#28 Funding request for F17 release party Hanoi
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by tuanta.


We are planning for Fedora 17 release party Hanoi [1] this Friday evening.

Detailed cost breakup could be found here [1]. The total should be around $145.

I know this should be sent earlier, but I think it should be fine since the cost is not far different from previous ones.

Receipts and reports would be posted after the event as regular process.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F17_Hanoi#Detailed_Cost_Breakup


Tuan, indeed a great work. I think it is good to forward a mail to the mailing-list as we discussed. I m adding "meeting" keyword so that this can be discussed at the next APAC meeting. Attach receipts and then Harish will take care of it after the approval at the APAC FAm bi-weekly meeting. APAC needs more release-parties and APAC support you all.

Thanks. I forgot the keyword :)
See you.

The event has been run successfully. Report and receipts would be updated soon.

I am recollecting receipts to post here.
Actually, the cost is less than estimation.


This request for USD 145 got the APAC community approval on 2012-06-09;

Please attach receipts and then proceed to reimbursements.

All receipts has been uploaded.
The total cost is 1,637,000 VND ~80 USD (much smaller than estimated :)

Event report and pictures were posted too.

So, Harish, could you please reimburse this to my PayPal: dtanh (at) yahoo (dot) com


Hello Tuan,

Please send an email with all the required details(Paypal or Western Union) to Harish, Thanks

Replying to [comment:9 tuanta]:


Can you receive payment via western union? I am on my way to the post office and can do it


Replying to [comment:11 harishpillay]:

Can you receive payment via western union? I am on my way to the post office and can do it

PayPal should be the first priority because of its low transaction fee.
You have already known my PayPal account (resent via email)


Replying to [comment:12 tuanta]:

Replying to [comment:11 harishpillay]:

Can you receive payment via western union? I am on my way to the post office and can do it

PayPal should be the first priority because of its low transaction fee.
You have already known my PayPal account (resent via email)


Paid via paypal. Please check and close this ticket.


Metadata Update from @tuanta:
- Issue assigned to harishpillay
- Issue tagged with: , fyi2013q2, reimbursed

7 years ago

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