#269 [Budget Request] F26 Release Party BLR,IN
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by sumantrom.

== Details ==
Event wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F26_Bangalore_India
FAS: sumantrom
Event owner FAS: sumantrom
== Requirements ==
Rough estimate for snacks+soft drinks: $50
Cake $100

Metadata Update from @zsun:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

+1 here. Bangalore is an awesome place to have a Release Party

+1 - it would be important to get the topics of budget for cake and availability of some give-aways handled. Fedora release parties have always been a great starting place for new contributors and in recent times Bangalore has been seeing renewed interest.

+1 IMO USD 100/- is reasonable budget for release party.

During our FAmSCo meeting today we discussed about this ticket and we agreed to approve it for max 100$. Good luck with your event @sumantrom :)

For reference here you have our meeting logs: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2017-07-19/famsco.2017-07-19-15.00.html

Its good to see higher body of ambassadors have approved this ticket now but I really don' t think this was needed to be escalated to the FAmSCo. I think in general if no one is opposing in a week period and we have +1 votes only then it should get approved.

Maybe we have no leader in APAC to give final decision on tickets and if it is the case then FAmSCo should look into this issue as well.

At least I feel after the Fedora release happens APAC mentors should have a meeting and discuss on promoting Fedora events/ release party and if needed may even approve the budget.

Its good to see higher body of ambassadors have approved this ticket now but I really don' t think this was needed to be escalated to the FAmSCo. I think in general if no one is opposing in a week period and we have +1 votes only then it should get approved.
Maybe we have no leader in APAC to give final decision on tickets and if it is the case then FAmSCo should look into this issue as well.

+1 to this. There should be a person who can take decisions in the APAC region.

At least I feel after the Fedora release happens APAC mentors should have a meeting and discuss on promoting Fedora events/ release party and if needed may even approve the budget.

first there is still a person in APAC with the power and second say thanks to FAmSCo that there is no member of it from the region as they preferred to make somebody without fullfilling the requirements to an Ambassador so that he can serve in FAmSCo instead thinking on this region

Hey All, the event went well as planned. I would like to thank @a2batic for making the banner for this event . @sankarshan @jonatoni @pjp @skamath for concurring on the budget request and others for sharing their views.
Nonetheless, the event went well : http://sumantrom.blogspot.com/2017/07/fedora-26-release-party-bangalore.html [Event Report]

Bill Attached. i would prefer to have it transferred to my account directly as I don't have a PayPal A/C.

@sumantrom: please attach receipt as .pdf file.

Metadata Update from @pjp:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue assigned to bex
- Issue tagged with: approved, ready-for-reimbursement

7 years ago

@sumantrom What is the unit of currency, INR? So the total is 5104 INR?

Please provide your full name and your email address for a transferwise payment.

@sumantrom What is the unit of currency, INR? So the total is 5104 INR?

Yes, it is INR.

@sumantrom This still needs the full name on your bank account and your email address.

Name : Sumantro Mukherjee
Email : sumukher@redhat.com
A/c No : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
IFSC: xxxxxxxxxxx

Transfer in progress.

@sumantrom Not sure if this is sensitive information, but as a note, this is a public ticket. If there's sensitive information above, it should be edited out.

If there's sensitive information above, it should be edited out.

Done. Closing this ticket as reimbursement is done.

Thank you.

Metadata Update from @pjp:
- Issue untagged with: ready-for-reimbursement
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
- Issue tagged with: reimbursed

7 years ago

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Attachments 2