#88 waiverdb CLI for creating new waivers
Merged 6 years ago by mjia. Opened 6 years ago by mjia.
mjia/waiverdb cli2  into  master

file modified
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ 

  recursive-include systemd *

  recursive-include conf *

  exclude conf/settings.py

+ exclude conf/client.conf

  recursive-include docs *.py *.rst *.inv Makefile

file modified
+26 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 

  # WaiverDB


- WaiverDB is a companion service to 

- [ResultsDB](https://pagure.io/taskotron/resultsdb), for recording waivers 

+ WaiverDB is a companion service to

+ [ResultsDB](https://pagure.io/taskotron/resultsdb), for recording waivers

  against test results.


  ## Quick development setup
@@ -48,3 +48,27 @@ 


      $ fedmsg-relay --config-filename fedmsg.d/config.py &

      $ fedmsg-tail --config fedmsg.d/config.py --no-validate --really-pretty


+ ### WaiverDB CLI

+ WaiverDB has a command-line client interface for creating new waivers against test

+ results. A sample configuration is installed as ``/usr/share/doc/waiverdb/client.conf.example``.

+ Copy it to ``/etc/waiverdb/client.conf`` and edit it there. Or you can use ``--config-file``

+ to specify one.

+ ```

+ Usage: waiverdb-cli [OPTIONS]


+   Creates new waivers against test results.


+   Examples:


+       waiverdb-cli -r 123 -r 456 -p "fedora-26" -c "It's dead!"


+ Options:

+   -C, --config-file PATH      Specify a config file to use

+   -r, --result-id INTEGER     Specify one or more results to be waived

+   -p, --product-version TEXT  Specify one of PDC's product version

+                               identifiers.

+   --waived / --no-waived      Whether or not the result is waived

+   -c, --comment TEXT          A comment explaining why the result is waived

+   -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

+ ```

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ 

+ [waiverdb]

+ # Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=https://waiverdb-web-waiverdb.app.os.stg.fedoraproject.org/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+ oidc_client_id=waiverdb-authorizer

+ oidc_client_secret=notsecret

+ oidc_scopes=

+     openid

+     https://waiverdb.fedoraproject.org/oidc/create-waiver

file modified
+7 -1
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  # This is a list of pypi packages to be installed into virtualenv. Alternatively,

- # you can install these as RPMs instead of pypi packages. 

+ # you can install these as RPMs instead of pypi packages.



@@ -19,3 +19,9 @@ 

  # Documentation requirements




+ # CLI

+ click

+ configparser

+ openidc-client

+ requests-kerberos

file modified
@@ -36,4 +36,7 @@ 


        packages=['waiverdb', 'waiverdb.models'],

        package_dir={'waiverdb': 'waiverdb'},

+       entry_points={

+           'console_scripts': ['waiverdb-cli=waiverdb.cli:cli'],

+       },


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ 

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+

+ import pytest

+ import json

+ from mock import Mock, patch

+ from click.testing import CliRunner

+ from waiverdb.cli import cli as waiverdb_cli



+ def test_misconfigured_auth_method(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath]

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: The config option "auth_method" is required\n'



+ def test_misconfigured_api_url(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath]

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: The config option "api_url" is required\n'



+ def test_misconfigured_oidc_id_provider(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath]

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: The config option "oidc_id_provider" is required\n'



+ def test_misconfigured_oidc_client_id(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath]

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: The config option "oidc_client_id" is required\n'



+ def test_misconfigured_oidc_scopes(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+ oidc_client_id=waiverdb

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath]

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: The config option "oidc_scopes" is required\n'



+ def test_no_product_version(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+ oidc_client_id=waiverdb

+ oidc_scopes=

+     openid

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath]

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: Please specify product version\n'



+ def test_no_result_id(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+ oidc_client_id=waiverdb

+ oidc_scopes=

+     openid

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fedora-26']

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: Please specify one or more result ids to waive\n'



+ def test_oidc_auth_is_enabled(tmpdir):

+     # Skip if waiverdb is rebuilt for an environment where Kerberos authentication

+     # is used and python-openidc-client is not available.

+     pytest.importorskip('openidc_client')

+     with patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request') as mock_oidc_req:

+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {

+             "comment": "It's dead!",

+             "id": 15,

+             "product_version": "Parrot",

+             "result_id": 123,

+             "timestamp": "2017-010-16T17:42:04.209638",

+             "username": "foo",

+             "waived": True

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value = mock_rv

+         p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+         p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+ oidc_client_id=waiverdb

+ oidc_scopes=

+     openid

+             """)

+         runner = CliRunner()

+         args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'Parrot', '-r', 123, '-c', "It's dead!"]

+         result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+         exp_json = {

+             'result_id': 123,

+             'waived': True,

+             'product_version': 'Parrot',

+             'comment': "It's dead!"

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             url='http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0/waivers/',

+             data=json.dumps(exp_json),

+             scopes=['openid'],

+             timeout=60,

+             headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})

+         assert result.exit_code == 0

+         assert result.output == 'Created waiver 15 for result 123\n'



+ def test_kerberos_is_enabled(tmpdir):

+     # Skip if waiverdb is rebuilt for an environment where OIDC authentication

+     # is used and python-requests-kerberos is not available.

+     pytest.importorskip('requests_kerberos')

+     with patch('requests.request') as mock_request:

+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {

+             "comment": "It's dead!",

+             "id": 15,

+             "product_version": "Parrot",

+             "result_id": 123,

+             "timestamp": "2017-010-16T17:42:04.209638",

+             "username": "foo",

+             "waived": True

+         }

+         mock_request.return_value = mock_rv

+         p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+         p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=Kerberos

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+             """)

+         runner = CliRunner()

+         args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'Parrot', '-r', 123, '-c', "It's dead!"]

+         result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+         mock_request.assert_called_once()

+         assert result.output == 'Created waiver 15 for result 123\n'

file modified
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ 

  BuildRequires:  python2-pytest

  BuildRequires:  python2-mock

  BuildRequires:  python2-flask-oidc

+ BuildRequires:  python2-configparser

+ BuildRequires:  python2-click

  BuildRequires:  stomppy

  %else # EPEL7 uses python- naming

  BuildRequires:  python-setuptools
@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ 

  BuildRequires:  pytest

  BuildRequires:  python-mock

  BuildRequires:  python-flask-oidc

+ BuildRequires:  python-click

+ BuildRequires:  python-configparser

  BuildRequires:  stomppy


  BuildRequires:  fedmsg
@@ -59,6 +63,8 @@ 

  Requires:       python2-systemd

  Requires:       python2-mock

  Requires:       python2-flask-oidc

+ Requires:       python2-click

+ Requires:       python2-configparser

  Requires:       stomppy


  Requires:       python-flask
@@ -69,6 +75,8 @@ 

  Requires:       systemd-python

  Requires:       python-mock

  Requires:       python-flask-oidc

+ Requires:       python-click

+ Requires:       python-configparser

  Requires:       stomppy


  Requires:       fedmsg
@@ -106,6 +114,7 @@ 




+ %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/waiverdb-cli




file added
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ 

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+

+ """

+ CLI for creating new waivers against test results.

+ """

+ import click

+ import requests

+ import json

+ import configparser


+ requests_session = requests.Session()



+ def validate_config(config):

+     """

+     Validates the configuration needed for WaiverDB

+     :return: None or ClickException

+     """

+     # Verify that all necessary config options are set

+     config_error = ('The config option "{0}" is required')

+     if not config.has_option('waiverdb', 'auth_method'):

+         raise click.ClickException(config_error.format('auth_method'))

+     auth_method = config.get('waiverdb', 'auth_method')

+     if auth_method not in ['OIDC', 'Kerberos']:

+         raise click.ClickException('The WaiverDB authentication mechanism of '

+                                    '"{0}" is not supported'.format(auth_method))

+     required_configs = ['api_url']

+     if auth_method == 'OIDC':

+         required_configs.append('oidc_id_provider')

+         required_configs.append('oidc_client_id')

+         required_configs.append('oidc_scopes')

+     for required_config in required_configs:

+         if not config.has_option('waiverdb', required_config):

+             raise click.ClickException(config_error.format(required_config))



+ @click.command(context_settings={'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']})

+ @click.option('--config-file', '-C', default='/etc/waiverdb/client.conf',

+               type=click.Path(exists=True),

+               help='Specify a config file to use')

+ @click.option('--result-id', '-r', multiple=True, type=int,

+               help='Specify one or more results to be waived')

+ @click.option('--product-version', '-p',

+               help='Specify one of PDC\'s product version identifiers.')

+ @click.option('--waived/--no-waived', default=True,

+               help='Whether or not the result is waived')

+ @click.option('--comment', '-c',

+               help='A comment explaining why the result is waived')

+ def cli(comment, waived, product_version, result_id, config_file):

+     """

+     Creates new waivers against test results.


+     Examples:


+         waiverdb-cli -r 123 -r 456 -p "fedora-26" -c "It's dead!"


+     """

+     config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

+     config.read(config_file)

+     validate_config(config)


+     if not product_version:

+         raise click.ClickException('Please specify product version')

+     # This name makes more sense for the values of result_id, where as --result-id

+     # makes more sense from the cli perspective.

+     result_ids = result_id

+     if not result_ids:

+         raise click.ClickException('Please specify one or more result ids to waive')


+     auth_method = config.get('waiverdb', 'auth_method')

+     if auth_method == 'OIDC':

+         # Try to import this now so the user gets immediate feedback if

+         # it isn't installed

+         try:

+             import openidc_client  # noqa: F401

+         except ImportError:

+             raise click.ClickException('python-openidc-client needs to be installed')

+         # Get the auth token using the OpenID client.

+         oidc_client_secret = None

+         if config.has_option('waiverdb', 'oidc_client_secret'):

+             oidc_client_secret = config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_client_secret')

+         oidc = openidc_client.OpenIDCClient(

+             'waiverdb',

+             config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_id_provider'),

+             {'Token': 'Token', 'Authorization': 'Authorization'},

+             config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_client_id'),

+             oidc_client_secret)

+         for result_id in result_ids:

+             data = {

+                 'result_id': result_id,

+                 'waived': waived,

+                 'product_version': product_version,

+                 'comment': comment

+             }

+             api_url = config.get('waiverdb', 'api_url')

+             scopes = config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_scopes').strip().splitlines()

+             resp = oidc.send_request(

+                 scopes=scopes,

+                 url='{0}/waivers/'.format(api_url.rstrip('/')),

+                 data=json.dumps(data),

+                 headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},

+                 timeout=60)

+             if not resp.ok:

+                 try:

+                     error_msg = resp.json()['message']

+                 except (ValueError, KeyError):

+                     error_msg = resp.text

+                 raise click.ClickException(

+                     'Failed to create waiver for result {0}:\n{1}'

+                     .format(result_id, error_msg))

+             click.echo('Created waiver {0} for result {1}'.format(

+                 resp.json()['id'], result_id))

+     elif auth_method == 'Kerberos':

+         # Try to import this now so the user gets immediate feedback if

+         # it isn't installed

+         try:

+             import requests_kerberos  # noqa: F401

+         except ImportError:

+             raise click.ClickException('python-requests-kerberos needs to be installed')

+         auth = requests_kerberos.HTTPKerberosAuth(mutual_authentication=requests_kerberos.OPTIONAL)

+         for result_id in result_ids:

+             data = {

+                 'result_id': result_id,

+                 'waived': waived,

+                 'product_version': product_version,

+                 'comment': comment

+             }

+             api_url = config.get('waiverdb', 'api_url')

+             resp = requests.request('POST', '{0}/waivers/'.format(api_url.rstrip('/')),

+                                     data=json.dumps(data), auth=auth,

+                                     headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},

+                                     timeout=60)

+             if resp.status_code == 401:

+                 raise click.ClickException('WaiverDB authentication using Kerberos failed. '

+                                            'Make sure you have a valid Kerberos ticket.')

+             if not resp.ok:

+                 try:

+                     error_msg = resp.json()['message']

+                 except (ValueError, KeyError):

+                     error_msg = resp.text

+                 raise click.ClickException(

+                     'Failed to create waiver for result {0}:\n{1}'

+                     .format(result_id, error_msg))

+             click.echo('Created waiver {0} for result {1}'.format(

+                 resp.json()['id'], result_id))



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     cli()  # pylint: disable=E1120

This is to address #issue82.

Ah, for one, the comment in the value in the example conf messes things up when I copied it verbatim:

diff --git a/conf/client.conf.example b/conf/client.conf.example
index 91b6d7e..c22fa41 100644
--- a/conf/client.conf.example
+++ b/conf/client.conf.example
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-auth_method=OIDC # Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication
+# Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication

After a few more changes, I think this may work.

Try it on waiverdb staging. I get a new Internal Server Error there, but it is unrelated to the client.

diff --git a/conf/client.conf.example b/conf/client.conf.example
index 91b6d7e..f58bf4f 100644
--- a/conf/client.conf.example
+++ b/conf/client.conf.example
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-auth_method=OIDC # Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication
+# Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication
diff --git a/waiverdb/cli.py b/waiverdb/cli.py
index 8386c9b..022c648 100644
--- a/waiverdb/cli.py
+++ b/waiverdb/cli.py
@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@ def cli(comment, waived, product_version, result_id, config_file):
         {'Token': 'Token', 'Authorization': 'Authorization'},
         config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_client_id'),
+        scopes = config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_scopes').strip().splitlines()
+        try:
+            token = oidc.get_token(scopes, new_token=True)
+        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
+            raise
     for result_id in result_ids:
         data = {
         'result_id': result_id,
@@ -92,20 +98,21 @@ def cli(comment, waived, product_version, result_id, config_file):
         'comment': comment
         api_url = config.get('waiverdb', 'api_url')
-            scopes = config.get('waiverdb', 'oidc_scopes').strip().splitlines()
-            resp = oidc.send_request(
-                scopes=scopes,
+            resp = requests.post(
-                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
-                timeout=60)
+                timeout=60,
+                headers={
+                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+                    'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token,
+                })
         if not resp.ok:
             error_msg = resp.json()['message']
         except (ValueError, KeyError):
             error_msg = resp.text
         raise click.ClickException(
-                    'Faied to create waiver for result {0}:\n{1}'
+                    'Failed to create waiver for result {0}:\n{1}'
             .format(result_id, error_msg))
         click.echo('Created waiver {0} for result {1}'.format(
         resp.json()['id'], result_id))

Yeah - cool. With the above patch, I was able to submit a waiver to stg: https://waiverdb-web-waiverdb.app.os.stg.fedoraproject.org/api/v1.0/waivers/

@ralph, thanks for reviewing. I'm surprised to see that oidc.send_request(...) did not work. It should work since I'm following the same way as rhpkg


I'll dig it more.

You were right! I guess I got a little overzealous with my changes.

It seems the only really necessary parts were the oidc_client_id and oidc_client_secret. FWIW, the client secret really isn't a secret. It can be published publicly (for this waiverdb-authorizer/notsecret pair).

diff --git a/conf/client.conf.example b/conf/client.conf.example
index 91b6d7e..f58bf4f 100644
--- a/conf/client.conf.example
+++ b/conf/client.conf.example
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-auth_method=OIDC # Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication
+# Specify OIDC or Kerberos for authentication
diff --git a/waiverdb/cli.py b/waiverdb/cli.py
index 8386c9b..ab683ca 100644
--- a/waiverdb/cli.py
+++ b/waiverdb/cli.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def cli(comment, waived, product_version, result_id, config_file):
         except (ValueError, KeyError):
             error_msg = resp.text
         raise click.ClickException(
-                    'Faied to create waiver for result {0}:\n{1}'
+                    'Failed to create waiver for result {0}:\n{1}'
             .format(result_id, error_msg))
         click.echo('Created waiver {0} for result {1}'.format(
         resp.json()['id'], result_id))

Anyways, :+1: to merge from me with the above patch (the spelling fix and the conf change).

rebased onto 4cf193271a9392185de27372bdc6f4b20960e6ee

6 years ago

Rebased to address feedback and fix flake8 errors.

Hmm, it sucks that this oidc stuff makes you use a totally separate "Client" object, instead of just the normal requests.post() with an auth handler... :disappointed:

rebased onto 65863de

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mjia

6 years ago