#199 Funding request for Flock 2015 Pravins
Closed: Invalid None Opened 9 years ago by pravins.

== Details ==
Event wiki page:
Not wiki page created yet.
Event page: https://flocktofedora.com/
FAS: pravins

Event owner FAS:

Pay Pal address: pravin.d.s@gmail.com

== Requirements ==

||= Object =||= Price in local currency =||= Price in USD =||
||Travel|| 90000.00|| 1428.00$||
||'''Total'''|| '''90000.00'''|| '''1428.00$'''||

== Additional information ==

  1. My Talk on "Audit of default fonts in Fedora" has been selected.
  2. Wanted to participated in Ambassador talks and discussions.
  3. Fedora Marketing is still not that much APAC focused, going to discuss what we can do for that.

Tickets rates are around $1700 now, dropping my plan to attend conference.

Reopening as there is some chance to get funding as discussed in todays meeting.

AGREED: Approved to support tickets #196, #197, #199; the amount is $350 for each of thee, $500 for each of two (if one refuse partially subsidy) and $1,000 for one (if two refuse)


I did not able to make flock 2015. Closing please give provide allocated subsidy to one who able to made it.

Thanks for the update Pravin. Closing this ticket.

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