (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream//AppStream/$arch/os/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
   25 centos8s-baseos (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream//BaseOS/$arch/os/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
   30 centos8s-compose-latest (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
  5    .... buildsys8s-release [1866]
  10   .... hyperscale8s-packages-experimental-candidate [2243]

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue untagged with: groomed
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Reporter (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: feature-request, low-gain, low-trouble

3 years ago

Looks like this is working: https://cbs.centos.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2497967 pulled in libuser-devel-0.62-23.el8.x86_64 and built successfully

Let's get this added to all our build tags please.

Done, and enabled on all your existing tags :

for hs_tag in $(koji list-tags|grep hyperscale8s|grep build);do echo "= SIG TAG $hs_tag :" ; koji taginfo $hs_tag|grep compose ; done
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-experimental-el8-build :
   30 centos8s-compose-latest (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-facebook-el8-build :
   30 centos8s-compose-latest (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: koji), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-hotfixes-el8s-build :
   30 centos8s-compose-latest (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: koji), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-main-el8-build :
   30 centos8s-compose-latest (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: koji), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-spin-el8s-build :
   30 centos8s-compose-latest (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: koji), arches: inherited from tag

Closing but as it's a specific case, don't forget to ask for such externalrepo (not automatic) when you'll request such new tag for hyperscale SIG

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

@arrfab I just tried this with building anaconda and it didn't work: https://cbs.centos.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2497996

Metadata Update from @dcavalca:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

3 years ago

@arrfab building emacs 27.2 also does not work:

DEBUG util.py:444:  No matching package to install: 'libotf-devel'
DEBUG util.py:444:  No matching package to install: 'm17n-lib-devel'

m17-lib-devel in turn needs these two, which are also missing
- m17n-lib-tools
- m17n-db-extras

Minor nitpick, centos8s-compose-latest is a misleading name. That repo has nothing to do with composes. I recommend renaming it to centos8s-buildroot to avoid confusion.

So multiple things:

per @carlgeorge's suggestion, I updated name to centos8s-buildroot which is a better name :

for hs_tag in $(koji list-tags|grep hyperscale8s|grep build);do echo "= SIG TAG $hs_tag :" ; koji taginfo $hs_tag|grep buildroot ; done
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-experimental-el8-build :
This tag is a buildroot for one or more targets
   30 centos8s-buildroot (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-facebook-el8-build :
This tag is a buildroot for one or more targets
   30 centos8s-buildroot (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-hotfixes-el8s-build :
This tag is a buildroot for one or more targets
   30 centos8s-buildroot (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-main-el8-build :
This tag is a buildroot for one or more targets
   30 centos8s-buildroot (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag
= SIG TAG hyperscale8s-packages-spin-el8s-build :
This tag is a buildroot for one or more targets
   30 centos8s-buildroot (http://kojifiles.rdu2.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$arch/, merge mode: bare), arches: inherited from tag

Now that koji regen-repo was kicked again (because of missing bare vs koji merge), it should fix the repo side

Can you verify if that works for you now ?

Thanks for feedback, closing

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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