In the last meeting, we discussed the timing of the APAC meeting. Since APAC region has a wide range of time zones, we decided to ask everyone to fill up a whenisgood/doodle to find the best possible time for a meeting.
I have created a whenisgood event here:
Please select your timezone and choose the time and date that works for you and we'll figure out the best time based on this. cc: @sumantrom
@bex , should I e-mail this link to all the APAC ambassadors?
@skamath can you post the link even on the ambassadors mailing list please? In this way even more ambassadors will see it.
I am +1 to the ambassadors mailing list. I am -1 to emailing the APAC ambassadors individually.
Yes, please send it to the Ambassadors' list.
Done. This is on the mailing list now :)
Did we get votes on this? If not, it'll help to ping again on the thread.
If we didn't get votes that may be telling us something ...
Did we get votes on this? If not, it'll help to ping again on the thread. If we didn't get votes that may be telling us something ...
I'm unable to check the results right now as WhenIsGood servers are down. I'll post the results here as soon as I'm able to access it.
Also, I did not receive any acks or replies on the Ambassadors ML thread I created. Tbh, this concerns me a bit :/
The server is back up and the following people have responded (in that order) :
@skamath @pjp @sumantrom @amsharma @kumarpraveen @zsun
Here is the screen grab of the results (Please note that it is in IST).
<img alt="Screenshot_from_2017-08-01_10-22-19.png" src="/ambassadors-apac/issue/raw/files/3b5e922381797d06a63c9b696d9231a6fd45fa80d5c949f100320ec0bab54b44-Screenshot_from_2017-08-01_10-22-19.png" />
As expected, there is no common time for the meeting. Considering the 6 votes, the most favourable days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 11:30 UTC ( 17:00 IST). The dots/number indicate the number of people who cannot make it.
+1s on the time?
+1 for Thursday, 11:30 AM UTC.
Yes, I am okay with Thursday, 11:30 UTC
Okay, +1 Thu, 11:30 UTC.
Yes, Lets do it Thu, 11:30 UTC.
Thursday, 11:30 UTC . Are we updating the timing from the next bi-weekly meeting?
Almost all active Fedora ambassadors from India replied here for 11:30 UTC. Good to see if non India people will also reply here.
PJP is having access to fedocal entry for this meeting. Once we decide for bi-weekly Thu, 11:30 UTC timing, he can change it there.
Additionally I want to suggest to add india mailing list and any other APAC regional list to this calendar entry so that that mailing list will get reminder one day before for the next meeting. This will help people following that regional list to know meeting is happening and they can attend it.
Although I cannot guarantee my availability for Thursday 11:30 UTC, I'd like to say it works better than the current time for China.
Closing this issue as we have converged on Thu, 11:30 UTC. for meeting time.
Metadata Update from @pjp: - Issue assigned to skamath - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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