#77 spi-flashing-disk: add an initial utility for writing SPI flash
Merged 3 years ago by pwhalen. Opened 3 years ago by pbrobinson.
pbrobinson/arm-image-installer spi-flashing-disk  into  main

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ 

+ #!/bin/sh

+ # Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat Inc.

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier:  GPL-2.0


+ # This script will create a U-Boot image, generally for a MMC boot

+ # to start U-Boot and allow the user to write out a firmware to

+ # SPI flash. It's generally used once and discarded.


+ # usage message

+ usage() {

+     echo "

+ Usage: $(basename ${0}) <options>


+ 	--media=DEVICE	- media device file (/dev/[sdX|mmcblkX])

+ 	--target=TARGET	- target board


+ optional

+         --tag=KOJI TAG  - koji tag to download build


+ Example: $(basename ${0}) --target=panda --media=/dev/mmcblk0


+ For list of supported boards please check SUPPORTED-BOARDS file.

+ The devices must have on board SPI flash and support enabled for it.

+ "

+ }


+ # check the args

+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do

+ 	case $1 in

+ 		--debug)

+ 			set -x

+ 			;;

+ 		-h|--help)

+ 			usage

+ 			;;

+ 		--target*)

+ 			if echo $1 | grep '=' >/dev/null ; then

+ 				TARGET=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^--target=//')

+ 			else

+ 				TARGET=$2

+ 				shift

+ 			fi

+ 			;;

+ 		--media*)

+ 			if echo $1 | grep '=' >/dev/null ; then

+ 				MEDIA=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^--media=//')

+ 			else

+ 				MEDIA=$2

+ 				shift

+ 			fi

+ 			;;

+ 		--tag*)

+ 			if echo $1 | grep '=' >/dev/null ; then

+ 				KOJI_TAG=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^--tag=//')

+ 			else

+ 				KOJI_TAG=$2

+ 				shift

+ 			fi

+ 			;;

+ 		*)

+ 			echo "$(basename ${0}): Error - ${1}"

+ 			usage

+ 			exit 1

+ 			;;

+ 	esac

+ 	shift

+ done


+ if [ -d "/usr/share/arm-image-installer/boards.d" ]; then

+ 	BOARDDIR="/usr/share/arm-image-installer/boards.d"

+ else

+ 	DIR=$(dirname $0)

+ 	BOARDDIR="${DIR}/boards.d"

+ fi

+ # ensure sudo user

+ if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then

+ 	echo "Error: This script requires 'sudo' privileges in order to write to disk & mount media."

+ 	exit 1

+ fi


+ # check if media exists

+ if [[ ! -e $MEDIA ]]; then

+ 	echo "Missing media"

+ 	usage

+ 	exit 1

+ fi


+ if [[ $TARGET = '' ]]; then

+ 	echo "Missing target"

+ 	usage

+ 	exit 1

+ fi

+ if [[ $KOJI_TAG != '' ]]; then

+ 	if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/koji ]]; then

+ 		echo "Please install koji-utils for this option."

+ 		exit 1

+ 	else

+ 		PREFIX='/tmp/root/'

+ 		rm -rf /tmp/root &> /dev/null

+ 		mkdir $PREFIX


+ 		#get the latest uboot

+ 		pushd $PREFIX &> /dev/null

+ 		if [ $KOJI_TAG = f22 ]; then

+ 			koji download-build --arch=armv7hl --latestfrom=$KOJI_TAG uboot-tools

+ 		else

+ 			koji download-build --arch=noarch --latestfrom=$KOJI_TAG uboot-tools

+ 		fi

+ 		# unpack uboot

+ 		for rpm in uboot-images*.rpm

+ 		do

+ 			rpm2cpio "${rpm}" | cpio -idv &> /dev/null

+ 		done

+ 		popd &> /dev/null

+ 	fi

+ fi


+ # Create a VFAT partition, 32Mb offset, 256Mb in size

+ parted -s "$MEDIA" mklabel msdos

+ parted -s "$MEDIA" mkpart -a cylinder primary fat32 32 256

+ partprobe "$MEDIA"


+ mkdir /tmp/fw > /dev/null 2>&1


+ if [ -e "$MEDIA"p1 ]; then

+         mkfs.vfat "$MEDIA"p1

+         mount "$MEDIA"p1 /tmp/fw > /dev/null 2>&1

+ elif [ -e "$MEDIA"1 ]; then

+         mkfs.vfat "$MEDIA"1

+         mount "$MEDIA"1 /tmp/fw > /dev/null 2>&1

+ fi


+ # determine uboot and write to disk

+ if [ "$TARGET" != "" ]; then

+         if [ -d "${PREFIX}/usr/share/uboot/${TARGET}" ]; then

+                 . "${BOARDDIR}/${TARGET}"

+                 cp "${PREFIX}/usr/share/uboot/${TARGET}/"* /tmp/fw ## 2>&1

+                 umount /tmp/fw

+         else

+                 echo "= No U-Boot files found for $TARGET."

+         fi

+ fi


+ rmdir /tmp/fw


+ # vi: tabstop=8 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=8 smarttab

The spi-flashing-disk is basic to enable a user just to boot to
U-Boot and to then use U-Boot to write out the firmware to the
SPI flash so that you can then just boot the distro as normal.

Signed-off-by: Peter Robinson pbrobinson@gmail.com

Pull-Request has been merged by pwhalen

3 years ago