While there is still no centos stream 10 signed compose (yet), we can start working on what's needed for the inherited build tag in cbs to ensure that we have all that is required. That would probably mean rebuilding some required pkgs like buildsys-macros-el10s, centpkg-minimal and others
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue marked as blocking: #1360 - Issue tagged with: cbs, centos-build-pipeline, centos-common-infra, high-gain, high-trouble
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue assigned to arrfab
Prepared test tags for c10s in staging instance, and modified scripts to create SIGs tags. Testing and reporting feedback here after
have submited a scratch build in .stg. env (using unsigned rpm content so just to test that it will work once finally released) : https://cbs.stg.centos.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=5032
Currently just waiting for official and signed packages to be released to mirror.stream.centos.org and then we'll be able to add centos stream 10 support to CBS
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue tagged with: blocked
All done and working , now that https://mirror.stream.centos.org/10-stream has signed content
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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