What the badge should be granted for: Organize the Fedora booth for FLISOL Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): You marketed Fedora at FLISOL. Anything else we need to know: FLISOL is an anual LATAM event in "install fest" format. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLISOL
Replying to [ticket:238 mayorga]:
It is good idea to to motivate the users of the local community
Artwork => Proposed
Flisol is the main event for FLOSS instalation in Latam, good idea the badge.
This must be awared by hand to those ambassadors than report a Flisol Event :)
Wow, that's beautiful. I'll leave it to another design team member to actually review/critique the art though.
As for how this badge should work -- mayorga suggested that it be awarded to those who 'organize the Fedora booth at flisol'. But other similar badges like the fosdem attendee one - https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fosdem-2014-attendee - are for anyone who 'visits the fedora booth at flisol'.
The way this would work is that we would create a poster with a special URL and a QRcode so that anyone who visits the fedora booth can visit that link or scan the qrcode and be awarded the badge. Does that sound okay to you?
Thinking about it now.. we should probably add a year to the badge. FLISOL-2014-attendee, FLISOL-2015-attendee, etc...
Replying to [comment:5 ralph]:
Wow, that's beautiful. I'll leave it to another design team member to actually review/critique the art though. As for how this badge should work -- mayorga suggested that it be awarded to those who 'organize the Fedora booth at flisol'. But other similar badges like the fosdem attendee one - https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fosdem-2014-attendee - are for anyone who 'visits the fedora booth at flisol'. The way this would work is that we would create a poster with a special URL and a QRcode so that anyone who visits the fedora booth can visit that link or scan the qrcode and be awarded the badge. Does that sound okay to you? Thinking about it now.. we should probably add a year to the badge. FLISOL-2014-attendee, FLISOL-2015-attendee, etc...
I will be nice to get this badge for any year we have a Flisol.
But Fisol has something especial: it is organised a many countries at the same time from Mexico to Argentina the same day, and many countries have multiple Flisol events in different cities.
You can see at the budget draft than there is many flisol events in many countries, so arundo 15 to 20 ambassadors will organice a Flisol Event at his country or city.
QR is a very nice idea, may be something like: Flisol Staff 2014 awared to ambassadors than organiced an event and Flisol Attende 2014 to people than visite the Fedora stand in a event, or just keet simple by a single badge awared using the QR Code :)
Will add the year to this badge.
Wow, that's beautiful. I'll leave it to another design team member to actually review/critique the art though. As for how this badge should work -- mayorga suggested that it be awarded to those who 'organize the Fedora booth at flisol'. But other similar badges like the fosdem attendee one - https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fosdem-2014-attendee - are for anyone who 'visits the fedora booth at flisol'. The way this would work is that we would create a poster with a special URL and a QRcode so that anyone who visits the fedora booth can visit that link or scan the qrcode and be awarded the badge. Does that sound okay to you?
Yes. We may have two: one for visiting the booth and another for organizing it (as for Flock there is one for attendees and another for speakers).
I disagree on this. This is a generic event with no focus in Fedora.
added year of the event flisol.svg
added year of the event <img alt="flisol.2.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/c18dc4c231dec70cbd9a3f47cdc81e6b15b6aa2547c0cc4b4431d8bd160bd50c-flisol.2.png" />
added year of the event <img alt="flisol.2.png" src="//issue/raw/files/c18dc4c231dec70cbd9a3f47cdc81e6b15b6aa2547c0cc4b4431d8bd160bd50c-flisol.2.png" />
attachment <img alt="flisol.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/c18dc4c231dec70cbd9a3f47cdc81e6b15b6aa2547c0cc4b4431d8bd160bd50c-flisol.png" />
attachment <img alt="flisol.png" src="//issue/raw/files/c18dc4c231dec70cbd9a3f47cdc81e6b15b6aa2547c0cc4b4431d8bd160bd50c-flisol.png" />
Think this could be awared manually to those ambassador than report a valid Flisol 2014 event, or open a ticket in fedora-latam track for flisol, mayoga can take care about that :)
The QR code to award this badge is a very nice idea, added the year of the event :)
I really love the art!
And yeah, I'm able to handle this badge. Now just let's wait for someone from Desing to review your artwork.
I made a few quick revisions to your FLISOL attendee badge to help fit the Fedora Badges style. (examples of previous attendee badges: [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/devconf-attendee], [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/flock-2013-attendee])
attachment <img alt="logo-flisol.jpg" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/813a638fc8c7a7d054cef53687e1c90236613685cbe3fdbaf1cc24031ba054dc-logo-flisol.jpg" />
attachment <img alt="logo-flisol.jpg" src="//issue/raw/files/813a638fc8c7a7d054cef53687e1c90236613685cbe3fdbaf1cc24031ba054dc-logo-flisol.jpg" />
I know than you are doing a great effort to standardize the art of badges, but the ring is part of the official logo of Flisol, is part of the visual identity of the evento, removing rim would be like removing the blue bubble in the Fedora logo
Local events can make some changes to the logo but keep al the elemts on it.
I think that is good to respect the visual identity of the events, not only to accommodate the logo to acomodate this to match a color palette, it is somethink like to use the Fedora Logo without the blue buble around the infinity.
It is becoming very rigid to contribute with art for badges and this is not funny :(
Here don't said than event badges must have a gray background, just say than ring must be violet and show some examples, presenter example don't macht Flock a DebCon.CH backgrounds
In #25 there is only the logo for the event with a wihte background
So can be a gray background but don't remove the around the map
attachment flisol_2014.svg
I added in another version with the ring- it looks good to me, what do you think?
I am sorry about removing the circle, that was totally my bad! Badge making should be fun, my apologies for any misunderstandings.
Also- you should feel free to take my SVG and work on it too :) I like to collaborate.
Replying to [comment:14 riecatnor]:
I added in another version with the ring- it looks good to me, what do you think? I am sorry about removing the circle, that was totally my bad! Badge making should be fun, my apologies for any misunderstandings. Also- you should feel free to take my SVG and work on it too :) I like to collaborate.
Thank, I was not a my home so I did not have acces to the source SVG, thank riecatnor, now I know than events badges must be with violet ring and grey background, so I hope I will can help with badges for events in Latam :)
Than you, do you think than whitn this one all is on o I will need to make any changes to this one?
It is everthing is OK this badge is ready to push :) Flisol will be at Apr 26th and they will be at least 50 FOSS events from Mexico to Argentina promoting FOSS and instalations and Fedora Community always make a great job to promote Fedora in Flisol :)
Hi! Re: the mockup in comment 15 - I think the FLISOL logo is a bit too detailed to work at that size in the booth badge. Also, remember that the badges display much smaller on badges.fedoraproject.org! So the problem will be way worse on the site. :-/
Could you consider some alternative way of representing the booth manager for the FLISOL booth? Perhaps take the panda ambassador and have him stand just in front of the FLISOL logo, and make the logo much bigger like in the attendee badge design so it's readable at the badge size?
attachment <img alt="flisol_2014.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/e35a645ddbcd7e353d6751c266f176f3b168f8df4591b112a96c85cf81277244-flisol_2014.png" />
attachment <img alt="flisol_2014.png" src="//issue/raw/files/e35a645ddbcd7e353d6751c266f176f3b168f8df4591b112a96c85cf81277244-flisol_2014.png" />
attachment flisol_2014.2.svg
This will be the ten aniversary, so the logo will have a colorfull background, so I added the logo lo riecatnor badge, and updated the organicer badge.
Hope artwork is ok, note the ambassdor panda is in a table because most of Fedora contributor help with Fedora Stands in Flisol Events
I can appreciate the idea that we will miss details when is rendered at a smaller scale. This samples at #17 comment looks good at small size. I will go with those.
attachment flisol-organiser.svg
attachment <img alt="flisol-organiser.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/1c7ad0e6d0e6c999ec3c0ccb2e5e7062a1f9ceb8890c949d472dab25d5accff6-flisol-organiser.png" />
attachment <img alt="flisol-organiser.png" src="//issue/raw/files/1c7ad0e6d0e6c999ec3c0ccb2e5e7062a1f9ceb8890c949d472dab25d5accff6-flisol-organiser.png" />
Thanks duffy :)
Who should be in charge of administering the badge?
I would be pleased to be responsible for awarding this. :)
Replying to [comment:22 mayorga]:
Thanks mayorga :)
Think this badge is ready _0/
Done! You should be all set up.
If you visit:
..you should see new buttons allowing you to create new invitations and award the badge directly to people.
To create a QR code - create an invitation with an appropriate expiration date (the qrcode stops working after the expiration date and there is no way to renew it, I usually set the expiration date for 1 or 2 days after the event is scheduled to end). Once you have created the invitation, you should see it on your user profile. There will be a 'claim' link and a 'qrcode' link. When someone scans the qrcode, their phone is just redirected to the 'claim' link. Anyone who visits the 'claim' link will get the badge -- so keep it relatively secret.
Let me know if you have any questions or get stuck or anything.. and best of luck with FLISOL! Cheers!
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