#241 Travel subsidy for FAD APAC KL 2016 for pjp
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by pjp.

== Details ==
Event wiki page: ​https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_KualaLumpur_2016

FAS: pjp

Event owner FAS: izhar

Pay Pal address: pj DOT pandit AT yahoo DOT co DOT in

== Requirements ==

||= Object =||= Price in INR =||= Price in USD =||
||Flight Delhi - KL -Delhi|| 15,757.00|| 235.75||
||'''Total'''|| '''15,757.00'''|| '''235.75'''||

== Additional information ==

||= Object =||= Price in INR =||= Price in USD =||
||Flight Delhi - KL - Delhi|| 15,757.00|| 235.75$||
||Visa fees || 2,719.91|| 40.72$||
||'''Total'''|| '''18,476.91'''|| '''276.47$'''||

(Including visa fees)


ticket is approved now as per 11th june meeting. Please hold on flight ticket yet as we need to wait for council approval.

Hello Izhar,

Could you please reimburse this ticket sooner? I'd need funds for the upcoming expenses for media/swag production and dispatch next week.

Thank you.


Do you have the receipt for your Visa?

Email acknowledgement for the evisa processing fees receipt.

Replying to [comment:7 izhar]:

Do you have the receipt for your Visa?

Yes, they sent an email acknowledgement for it. Please see it attached above.

Thank you.


I remember you reopened this as the transaction fee you calculated was wrong, can send the summary of the transaction and how much still needed?

oh wait, wrong ticket, this one should have been closed

Metadata Update from @izhar:
- Issue assigned to izhar
- Issue tagged with: approved, for, ready, reimbursement

7 years ago

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