#230 Travel sponsorship for Rootconf in Bangalore
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by kushal.

== Details ==
Event wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Rootconf_2016

FAS: kushal

Event owner FAS:

Pay Pal address: kushaldas@gmail.com

== Requirements ==

||= Object =||= Price in local currency =||= Price in USD =||

||'''Total'''|| '''120'''|| '''120$'''||

== Additional information ==

I am a speaker in the event.

+1, provided Kushal spends non-speaking time at the Fedora booth. :)

+1. Having Kushal would be very helpful and his talk is relevant to Fedora Cloud.

+1 as well. Met with Kushal before, he's a fantastic speaker and contributor. I'm sure he would be happy to help out with the booth.

I think the actual usage of the money should also be filed on this ticket(travel from where to Bangalore?).

Final ticket details:

Pune - Bangalore: 14/04/2016
Bangalore - Pune: 15/04/2016

Due to Friday night flight ticket price increase, the cost of the ticket became
Rs. 14,086, which is almost $100 more than the original request. I am requesting
to revisit this ticket, and grant the total subsidy amount.

Replying to [comment:6 kushal]:

Final ticket details:

Pune - Bangalore: 14/04/2016
Bangalore - Pune: 15/04/2016

Due to Friday night flight ticket price increase, the cost of the ticket became
Rs. 14,086, which is almost $100 more than the original request. I am requesting
to revisit this ticket, and grant the total subsidy amount.

Didn't you book this ticket 2 weeks ago? How did the price increase?

If the budget allows, I am +1 for the total subsidy.

Replying to [comment:7 pjp]:

Replying to [comment:6 kushal]:

Final ticket details:

Pune - Bangalore: 14/04/2016
Bangalore - Pune: 15/04/2016

Due to Friday night flight ticket price increase, the cost of the ticket became
Rs. 14,086, which is almost $100 more than the original request. I am requesting
to revisit this ticket, and grant the total subsidy amount.

Didn't you book this ticket 2 weeks ago? How did the price increase?

The first plan was to stay back in Bangalore over the weekend, but while buying ticket I figured out that I had to go/come back only for the conference days. Having a Friday flight
from Bangalore was not cheap (that only caused the price hike).

+1 for total subsidy if we have budget.

Total subsidy: $120 + $100 => $220/-

+1, As discussed in today's meeting[*], approved subject to availability of event funds.

Note:- We need to better plan our travel to avoid such a loss.[[br]]
[*] https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-04-29/apac_2016-04-29.2016-04-29-05.00.log.html

Any update on this? The financial quarter is going to end soon.

Paypal address: kushaldas@gmail.com

hi.. i'll reimburse this over the weekend

Hello, any update on this please?

One more week is passed.

One more week is gone.

This is future calling. Any chance of getting an update here?


Sorry my card was short on balance after FAD spendings .. considering already submit report on statement last Monday it should have some balance now ..

I'll get this done as soon as I got back from outstation tonight

Please nudge me at +60172792765 on telegram / WhatsApp in case I missed this

hi ..

i see 120USD and 220USD here .. which one is the final amount?

pjp confirmed its USD220

USD 228.80 have just been transferred to your account for reimbursement of APAC ticket #230. (Reimbursement: USD 220, Transaction Fee: USD 8.80, Transfer Calculation: TXAMT=AMT*1.04). Thanks for your contribution to Fedora Project!

Metadata Update from @izhar:
- Issue assigned to izhar
- Issue tagged with: for, ready, reimbursement

7 years ago

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