#25 Fudcon Cusco Badge
Closed: Pushed None Opened 11 years ago by echevemaster.

Hi there, If possible i'd like to have one badge for the attendees and one badge for speakers to Fudcon Cusco 2013, Let me know if you agree

please, one badge and the qr-code.

please, one badge and the qr-code.

Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.

Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.

just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.

just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.

This is manually awarded, so it doesn't need any yaml definition. I'm setting that half of the process to "Approved".

This is manually awarded, so it doesn't need any yaml definition. I'm setting that half of the process to "Approved".

tatica for me works, @threebean any additional process for approve this?

Thanks to both

tatica for me works, @threebean any additional process for approve this?

Thanks to both

Ah, one thing we need is a .svg of the badge in addition to the .png.

We like to keep them around in case we need to make a tweak later and also so that other badge makers can take content from pre-existing badges and remix/reuse it to make new badges.

tatica, can you provide the .svg?

Ah, one thing we need is a .svg of the badge in addition to the .png.

We like to keep them around in case we need to make a tweak later and also so that other badge makers can take content from pre-existing badges and remix/reuse it to make new badges.

tatica, can you provide the .svg?

echevemaster: we need another member of the design team to approve the artwork - mizmo might be able to take a look at it. But like Ralph says, we also want svg for all badges.

echevemaster: we need another member of the design team to approve the artwork - mizmo might be able to take a look at it. But like Ralph says, we also want svg for all badges.

Another note: once this is all approved and in.. I'll create a link for you to a qrcode that people can scan to accept the badge. If you need a direct invite link, I can get you that too, but try to keep them secret so that people who didn't actually attend fudcon cusco don't get it erroneously.

Another note: once this is all approved and in.. I'll create a link for you to a qrcode that people can scan to accept the badge. If you need a direct invite link, I can get you that too, but try to keep them secret so that people who didn't actually attend fudcon cusco don't get it erroneously.

Thanks @adamwill for the clarification

Due to the file size I can't upload like attachment, here you go from my fedorapeople space


Thanks @adamwill for the clarification

Due to the file size I can't upload like attachment, here you go from my fedorapeople space


Ah, just realized that the color band around the outside of the badge is wrong. It should be purple like the Flock badge (we're using purple to indicate "event" badges): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/flock-2013-attendee

Mizmo has a blog post that describes the color scheme - http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2013/07/23/fedora-badgers/

Ah, just realized that the color band around the outside of the badge is wrong. It should be purple like the Flock badge (we're using purple to indicate "event" badges): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/flock-2013-attendee

Mizmo has a blog post that describes the color scheme - http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2013/07/23/fedora-badgers/

hey the badge looks great! it just needs a purple ring because we use purple ring badges for event badges. attaching a fix.


hey the badge looks great! it just needs a purple ring because we use purple ring badges for event badges. attaching a fix.


(i have the SVG source for the correction in the master badge-template svg)

(i have the SVG source for the correction in the master badge-template svg)

Pushed! https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fudcon-cusco

echevemaster, let's coordinate about distributing the qrcode once it gets closer to the conference.

Pushed! https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fudcon-cusco

echevemaster, let's coordinate about distributing the qrcode once it gets closer to the conference.

I attended Fudcon-Cusco :) Please, if it is possible, i would like to have this badge. Thanks!

I attended Fudcon-Cusco :) Please, if it is possible, i would like to have this badge. Thanks!

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Attachments 4
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Attached 11 years ago View Comment