AvCaster - a simple GUI for live screencasting

the motivation behind this project is that streaming with a feature-rich, bleeding-edge client such as OBS and FMLE is very CPU intensive even on reasonably modern machines - in situations such as live code streaming where the screencast is not the primary application there is far more utility in reserving those extra cycles for more useful tasks

a command-line solution is the obvious choice for such applications but o/c lacks a real-time preview - this project was initially a simple native JUCE GUI ffmpeg command-line launcher but it seems to be moving toward a native library implementation using libav and/or gstreamer

the reference bash script that this GUI app will wrap (or re-implemet) is in this gist

some similar projects - they all can capture and mux in audio but they capture screen only (no webcam/text/logo) and only two of them feature a real-time preview: * SimpleScreenRecorder - features a real-time preview * gtk-recordmydesktop - features a real-time preview * vokoscreen - very nice looking and intutive GUI * kazam - similar features as vokoscreen * ffmpeg-gui - cross-platform QT basic ffmpeg launcher * ffmpeggui - Win32 basic ffmpeg launcher