#57 Run job to update triggers
Merged 4 years ago by mkovarik. Opened 4 years ago by mkovarik.
mkovarik/c3i-library trigger-refresh  into  master

@@ -97,3 +97,11 @@ 


  # Jenkins for Jenkinsfile validation - has to have read access for anonymous

  c3i_jenkins_master_validation: jenkins-c3i.cloud.paas.psi.redhat.com


+ # Internal variable, overriden in Jenkins jobs with triggers.

+ # Jobs with triggers are applied in this way:

+ #   1) Configured to run on master node and stages part is replaced by noop stages part.

+ #   2) Job is executed and triggers are set on the job.

+ #   3) Build from noop stages is removed.

+ #   4) Job is reconfigured with final configuration.

+ c3i_trigger_update_only: false

file modified
+8 -2
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- - name: Service account {{ job_vars.name }}

+ - name: Create service account {{ job_vars.name }}


      api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

      host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ 

            app: "{{ job_vars.name }}"

    when: not c3i_skip_service_accounts


- - name: Role binding {{ job_vars.name }}

+ - name: Create role binding {{ job_vars.name }}


      api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

      host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"
@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ 


      - validate


+ - name: Trigger update for {{ job_vars.name }}

+   include_tasks: trigger-update.yml

+   vars:

+     build_config: "{{ job_vars.name }}"

+   when: "'messaging_fedmsg_topics' in job_vars"


  - name: Build config {{ job_vars.name }}


      api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ 

+ ---

+ - name: Update facts

+   set_fact:

+     image_name: "{{ image }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}"


+ - name: Create service account {{ image_name }}

+   k8s:

+     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

+     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

+     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

+     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

+     state: present

+     definition: |

+       kind: ServiceAccount

+       apiVersion: v1

+       metadata:

+         name: "{{ image_name }}-jenkins-slave"

+         labels:

+           app: "{{ image_name }}"


+ - name: Create role binding {{ image_name }}

+   k8s:

+     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

+     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

+     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

+     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

+     state: present

+     definition: |

+       kind: RoleBinding

+       apiVersion: v1

+       metadata:

+         name: "{{ image_name }}-jenkins-slave_edit"

+         labels:

+           app: "{{ image_name }}"

+       subjects:

+       - kind: ServiceAccount

+         name: "{{ image_name }}-jenkins-slave"

+       roleRef:

+         name: edit

+   when: not c3i_skip_service_accounts


+ - name: Generate Jenkins file {{ image_name }}

+   template:

+     src: greenwave-promote.Jenkinsfile

+     dest: "{{ image_name }}.Jenkinsfile"

+   tags:

+     - validate


+ - name: Validate Jenkins file {{ image_name }}

+   uri:

+     url: "https://{{ c3i_jenkins_master_validation }}/pipeline-model-converter/validate"

+     method: POST

+     body:

+       jenkinsfile: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ image_name }}.Jenkinsfile')}}"

+     return_content: yes

+     body_format: form-urlencoded

+   register: this

+   failed_when: "'Jenkinsfile successfully validated.' not in this.content"

+   tags:

+     - validate


+ - name: Cleanup validation for {{ image_name }}

+   file:

+     path: "{{ image_name }}.Jenkinsfile"

+     state: absent

+   tags:

+     - validate


+ - name: Trigger update for {{ image_name }}

+   include_tasks: trigger-update.yml


+ - name: Build config for {{ image_name }}

+   k8s:

+     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

+     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

+     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

+     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

+     state: present

+     definition: "{{ lookup('template', job_vars.template) }}"

@@ -1,76 +1,6 @@ 


- - name: Service account greenwave-promote

-   k8s:

-     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

-     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

-     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

-     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

-     state: present

-     definition: |

-       kind: ServiceAccount

-       apiVersion: v1

-       metadata:

-         name: "{{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}-jenkins-slave"

-         labels:

-           app: "{{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}"

-   when: not c3i_skip_service_accounts

-   loop: "{{ c3i_images_for_promotion }}"


- - name: Role binding greenwave-promote

-   k8s:

-     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

-     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

-     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

-     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

-     state: present

-     definition: |

-       kind: RoleBinding

-       apiVersion: v1

-       metadata:

-         name: "{{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}-jenkins-slave_edit"

-         labels:

-           app: "{{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}"

-       subjects:

-       - kind: ServiceAccount

-         name: "{{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}-jenkins-slave"

-       roleRef:

-         name: edit

-   when: not c3i_skip_service_accounts

-   loop: "{{ c3i_images_for_promotion }}"


- - name: Generate Jenkins file {{ job_vars.name_post }}

-   template:

-     src: greenwave-promote.Jenkinsfile

-     dest: "{{ job_vars.name_post }}.Jenkinsfile"

-   tags:

-     - validate


- - name: Validate Jenkins file {{ job_vars.name_post }}

-   uri:

-     url: "https://{{ c3i_jenkins_master_validation }}/pipeline-model-converter/validate"

-     method: POST

-     body:

-       jenkinsfile: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ job_vars.name_post }}.Jenkinsfile')}}"

-     return_content: yes

-     body_format: form-urlencoded

-   register: this

-   failed_when: "'Jenkinsfile successfully validated.' not in this.content"

-   tags:

-     - validate


- - name: Cleanup validation for {{ job_vars.name_post }}

-   file:

-     path: "{{ job_vars.name_post }}.Jenkinsfile"

-     state: absent

-   tags:

-     - validate


- - name: Build config greenwave-promote

-   k8s:

-     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

-     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

-     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

-     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

-     state: present

-     definition: "{{ lookup('template', job_vars.template) }}"

+ - name: Greenwave promote per image

+   include_tasks: greenwave-promote-image.yml

    loop: "{{ c3i_images_for_promotion }}"

+   loop_control:

+     loop_var: image

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ 

      namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

      state: present

      definition: "{{ lookup('template', 'jenkins_agent_build_config.yml') }}"

-   when: build_config_dockerfile.stat.exists

+   when: build_config_dockerfile.stat.isreg

what does it mean?

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- - name: Service account {{ job_vars.name }}

+ - name: Create service account {{ job_vars.name }}


      api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

      host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ 

            app: "{{ job_vars.name }}"

    when: not c3i_skip_service_accounts


- - name: Role binding {{ job_vars.name }}

+ - name: Create role binding {{ job_vars.name }}


      api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

      host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ 


      - validate


+ - name: Trigger update for {{ job_vars.name }}

+   include_tasks: trigger-update.yml


  - name: Build config {{ job_vars.name }}


      api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ 

+ - set_fact:

+     job_vars_name: "{{ job_vars.name | default(image_name) }}"


+ - name: Build config for trigger update for {{ job_vars_name }}

+   k8s:

+     api_key: "{{ c3i_ocp_token }}"

+     host: "{{ c3i_ocp_host }}"

+     verify_ssl: "{{ c3i_ocp_verify_ssl }}"

+     namespace: "{{ c3i_ocp_namespace }}"

+     state: present

+     definition: "{{ lookup('template', job_vars.template) }}"

+   vars:

+     c3i_trigger_update_only: true


+ - name: Update triggers for {{ job_vars_name }}

+   shell: "oc start-build --wait -n {{ c3i_ocp_namespace }} {{ job_vars_name }}"

+   register: result


+ - name: Delete triggers update build for {{ job_vars_name }}

+   shell: "oc -n {{ c3i_ocp_namespace }} delete {{ result.stdout_lines[0].split()[0] }}"

@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ 

    retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource', remote: "{{ c3i_lib_url }}"])

  import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml;

  pipeline {

-   {% if "job-updater" in job_vars.name %}

+   {% if c3i_trigger_update_only %}

+   {% include "master-agent.groovy" %}

+   {% elif "job-updater" in job_vars.name %}

    {% include c3i_default_agent_snippet %}

    {% else %}

    {% include c3i_build_agent_snippet %}
@@ -53,6 +55,10 @@ 



    {% endif %}

+   {% if c3i_trigger_update_only %}

+   {% include "trigger-update-stages.groovy" %}

+   {% else %}


    stages {

      stage('Proceeding CI_MESSAGE') {

        when {
@@ -290,4 +296,5 @@ 


      {% endif %}


+   {% endif %}


@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ 

  library identifier: "c3i@{{ c3i_lib_branch }}", changelog: false,

    retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource', remote: "{{ c3i_lib_url }}"])

  pipeline {

+   {% if c3i_trigger_update_only %}

+   {% include "master-agent.groovy" %}

+   {% else %}

    {% include c3i_default_agent_snippet %}

+   {% endif %}


    options {

@@ -29,6 +33,10 @@ 




+   {% if c3i_trigger_update_only %}

+   {% include "trigger-update-stages.groovy" %}

+   {% else %}


    stages {

      stage("Check semaphore") {

        steps {
@@ -123,6 +131,8 @@ 




+   {% endif %}


    post {

      failure {

        script {

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 

  kind: "BuildConfig"

  apiVersion: "v1"


-   name: {{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}

+   name: {{ job_vars_name }}


-     app: {{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}

+     app: {{ job_vars_name }}


    runPolicy: "Serial"

    completionDeadlineSeconds: 1800
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ 

        - name: JENKINS_AGENT_IMAGE

          value: {{ c3i_workflow_jenkins_image }} 


-         value:  {{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}-jenkins-slave

+         value:  {{ job_vars_name }}-jenkins-slave


          value: {{ c3i_container_registry_credentials }}

@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ 

        - name: TARGET_TAG

          value: {{ job_vars.target_tag }}


-         value: "^{{ c3i_quay_namespace }}/{{ item }}@sha256:"

+         value: "^{{ c3i_quay_namespace }}/{{ image }}@sha256:"


-         value: {{ job_vars.promoting_destination_prefix }}/{{ item }}

+         value: {{ job_vars.promoting_destination_prefix }}/{{ image }}


-         value: {{ job_vars.source_container_repo_prefix }}/{{ item }}

+         value: {{ job_vars.source_container_repo_prefix }}/{{ image }}

        - name: MESSAGING_TOPIC

-         value: {{ c3i_messaging_topic_consumer_part }}.c3i-{{ item }}-{{ job_vars.name_post }}{{ c3i_test_subscriber }}.{{ c3i_messaging_greenwave_topic_virtualtopic_part }}

+         value: {{ c3i_messaging_topic_consumer_part }}.c3i-{{ job_vars_name }}{{ c3i_test_subscriber }}.{{ c3i_messaging_greenwave_topic_virtualtopic_part }}

        - name: MAIL_ADDRESS

          value: {{ c3i_mail_address }}

        - name: SEMAPHORE_CHECK

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ 

+ agent {

+   node {

+     label "master"

+   }

+ }

@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ 

  library identifier: "c3i@{{ c3i_lib_branch }}", changelog: false,

    retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource', remote: "{{ c3i_lib_url }}"])

  pipeline {

+   {% if c3i_trigger_update_only %}

+   {% include "master-agent.groovy" %}

+   {% else %}

    {% include c3i_default_agent_snippet %}

+   {% endif %}


    options {

@@ -20,6 +24,10 @@ 




+   {% if c3i_trigger_update_only %}

+   {% include "trigger-update-stages.groovy" %}

+   {% else %}


    stages {

      stage("Message Check and setup") {

        steps {
@@ -61,6 +69,8 @@ 


      {{ task_var_integration_test }}


+   {% endif %}


    post {

      failure {

        script {

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ 

+ stages {

+   stage("Trigger update") {

+     steps {

+       script {

+         echo "Updating triggers"

+         currentBuild.displayName = "Trigger update"

+       }

+     }

+   }

+ }

Run job on master without other actions to update triggers, then update
to proper job.

Build 99a0cb2f001aa6dc66a8bc1f79f8b1ee64b9b4d8 FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto 43a7d151fd3ca62c11b8e02b89294a7033f4b6ff

4 years ago

Build 43a7d151fd3ca62c11b8e02b89294a7033f4b6ff FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e

4 years ago

Build 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build 3130197095e80ef2d387973a4b9dae751c12186e FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto a179ac02962260d15e1cdfca3613e7ec8c415420

4 years ago

Build a179ac02962260d15e1cdfca3613e7ec8c415420 FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build a179ac02962260d15e1cdfca3613e7ec8c415420 FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto da5a5982a583429a4541d5ef2dca5c3502d7698c

4 years ago

Build da5a5982a583429a4541d5ef2dca5c3502d7698c FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto 2d010283ec583b8f17241f063a1be60e7a313811

4 years ago

Build 2d010283ec583b8f17241f063a1be60e7a313811 FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto 7d60b2b3972dde1cad14d7bce8865ad3a154ba8d

4 years ago

rebased onto 09773a9f91b44d2a18879feee21492badd7b6098

4 years ago

Could you name the variable more self descriptive?

there is no verb in this name. I can't understand what it does

rebased onto 955a510

4 years ago

Could you name the variable more self descriptive?

Slightly changed name and added comment with description

utility rather then util?

removed util at all, in future we can split files to folders by purpose

there is no verb in this name. I can't understand what it does

Added verb

what does it mean?

when: build_config_dockerfile.stat.isreg -> that's ansible function we cannot describe everything, ansible-doc stat



Pull-Request has been merged by mkovarik

4 years ago