#219 Budget approval request to attend Yangon BarCamp + Translation workshop @ Myanmar
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by pravins.

== Details ==
Event wiki page:

FAS: pravins

Event owner FAS: Orcakrilozona, pravins

Pay Pal address: pravin DOT d DOT s AT gmail DOT com

== Requirements ==

||= Object =||= Price in local currency =||= Price in USD =||
||Air Fare|| ₹36,374 || 551.00$||
||VISA|| -- || 50.00$||
||'''Total'''|| '''--'''|| '''601.00$'''||

== Additional information ==

In [https://www.techinasia.com/worlds-largest-barcamp-myanmar/ BarCamp] i am planning to talk on
"Fedora Globalization"
"Unicode Vs Zawgyi"

This ticket has been approved with 5 "+" votes during bi-weekly APAC Ambassadors meeting. [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-01-02/apac_ambassadors.2016-01-02-04.24.html Meeting minutes]

I have already booked my ticket and paid for VISA. Anything more required here?


Reimbursement amount:
Air fare: INR 33,905 = $501 (1USD = 67.64) Airticket invoice attached
VISA : $50 (VISA amount and invoice number attached)
* '''Total = $551'''

paypal id given in ticket info. Let me know if any more information required.

Metadata Update from @pravins:
- Issue assigned to izhar
- Issue tagged with: , approved, for, ready, reimbursement

7 years ago

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Attachments 3