#25 Booth on Apache bar camp, Kandy
Closed: Invalid None Opened 12 years ago by bckurera.

Booth space for Fedora in Apache bar camp, kandy. Please refer to the event page for more info.

Sponsorship amount : USD 40 (LKR 5,000/=)


This ticket was discussed in the weekly apac meeting on May 5 and approved. Harish, the last word lies with you as our CommArch in-charge :) Please take a look at the event page and reimburse bckurera if all is OK.

Amount approved = $40

Bckurera has been asked to update the wiki page with event reports ASAP. In the future, please file the ticket and have it approved before the event :)

Ankur on behalf of APAC

Thanks for the understanding and support.
If it is a urgent matter we need to make a decision. Since this is below USD 100 I take the risk. Because the organizers made the request before 3 days for the event. Soon I created a ticket but since there is no meeting around I waited to get it approved. Since our main idea is to facilitate FAms I believe we need to encourage them in such cases. As I can remember the same happens last year for Ask(Nepal). But there should be a guideline otherwise it would be a mess. (Earlier for expenses below USD 100 required no approval only receipts would be find. But since we are standardizing the processes we need to address it as well.)

Please change the ownership after uploading receipts to the trac. Then harish can make the payment. Receipts should be on the ticket attached before the payment.

I am removing the 'meeting' keyword since the request is approved. Please attach the receipts here and contact Harish for the reimbursement.

If you want to discuss this ticket again in APAC meetings please add the 'meeting' keyword.

Any updates on this? I don't see any receipts.

any updates on this? or it should be closed?

No response for two weeks. Should this be closed?

I have paid for this with my own money and no need of reimbursements. The amount is LKR 5000.00

Metadata Update from @bckurera:
- Issue assigned to harishpillay

7 years ago

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