== Details == Event wiki page:
FAS: pranvk
Event owner FAS:
Pay Pal address: pranav913 AT gmail DOT com
== Requirements ==
||= Object =||= Price in local currency =||= Price in USD =|| ||Travel|| 2000|| 30$|| ||Accommodation|| 3000|| 45$|| ||'''Total'''|| '''5000'''|| '''75$'''||
== Additional information ==
Would be managing the fedora booth at the event.
To minimize the accommodation cost I would do a taxi from the event venue to my friends place in Gurgaon, so accommodation receipts would be in form of taxi receipt :-) , and it is supposed to be much lower than staying at a hotel nearby. :-)
This is an upper bound on the cost estimation. I suspect it would be lower than this, and I would anyway reproduce the necessary receipts for funding.
Please add travel details: ie source -> destination, and mode of travel.
Thank you.
+1 please make Accommodation cost Zero and increase travel cost.
+1 for travel expense, no accommodation, as discussed in today's meeting.[[br]] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/H7XR5OKLGW3CMJJ4WDTFX3FNCHKWI7YW/
Source - Chandigarh
Destination - New Delhi
Mode of travel - By bus
'''Travel for accomodation:'''
Source - Venue (MRIU, Faridabad)
Destination - Gurgaon
Replying to [comment:3 pjp]:
Do you mean that I am to move the accommodation cost to 'travel' section as pravins said, and then it would be sponsored ? Or do you mean that amount for travel from Chandigarh to Venue is sponsored, and rest should be taken care of myself.
(Tried to look at the meeting logs, but looks like mote doesn't like a ' in name - https://github.com/fedora-infra/mote/issues/96 )
Hello Pranav,
Replying to [comment:4 pranvk]:
Source - Chandigarh Destination - New Delhi Mode of travel - By bus '''Travel for accomodation:''' Source - Venue (MRIU, Faridabad) Destination - Gurgaon
Since you plan to stay with friends, that accommodation cost could not be reimbursed. But travel from Chandigarh -> Delhi -> Chandigarh and Local taxi expenses would be accommodated under 'Travel' expenses, which are approved as per due receipts.
Considering above travel estimates, all should come under USD $50/- I guess?
So, I got an awesome deal ever with a room near the venue plus I am sharing this room with a friend who is also coming for the event, so total accommodation cost now ~$23 for me for 3 nights :-) This is anyways more cost effective and more comfortable, so I would go ahead with it.
Please reconsider this ticket for following redistribution in travel and accommodation.
||= Object =||= Price in local currency =||= Price in USD =|| ||Travel|| 2000|| 30$|| ||Accommodation|| 1500|| 23$|| ||'''Total'''|| '''3500'''|| '''53$'''||
Since, the costs have not exceeded the previous estimation, I hope this reconsideration of ticket is not a problem. Sorry for the last minute changes to this ticket.
Replying to [comment:6 pranvk]:
So, I got an awesome deal ever with a room near the venue plus I am sharing this room with a friend who is also coming for the event, [[br]] Is he/she also a Fedora contributor?[[br]][[br]] ||= Object =||= Price in local currency =||= Price in USD =|| ||Travel|| 2000|| 30$|| ||Accommodation|| 1500|| 23$|| ||'''Total'''|| '''3500'''|| '''53$'''|| Since, the costs have not exceeded the previous estimation, I hope this reconsideration of ticket is not a problem. Sorry for the last minute changes to this ticket. [[br]] +1
So, I got an awesome deal ever with a room near the venue plus I am sharing this room with a friend who is also coming for the event, [[br]] Is he/she also a Fedora contributor?[[br]][[br]]
Since, the costs have not exceeded the previous estimation, I hope this reconsideration of ticket is not a problem. Sorry for the last minute changes to this ticket. [[br]] +1
Thank you. (Please attache due receipts here once you have them.)
Yes, he's a fedora gsoc 2015, and gnome gsoc 2014.
attachment pranavKantReceipts.zip
I have summarised the cost in a file named 'final cost summary.ods' inside attached zip file.
Total requested funds = $50
Thank you so much for coming in and hosting the Fedora booth at Gnome.Asia Summit 2016. Thank you for sharing the due receipts. Please add a link to your blog/report about your experiences and learning from the event.
Thank you! :)
Blog post: https://pranavk.github.io/open-source/fedora-gnomeasia
Hello Izhar,
USD 52 have just been transferred to your account for reimbursement of APAC ticket #235. (Reimbursement: USD 50, Transaction Fee: USD 2, Transfer Calculation: TXAMT=AMT*1.04). Thanks for your contribution to Fedora Project!
attachment paypal-transaction-details.pdf
Metadata Update from @izhar: - Issue assigned to izhar - Issue tagged with: for, ready, reimbursement
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