#251 F24 DVDs and Fedora stickers
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by pjp.

== Details ==
This is for the F24 media and Fedora stickers production expense and reimbursement.

FAS: pjp

Pay Pal address: pj [dot] pandit [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in

== Requirements ==

||= Object =||= Price in INR =||= Price in USD =||
||2800 F24 DVDs @ 26/pc|| 72800.00|| 1,084.95||
||4500 Stickers + tax|| 14140.00|| 210.73||
||Luggage wrapping|| 700.00|| 10.43||
||Flight check-in charges|| 3200.00|| 47.69||
||KL bus transport|| 186.21|| 2.77||
||Total expenses|| '''91026.21'''|| '''1,356.57'''||
||PayPal transfer fees|| -|| 39.64||
||'''Total'''|| -|| '''1396.21'''||

== Additional information ==

Media requests are tracked here
- https://ethercalc.org/f24-dvd-apac
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/229

Hello Izhar,

Please process this at the earliest as it's significant amount blocked for me.

Thank you.

Hello Izhar,

There has been a little mistake on my side in doing above calculations. It has resulted in me receiving significantly lesser amount(~5000) in last two(#241, #251) reimbursements. Given below is a difference in amount spent and amount received.

Please see the file '''paypal-transaction.pdf''' attached herein.

||= Object =||= Amount spent('''INR''') =||= Amount received('''INR''') =||= Difference('''INR''') =||
||Expense in ticket #241|| 18,476.91|| 17,784.52|| 692.39||
||Expense in ticket #251|| 91,026.21|| 86,644.33|| 4381.88||
||'''Total'''|| '''1,09,503.12'''|| '''1,04,428.85'''|| '''5,074.27'''||

This difference is because
- I computed PayPal fee at rate 2.9%, whereas it is at rate 4.4%
- I converted USD->INR at rate Rs 67/USD, whereas it happened at rate about Rs ~64.5/USD.

I'd really appreciate if you could reimburse the balance amount.

||= Object =||= Amount('''INR''') =||= Amount('''USD''') =||
||Balance due|| 5,074.27|| 78.67||
||PayPal fee @ 4.4%|| 223.27|| 3.47||
||'''Total'''|| '''5,297.54'''|| '''82.14'''||

[*] USD to INR conversion at rate Rs. 64.5/USD.

Thank you.


can you also attach the receipts that contains the details of the transaction fee?. I'll need that to process this.

Hello Izhar,

Replying to [comment:6 izhar]:

can you also attach the receipts that contains the details
of the transaction fee?. I'll need that to process this.
Yes, I've attached it here already, please see 'paypal-transaction.pdf​' above.

Thank you.

hmm .. not sure if that format (screenshot) for receipt is going to be accepted ... for ticket #241, the transaction have already been added with 4% transaction fee as per our standard reimbursement calculation. So I can't cover that one.

I did not recalculate this one as you've added the fee in the request. Anyway, can you do this?.

on paypal, click on the transaction and print the details, highlight the transaction fee, attach that pdf.


also, write a note beside the highlighted transaction fee on the printed details, the amount that should be topped up.

2.9% fee = <x>
4% fee = <y>
balance = <y-x>

take note that unless there is a change documented in meeting, our agreed upon calculation for transaction fee is 4%.

||= Ticket =||= Amount spent '''INR (USD)''' =||= Amount reimbursed '''INR (USD)''' =||
||Expense in ticket #241||18,476.91 ( $276.47, @ Rs 66.83/USD)||17,784.52 ( $274.57, @ Rs 64.77/USD)||
||Expense in ticket #251||91,026.21 ($1,356.57, @ Rs 67.10/USD)||86,644.33 ($1,334.48, @ Rs 64.93/USD)||
||Total || '''1,09,503.12'''|| '''1,04,428.85'''||

Amount due for reimbursement('''INR'''): 1,09,503.12 - 1,04,428.85 => '''5074.27'''

Hello Izhar,

Please see these files attached here:
* apac-ticket-241-conversion-details.pdf​

Thank you.


I think this one too needs your approval?

Thank you.

I have resolved this while working with #263

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue assigned to izhar
- Issue tagged with: for, ready, reimbursement

7 years ago

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