#55 Add verification jenkins job
Merged 4 years ago by mikeb. Opened 4 years ago by mkovarik.
mkovarik/c3i-library test-workflow  into  master

file modified
+1 -19
@@ -25,24 +25,6 @@ 

  		echo "[PIPELINE] Pipeline job \"$${job}\" updated" ; \



- create-jenkins-is:

- 	$(OC_CMD) import-image jenkins:2 --confirm --scheduled=true \

- 		--from=registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/jenkins-2-rhel7:v3.11


- get-jenkins-plugins:

- 	$(shell ./get-all-jenkins-plugins.sh)


- install-jenkins: create-jenkins-is get-jenkins-plugins

- 	$(OC_CMD) new-app --template=jenkins-persistent \

- 		-p MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi \


- 		-p NAMESPACE=$(shell $(OC_CMD) project -q) \

- 		-e INSTALL_PLUGINS=$(shell cat default-jenkins-plugins.txt) \

- 		-e JENKINS_JAVA_OVERRIDES="-Dpermissive-script-security.enabled=no_security"


- remove-jenkins:

- 	$(OC_CMD) delete -l app=jenkins-persistent all,sa,rolebindings,pvc



  	@for job in $(JOBS); do \

  		echo "[PIPELINE] Deleting pipeline job \"$${job}\"..." ; \
@@ -51,4 +33,4 @@ 

  			--param-file ./$(JOBS_DIR)/$${job}.env | $(OC_CMD) delete -f -; \

  		echo "[PIPELINE] Pipeline job \"$${job}\" deleted" ; \


- .PHONY: help install install-jenkins remove-jenkins uninstall

+ .PHONY: help install uninstall

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/bash


- curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/jenkins/master/2/contrib/openshift/base-plugins.txt | grep -v "#" |grep -v '^$' | sed 's/:.*/:latest/'| tr '\n' ',' > default-jenkins-plugins.txt


- cat jenkins-plugins.txt | tr '\n' ',' >> default-jenkins-plugins.txt

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ 

      kind: Pod



-         app: "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}"

+         app: "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME.take(62).replaceAll(/-$/,'')}"

          factory2-pipeline-build-number: "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"



@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -e


+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then

+   echo "Provide key name and value"

+   exit 1

+ fi


+ NAME=$1

+ VALUE=$2


+ oc delete secret $NAME --ignore-not-found=true

+ oc create secret generic $NAME --from-literal=secrettext=$VALUE

+ oc label secret $NAME credential.sync.jenkins.openshift.io=true

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -e



+ while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in

+   --jcasc) JCASC="$2"; shift;;

+   *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1;;

+ esac; shift; done


+ oc import-image jenkins:2 --confirm --scheduled=true \

+   --from=registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/jenkins-2-rhel7:v3.11


+ # get jenkins plugins

+ PLUGINS=$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/jenkins/master/2/contrib/openshift/base-plugins.txt | grep -v "#" |grep -v '^$' | sed 's/:.*/:latest/')

+ PLUGINS=$(echo -e "$PLUGINS\n$(cat jenkins-plugins.txt)" | sort -u | tr '\n' ',')


+ cat jenkins-plugins.txt | tr '\n' ',' >> default-jenkins-plugins.txt

I am not sure you need this anymore


+ oc create configmap openshift-jenkins-login-plugin-config --from-literal Overall-Administer=view


+ oc new-app --file=jenkins-template.yaml \

+         -p MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi \

+         -p VOLUME_CAPACITY=2Gi \

+         -p NAMESPACE=$(oc project -q) \


+         -e JENKINS_JAVA_OVERRIDES="-Dpermissive-script-security.enabled=no_security" \


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 

+ unclassified:

+   globalCIConfiguration:

+     configs:

+     - fedMsgMessagingProvider:

+         hubAddr: "tcp://hub.fedoraproject.org:9940"

+         name: "fedmsg"

+         pubAddr: "tcp://hub.fedoraproject.org:9940"

setup/jenkins-plugins.txt c3iaas/jenkins-plugins.txt
file renamed
+3 -1
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ 

- script-security:latest

Why is this removed?






+ jms-messaging:latest

+ configuration-as-code:latest

+ rebuild:latest

@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ 

+ apiVersion: template.openshift.io/v1

+ kind: Template

+ labels:

+   app: jenkins-persistent

+   template: jenkins-persistent-template

+ message: A Jenkins service has been created in your project.  Log into Jenkins with

+   your OpenShift account.  The tutorial at https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/examples/jenkins/README.md

+   contains more information about using this template.

+ metadata:

+   annotations:

+     description: |-

+       Jenkins service, with persistent storage.


+       NOTE: You must have persistent volumes available in your cluster to use this template.

+     iconClass: icon-jenkins

+     openshift.io/display-name: Jenkins

+     openshift.io/documentation-url: https://docs.openshift.org/latest/using_images/other_images/jenkins.html

+     openshift.io/long-description: This template deploys a Jenkins server capable

+       of managing OpenShift Pipeline builds and supporting OpenShift-based oauth login.

+     openshift.io/provider-display-name: Red Hat, Inc.

+     openshift.io/support-url: https://access.redhat.com

+     tags: instant-app,jenkins

+   name: jenkins-persistent

+ objects:

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Route

+   metadata:

+     annotations:

+       haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout: 4m

+       template.openshift.io/expose-uri: http://{.spec.host}{.spec.path}


+   spec:

+     tls:

+       insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect

+       termination: edge

+     to:

+       kind: Service

+       name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: PersistentVolumeClaim

+   metadata:


+   spec:

+     accessModes:

+     - ReadWriteOnce

+     resources:

+       requests:

+         storage: ${VOLUME_CAPACITY}

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: DeploymentConfig

+   metadata:

+     annotations:

+       template.alpha.openshift.io/wait-for-ready: "true"


+   spec:

+     replicas: 1

+     selector:

+       name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+     strategy:

+       type: Recreate

+     template:

+       metadata:

+         labels:

+           name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+       spec:

+         containers:

+         - capabilities: {}

+           env:

+           - name: OPENSHIFT_ENABLE_OAUTH

+             value: ${ENABLE_OAUTH}


+             value: "true"



+           - name: KUBERNETES_MASTER

+             value: https://kubernetes.default:443


+             value: "true"

+           - name: JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME

+             value: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+           - name: JNLP_SERVICE_NAME

+             value: ${JNLP_SERVICE_NAME}

+           - name: ENABLE_FATAL_ERROR_LOG_FILE

+             value: ${ENABLE_FATAL_ERROR_LOG_FILE}

+           image: ' '

+           imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

+           livenessProbe:

+             failureThreshold: 2

+             httpGet:

+               path: /login

+               port: 8080

+             initialDelaySeconds: 420

+             periodSeconds: 360

+             timeoutSeconds: 240

+           name: jenkins

+           readinessProbe:

+             httpGet:

+               path: /login

+               port: 8080

+             initialDelaySeconds: 3

+             timeoutSeconds: 240

+           resources:

+             limits:

+               memory: ${MEMORY_LIMIT}

+               cpu: 2

+           volumeMounts:

+           - mountPath: /var/lib/jenkins

+             name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}-data

+         dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst

+         restartPolicy: Always

+         serviceAccountName: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+         volumes:

+         - name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}-data

+           persistentVolumeClaim:

+             claimName: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+     triggers:

+     - imageChangeParams:

+         automatic: true

+         containerNames:

+         - jenkins

+         from:

+           kind: ImageStreamTag

+           name: ${JENKINS_IMAGE_STREAM_TAG}

+           namespace: ${NAMESPACE}

+         lastTriggeredImage: ""

+       type: ImageChange

+     - type: ConfigChange

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: ServiceAccount

+   metadata:

+     annotations:

+       serviceaccounts.openshift.io/oauth-redirectreference.jenkins: '{"kind":"OAuthRedirectReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"Route","name":"${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}"}}'


+ - apiVersion: v1

+   groupNames: null

+   kind: RoleBinding

+   metadata:

+     name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}_edit

+   roleRef:

+     name: edit

+   subjects:

+   - kind: ServiceAccount


+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Service

+   metadata:

+     name: ${JNLP_SERVICE_NAME}

+   spec:

+     ports:

+     - name: agent

+       nodePort: 0

+       port: 50000

+       protocol: TCP

+       targetPort: 50000

+     selector:

+       name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+     sessionAffinity: None

+     type: ClusterIP

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Service

+   metadata:

+     annotations:

+       service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies: '[{"name": "${JNLP_SERVICE_NAME}",

+         "namespace": "", "kind": "Service"}]'

+       service.openshift.io/infrastructure: "true"


+   spec:

+     ports:

+     - name: web

+       nodePort: 0

+       port: 80

+       protocol: TCP

+       targetPort: 8080

+     selector:

+       name: ${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}

+     sessionAffinity: None

+     type: ClusterIP

+ parameters:

+ - description: The name of the OpenShift Service exposed for the Jenkins container.

+   displayName: Jenkins Service Name


+   value: jenkins

+ - description: The name of the service used for master/slave communication.

+   displayName: Jenkins JNLP Service Name


+   value: jenkins-jnlp

+ - description: Whether to enable OAuth OpenShift integration. If false, the static

+     account 'admin' will be initialized with the password 'password'.

+   displayName: Enable OAuth in Jenkins

+   name: ENABLE_OAUTH

+   value: "true"

+ - description: Maximum amount of memory the container can use.

+   displayName: Memory Limit

+   name: MEMORY_LIMIT

+   value: 512Mi

+ - description: Volume space available for data, e.g. 512Mi, 2Gi.

+   displayName: Volume Capacity


+   required: true

+   value: 1Gi

+ - description: The OpenShift Namespace where the Jenkins ImageStream resides.

+   displayName: Jenkins ImageStream Namespace

+   name: NAMESPACE

+   value: openshift

+ - description: Whether to perform memory intensive, possibly slow, synchronization

+     with the Jenkins Update Center on start.  If true, the Jenkins core update monitor

+     and site warnings monitor are disabled.

+   displayName: Disable memory intensive administrative monitors


+   value: "false"

+ - description: Name of the ImageStreamTag to be used for the Jenkins image.

+   displayName: Jenkins ImageStreamTag


+   value: jenkins:2

+ - description: When a fatal error occurs, an error log is created with information

+     and the state obtained at the time of the fatal error.

+   displayName: Fatal Error Log File


+   value: "false"

@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ 

+ import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml;


+ library identifier: "c3i@master", changelog: false,

+   retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource', remote: "https://pagure.io/c3i-library.git"])

+ pipeline {


+   {% include 'default-agent.groovy' %}


+   options {

+     timestamps()

+     timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES')

+   }

+   environment {

+     SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN = readFile(file: '/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token').trim()

+     // needed by c3i pagure client

+     TRIGGER_NAMESPACE = readFile('/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace').trim()

+     PAGURE_REPO_NAME = env.GIT_REPO.split('/')[3..-1].join('/').replace('forks/', '').replaceAll(/.git$/, '')

+     PAGURE_URL = env.GIT_REPO.split('/')[0..2].join('/')

+     PAGURE_API = "${env.PAGURE_URL}/api/0"

+     PAGURE_REPO_IS_FORK = "${env.GIT_REPO.contains('/forks/') ? 'true': 'false'}"

+   }

+   triggers {

+     ciBuildTrigger(

+       noSquash: true,

+       providerList: [

+         fedmsgSubscriber(

+           name: params.MESSAGING_FEDMSG_PROVIDER,

+           overrides: [topic: "io.pagure.prod.pagure.pull-request.new"],

+           checks: [

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.project.url_path', expectedValue: params.GIT_REPO.split('/')[3..-1].join('/').replace('forks/', 'fork/').replaceAll(/.git$/, '')],

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.branch', expectedValue: params.GIT_MAIN_BRANCH],

+           ]

+         ),

+         fedmsgSubscriber(

+           name: params.MESSAGING_FEDMSG_PROVIDER,

+           overrides: [topic: "io.pagure.prod.pagure.pull-request.update"],

+           checks: [

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.project.url_path', expectedValue: params.GIT_REPO.split('/')[3..-1].join('/').replace('forks/', 'fork/').replaceAll(/.git$/, '')],

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.branch', expectedValue: params.GIT_MAIN_BRANCH],

+           ]

+         ),

+         fedmsgSubscriber(

+           name: params.MESSAGING_FEDMSG_PROVIDER,

+           overrides: [topic: "io.pagure.prod.pagure.pull-request.reopened"],

+           checks: [

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.project.url_path', expectedValue: params.GIT_REPO.split('/')[3..-1].join('/').replace('forks/', 'fork/').replaceAll(/.git$/, '')],

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.branch', expectedValue: params.GIT_MAIN_BRANCH],

+           ]

+         ),

+         fedmsgSubscriber(

+           name: params.MESSAGING_FEDMSG_PROVIDER,

+           overrides: [topic: "io.pagure.prod.pagure.pull-request.rebased"],

+           checks: [

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.project.url_path', expectedValue: params.GIT_REPO.split('/')[3..-1].join('/').replace('forks/', 'fork/').replaceAll(/.git$/, '')],

+             [field: '$.pullrequest.branch', expectedValue: params.GIT_MAIN_BRANCH],

+           ]

+         ),

+       ]

+     )

+   }

+   stages {

+     stage('Proceeding CI_MESSAGE') {

+       when {

+         expression { env.CI_MESSAGE }

+       }

+       steps {

+         script {

+           def message = readJSON text: params.CI_MESSAGE

+           env.GIT_REPO_REF = "pull/${message.pullrequest.id}/head"

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('Update Build Info') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           if (!env.GIT_REPO_REF) {

+             error("This build is not started by a CI message and GIT_REPO_REF is empty. Only configurations were done.")

+           }


+           c3i.clone(repo: params.GIT_REPO,

+             branch: env.GIT_REPO_REF)

+           env.GIT_COMMIT = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()

+           echo "Build ${env.GIT_REPO_REF}, commit=${env.GIT_COMMIT}"


+           // Set friendly display name and description

+           def pagure_repo_home = env.GIT_REPO.replace('/forks/', '/fork/').replaceAll(/.git$/,'')

+           // Is the current branch a pull-request? If no, env.PR_NO will be empty.

+           env.PR_NO = env.GIT_REPO_REF.split('/')[1] // return X from pull/X/head

+           env.PR_URL = "${pagure_repo_home}/pull-request/${env.PR_NO}"

+           echo "Building PR #${env.PR_NO}: ${env.PR_URL}"

+           // NOTE: Old versions of OpenShift Client Jenkins plugin are buggy to handle arguments

+           // with special bash characters (like whitespaces, #, etc).

+           // https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1625518

+           currentBuild.displayName = "PR#${env.PR_NO}"

+           // To enable HTML syntax in build description, go to `Jenkins/Global Security/Markup Formatter` and select 'Safe HTML'.

+           def pagureLink = """<a href="${env.PR_URL}">${currentBuild.displayName}</a>"""

+           try {

+             def prInfo = pagure.getPR(env.PR_NO)

+             pagureLink = """<a href="${env.PR_URL}">PR#${env.PR_NO}: ${escapeHtml(prInfo.title)}</a>"""

+             // set PR status to Pending

+             if (params.PAGURE_API_KEY_SECRET_NAME)

+               pagure.setBuildStatusOnPR(null, 'Building...')

+           } catch (Exception e) {

+             echo "Error using pagure API: ${e}"

+           }

+           currentBuild.description = pagureLink

+           def prInfo = pagure.getPR(env.PR_NO)

+           env.PAGURE_REQUEST_BRANCH = prInfo.branch_from

+           env.PAGURE_REQUEST_REPO = "${env.PAGURE_URL}/${prInfo.repo_from.fullname}"

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('Allocate C3IaaS project') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           env.PIPELINE_ID = "c3i-verification-pr-${env.PR_NO}-git${env.GIT_COMMIT.take(8)}-${currentBuild.id}"

+           echo "Requesting new OpenShift project ${env.PIPELINE_ID}..."

+           openshift.withCluster() {

+             openshift.withProject(params.C3IAAS_NAMESPACE) {

+               c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: "bc/${params.C3IAAS_JOB_NAME}",

+                 '-e', "PROJECT_NAME=${env.PIPELINE_ID}",

+                 '-e', "ADMIN_GROUPS=system:serviceaccounts:${env.TRIGGER_NAMESPACE},system:serviceaccounts:${env.C3IAAS_NAMESPACE}",

+                 '-e', "LIFETIME_IN_MINUTES=60"

+               )

+             }

+           }

+         }

+       }

+       post {

+         success {

+           echo "Allocated project ${env.PIPELINE_ID}"

+         }

+         failure {

+           echo "Failed to allocate ${env.PIPELINE_ID} project"

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('Copy Secrets') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           openshift.withCluster() {

+             factorySecret = openshift.selector('secret', 'factory2-c3i-verification-secret').object(exportable:true)

+             openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+               openshift.create(factorySecret)

+             }

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('Install Jenkins master') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           sh "oc project ${env.PIPELINE_ID}"

+           dir('setup') {

+              sh "./install-jenkins --jcasc ${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_REPO.replace('/forks/', '/fork/')}/raw/${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_BRANCH}/f/setup/jcasc.yml"

+           }

+           openshift.withCluster() {

+             openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+                c3i.waitForPods(script: this, objs: [name: "jenkins"], num: 1)

+             }

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('Setup test project') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           dir('verification/test-project') {

+             sh 'ln -s ../../roles roles'

+             sh "ansible-playbook deploy.yml -e c3i_ocp_namespace=${env.PIPELINE_ID} -e c3i_lib_branch=${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_BRANCH} -e c3i_lib_url=${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_REPO} -e c3i_git_repo=${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_REPO} -e c3i_git_main_branch=${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_BRANCH}"

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('postmerge') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           openshift.withCluster() {

+             openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+               c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: "bc/c3i-library-test-postmerge",

+                '-e', "IMAGE=registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-95-rhel7:latest",

+                '-e', "IMAGE_TAG=latest-PR${env.PR_NO}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",

+                '-e', "PAGURE_API_KEY_SECRET_NAME=", // disable for pagure communication

+                '-e', "GIT_REPO_REF=${env.PAGURE_REQUEST_BRANCH}",

+                '-e', "LIFETIME_IN_MINUTES=30"

+               )

+             }

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     stage('Parallel trigger') {

+       steps {

+         script {

+           openshift.withCluster() {

+             openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+               parallel(

+                 "trigger-on-latest-tag": {

+                   c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: "bc/c3i-library-test-trigger-on-latest-tag",

+                    '-e', "IMAGE=quay.io/factory2/c3i-library-test:latest-PR${env.PR_NO}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",

+                    '-e', "TARGET_TAG=stage-PR${env.PR_NO}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"

+                   )

+                 },

+                 "greenwave-promote-to-stage": {

+                   c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: "bc/c3i-library-test-greenwave-promote-to-stage",

+                    '-e', "IMAGE=quay.io/factory2/c3i-library-test:latest-PR${env.PR_NO}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",

+                    '-e', "TARGET_TAG=stage-PR${env.PR_NO}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"

+                   )

+                 }

+               )

+             }

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+   }

+   post {

+     success {

+       script {

+         if (env.PAGURE_API_KEY_SECRET_NAME && env.PR_NO) {

+           try {

+             pagure.setBuildStatusOnPR(100, 'Build passed.')

+             echo "Updated PR #${env.PR_NO} status to PASS."

+           } catch (e) {

+             echo "Error updating PR #${env.PR_NO} status to PASS: ${e}"

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     failure {

+       script {

+         if (params.PAGURE_API_KEY_SECRET_NAME && env.PR_NO) {

+           try {

+             pagure.setBuildStatusOnPR(0, 'Build failed.')

+             echo "Updated PR #${env.PR_NO} status to FAILURE."

+           } catch (e) {

+             echo "Error updating PR #${env.PR_NO} status to FAILURE: ${e}"

+           }

+           try {

+             pagure.commentOnPR("""

+             Build ${env.GIT_COMMIT} [FAILED](${env.BUILD_URL})!

+             Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

+             """.stripIndent(), env.PR_NO)

+             echo "Comment made."

+           } catch (e) {

+             echo "Error making a comment on PR #${env.PR_NO}: ${e}"

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+   }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ 

+ kind: "BuildConfig"

+ apiVersion: "v1"

+ metadata:

+   name: c3i-role-verification

+   labels:

+     app: c3i-role-verification

+ spec:

+   runPolicy: "Serial"

+   completionDeadlineSeconds: 1800

+   strategy:

+     type: JenkinsPipeline

+     jenkinsPipelineStrategy:

+       env:

+       - name: GIT_REPO

+         value: https://pagure.io/c3i-library.git

+       - name: GIT_REPO_REF

+         value:

+       - name: GIT_MAIN_BRANCH

+         value: master

+       - name: OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_NAME

+         value: openshift

+       - name: JENKINS_AGENT_IMAGE

+         value: docker-registry.upshift.redhat.com/factory2/pipeline-jenkins-agent:latest


+         value: fedmsg


+         value: pagure-api-key-c3i-library

+       - name: C3IAAS_NAMESPACE

+         value: c3i

+       - name: C3IAAS_JOB_NAME

+         value: c3iaas-request-project

+       - name: PAAS_DOMAIN

+         value: cloud.paas.psi.redhat.com

+       - name: CI_MESSAGE


+         value: jenkins

+       jenkinsfile: |

+         {% filter indent(width=10) %}{% include "c3i-role-verification.Jenkinsfile" %}{% endfilter %}

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ 

+ agent {

+   kubernetes {

+     cloud "${params.OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_NAME}"

+     label "jenkins-slave-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}"

+     serviceAccount "${params.JENKINS_AGENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}"

+     defaultContainer 'jnlp'

+     yaml """

+     apiVersion: v1

+     kind: Pod

+     metadata:

+       labels:

+         app: "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME.take(62).replaceAll(/-$/,'')}"

+         factory2-pipeline-build-number: "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"

+     spec:

+       containers:

+       - name: jnlp

+         image: "${params.JENKINS_AGENT_IMAGE}"

+         imagePullPolicy: Always

+         tty: true

+         resources:

+           requests:

+             memory: 512Mi

+             cpu: 200m

+           limits:

+             memory: 768Mi

+             cpu: 300m

+     """

+   }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 

+ FROM registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-95-rhel7:latest


+ LABEL quay.expires-after=2h

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ 

+ c3i_component: c3i-library-test

+ c3i_build_and_test_snippet: snippets/build-and-test.groovy

+ c3i_integration_test_snippet: snippets/full-integration-test.groovy


+ c3i_mail_address:


+ c3i_lib_url:

+ c3i_lib_branch:


+ c3i_git_repo:

+ c3i_git_main_branch:


+ c3i_jenkins_agent_image: "{{ c3i_workflow_jenkins_image }}"


+ # disable build of jenkins agent

+ c3i_jenkins_agent_buildconfig_dockerfile:


+ c3i_container_registry_credentials: factory2-c3i-verification-secret

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ 

+ apiVersion: v1

+ kind: Template

+ metadata:

+   name: container-template

+ labels:

+   template: "container-template"

+ parameters:

+ - name: NAME

+   displayName: Short unique identifier for the templated instances.

+   required: true

+   value: "container"

+ - name: GIT_REPO

+   displayName: Git repo URL

+   description: Default Git repo URL in which to run dev tests against

+   required: true

+   value: https://pagure.io/c3i-library.git

+ - name: GIT_REF

+   displayName: Git repo ref

+   description: Default Git repo ref in which to run dev tests against

+   required: true

+   value: master


+   displayName: ImageStream name of the resulting image

+   required: true

+   value: test

+ - name: IMAGE_TAG

+   displayName: Tag of resulting image

+   required: true

+   value: latest


+   displayName: Namespace of ImageStream for container images

+   required: false

+ objects:

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: ImageStream

+   metadata:

+     name: "${IMAGESTREAM_NAME}"

+     labels:

+       app: "${NAME}"

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: ImageStream

+   metadata:

+     name: "${IMAGESTREAM_NAME}"

+     labels:

+       app: "${NAME}"

+ - kind: "BuildConfig"

+   apiVersion: "v1"

+   metadata:

+     name: "${NAME}"

+     labels:

+       app: "${NAME}"

+   spec:

+     runPolicy: "Parallel"

+     completionDeadlineSeconds: 1800

+     strategy:

+       dockerStrategy:

+         forcePull: true

+         dockerfilePath: verification/test-project/Dockerfile

+     resources:

+       requests:

+         memory: "768Mi"

+         cpu: "300m"

+       limits:

+        memory: "1Gi"

+        cpu: "500m"

+     source:

+       git:

+         uri: "${GIT_REPO}"

+         ref: "${GIT_REF}"

+     output:

+       to:

+         kind: "ImageStreamTag"

+         name: "${IMAGESTREAM_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}"

+         namespace: "${IMAGESTREAM_NAMESPACE}"

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ 

+ - name: Deplomyent playbook

+   hosts: localhost

+   vars_files:

+     - c3i-role-vars.yml

+   tasks:

+     - include_role:

+         name: c3i

+       tags:

+         - validate

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ 

+ stage('Build container') {

+   environment {

+     BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID = "verification-${currentBuild.id}-${UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0,7)}"

+     TEMP_TAG = "verification-${currentBuild.id}"

+   }

+   steps {

+     script {

+       openshift.withCluster() {

+         openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+           def template = readYaml file: 'verification/test-project/container-template.yaml'

+           def processed = openshift.process(template,

+             "-p", "NAME=${env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID}",

+             '-p', "GIT_REPO=${params.GIT_REPO}",

+             // A pull-request branch, like pull/123/head, cannot be built with commit ID

+             // because refspec cannot be customized in an OpenShift build .

+             '-p', "GIT_REF=${env.PR_NO ? env.GIT_REPO_REF : env.GIT_COMMIT}",

+             '-p', "IMAGE_TAG=${env.TEMP_TAG}",

+             '-p', "IMAGESTREAM_NAME=c3i-library-test",

+             '-p', "IMAGESTREAM_NAMESPACE=${env.PIPELINE_ID}",

+           )

+           def build = c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: processed)

+           echo 'Container build succeeds.'

+           def imagestream = openshift.selector('is', ['app': env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID]).object()

+           env.RESULTING_IMAGE_REPOS = imagestream.status.dockerImageRepository

+           env.RESULTING_TAG = env.TEMP_TAG

+         }

+       }

+     }

+   }

+ }

+ stage('Tests') {

+   steps {

+     script {

+       echo "Passed"

+     }

+   }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ 

+ stage('Tests') {

+   steps {

+     script {

+       sh "skopeo inspect docker://${env.IMAGE}"

+       echo "Passed"

+     }

+   }

+ }

Deploy and test verification job which should be triggered by fedmsg for
c3i-library to verify changes.
1) deploy new Jenkins master to new namespace
2) apply test role to new jenkins master
3) trigger jobs
a) postmerge
b) trigger-on-latest-tag
c) greenwave-promote-to-stage
4) report results to pagure PR

rebased onto ca8bf272a0e464ecebc3577a3697b8f2125914fe

4 years ago

rebased onto 3f826b204345af574f5c17b80952f85f9a7a0b04

4 years ago

rebased onto 3f458980231d43eb058bf6b0424bd58991ccd5e7

4 years ago

Build 3f458980231d43eb058bf6b0424bd58991ccd5e7 FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto 68c2bcbcf29a4f8782be94ae433904a4493c0c19

4 years ago

Build 68c2bcbcf29a4f8782be94ae433904a4493c0c19 FAILED!
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto eaf97c8

4 years ago

This is awesome! Nice job!

Pull-Request has been merged by mikeb

4 years ago

I am not sure you need this anymore