#145 Attempting to add users and groups using sss utils with provider = files needs better error message
Closed: Invalid None Opened 14 years ago by jgalipea.


With domain provider = files as SSSD BE, attempting to add a user and/or group using sss utilities results in cryptic error message: [[BR]] [[BR]]

Cannot get domain info[[BR]] [[BR]]

Would like to see a message that explicitly identifies the problem, like "Operation not allowed with this Domain"

Fields changed

priority: major => minor
version: 0.5.0 => master

Well, in multiple-domain configurations, that message would still be confusing. I'd suggest something like "No local domain configured" instead.

We decided to remove the feature altogether as per #167, closing

doc: => 0
docupdated: => 0
resolution: => wontfix
status: new => closed
tests: => 0
testsupdated: => 0

You can still attempt to do this, and the error message needs to be better ...

200|1 5 16:10:49|TP Start
520|1 5 18700 1 1|START sssd_files_004: Attempt to add User with SSS Tools
520|1 5 18700 1 2|Working on jennyv2.bos.redhat.com
520|1 5 18700 1 3|ERROR: Unexpected Error message.  Got: Error initializing the tools  Expected: Operation not allowed
520|1 5 18700 1 4|Trac issue 145
520|1 5 18700 1 5|TestCaseResult sssd_files_004 FAIL
520|1 5 18700 1 6|END sssd_files_004
220|1 5 1 16:10:50|FAIL
200|1 6 16:10:50|TP Start
520|1 6 18700 1 1|START sssd_files_005: Attempt to add Group with SSS Tools
520|1 6 18700 1 2|Working on jennyv2.bos.redhat.com
520|1 6 18700 1 3|ERROR: Unexpected Error message.  Got: Error initializing the tools  Expected: Operation not allowed
520|1 6 18700 1 4|Trac issue 145
520|1 6 18700 1 5|TestCaseResult sssd_files_005 FAIL
520|1 6 18700 1 6|END sssd_files_005
220|1 6 1 16:10:50|FAIL

I just put expecting "Operation not allowed" , but I'm sure you can come up with something better.

resolution: wontfix =>
status: closed => reopened

Fields changed

owner: somebody => jhrozek
status: reopened => new

Moving the target to RC - all tools bugs should be fixed by RC to have the strings in place for translators.

milestone: SSSD 1.0 => SSSD 1.0 RC

This issue is no longer valid. SSSD should not start with invalid provider, which is being tracked in ticket #233.

resolution: => invalid
status: new => closed

Fields changed

rhbz: => 0

Metadata Update from @jgalipea:
- Issue assigned to jhrozek
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.0 RC

7 years ago

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- https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/issues/1187

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