#94 silverblue: Blacklist `setuptool`
Merged 5 years ago by walters. Opened 5 years ago by walters.
walters/workstation-ostree-config setuptool  into  master

silverblue: Blacklist `setuptool`
Colin Walters • 5 years ago  
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ 

      # Why?

      - ncurses

      - mailcap

+     # This seems like some weird legacy thing, it also

+     # drags in usermode, which should also be deprecated

+     # and blocks a /usr/sbin + /usr/bin unification.

+     - setuptool

      # Really?

      - tcp_wrappers

      # This probably doesn't need to be default

@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ 




-         "setuptool",




At some point I want to add a usr_bin_sbin_unification: true
option or so to rpm-ostree, and having usermode blocks that.

Also this is a weird legacy Red Hat-ism tool.

Eh, just merging this.

Pull-Request has been merged by walters

5 years ago

or.. you could ping someone in the silverblue team to ask for a review

the silverblue team

Who is that? I know there's a meeting but that set of people don't seem to review PRs.

the silverblue team

Who is that? I know there's a meeting but that set of people don't seem to review PRs.

yes. that is a problem, if we don't let them know it's a problem then this thing will never work. My belief is that core silverblue team members need to know the releng side of things.