#8 HTTP APIs for managing waivers
Merged 7 years ago by mjia. Opened 7 years ago by mjia.
mjia/waiverdb get_a_waiver  into  master

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+1 -1
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 


      $ DEV=true python runapp.py


- The server is now running at <http://localhost:5004> and aPI calls can be sent to

+ The server is now running at <http://localhost:5004> and API calls can be sent to

  <http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0>. All data is stored inside `/var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite`.


  ## Adjusting configuration

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@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ 


  import pytest

  import json

+ from .utils import create_waiver

+ import datetime


  def test_create_waiver(client, session):

      data = {
@@ -38,3 +40,126 @@ 

      res_data = json.loads(r.data)

      assert r.status_code == 400

      assert 'invalid literal for int()' in res_data['message']['result_id']


+ def test_get_waiver(client, session):

+     # create a new waiver

+     waiver = create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo',

+             product_version='foo-1', comment='bla bla bla')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/%s' % waiver.id)

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert res_data['username'] == waiver.username

+     assert res_data['result_id'] == waiver.result_id

+     assert res_data['product_version'] == waiver.product_version

+     assert res_data['waived'] == True

+     assert res_data['comment'] == waiver.comment


+ def test_404_for_nonexistent_waiver(client, session):

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/foo')

+     assert r.status_code == 404


+ def test_get_waivers(client, session):

+     for i in range(0,10):

+         create_waiver(session, result_id=i, username='foo %d' % i,

+                 product_version='foo-%d' % i, comment='bla bla bla')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 10


+ def test_pagination_waivers(client, session):

+     for i in range(0,10):

+         create_waiver(session, result_id=i, username='foo %d' % i,

+                 product_version='foo-%d' % i, comment='bla bla bla')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?page=2&limit=1')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert '/waivers/?limit=1&page=1' in res_data['prev']

+     assert '/waivers/?limit=1&page=3' in res_data['next']

+     assert '/waivers/?limit=1&page=1' in res_data['first']

+     assert '/waivers/?limit=1&page=10' in res_data['last']


+ def test_obsolete_waivers_are_excluded_by_default(client, session):

+     old_waiver = create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo',

+             product_version='foo-1')

+     new_waiver = create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo',

+             product_version='foo-1', waived=False)

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['id'] == new_waiver.id

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['waived'] == new_waiver.waived


+ def test_get_obsolete_waivers(client, session):

+     old_waiver = create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo',

+             product_version='foo-1')

+     new_waiver = create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo',

+             product_version='foo-1', waived=False)

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?include_obsolete=1')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 2

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['id'] ==  new_waiver.id

+     assert res_data['data'][1]['id'] ==  old_waiver.id


+ def test_filtering_waivers_by_result_id(client, session):

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo-1', product_version='foo-1')

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=234, username='foo-2', product_version='foo-1')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?result_id=123')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['result_id'] == 123


+ def test_filtering_waivers_by_product_version(client, session):

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo-1', product_version='release-1')

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=124, username='foo-1', product_version='release-2')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?product_version=release-1')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['product_version'] == 'release-1'


+ def test_filtering_waivers_by_username(client, session):

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo', product_version='foo-1')

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=124, username='bar', product_version='foo-2')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?username=foo')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['username'] == 'foo'


+ def test_filtering_waivers_by_since(client, session):

+     before1 = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)).isoformat()

+     before2 = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=99)).isoformat()

+     after = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)).isoformat()

+     create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo', product_version='foo-1')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?since=%s' % before1)

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['result_id'] == 123


+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?since=%s,%s' % (before1, after))

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 1

+     assert res_data['data'][0]['result_id'] == 123


+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?since=%s' % (after))

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 0


+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/?since=%s,%s' % (before1, before2))

+     res_data = json.loads(r.data)

+     assert r.status_code == 200

+     assert len(res_data['data']) == 0


+ def test_jsonp(client, session):

+     waiver = create_waiver(session, result_id=123, username='foo', product_version='foo-1')

+     r = client.get('/api/v1.0/waivers/%s?callback=jsonpcallback' % waiver.id)

+     assert r.mimetype == 'application/javascript'

+     assert 'jsonpcallback' in r.data

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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ 


+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ # GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #


+ from waiverdb.models import Waiver


+ def create_waiver(session, result_id, username, product_version, waived=True,

+     comment=None):

+     waiver = Waiver(result_id, username, product_version, waived, comment)

+     session.add(waiver)

+     session.flush()

+     return waiver

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+64 -17
@@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ 



  from flask import Blueprint

- from flask_restful import reqparse

- from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException

+ from flask_restful import Resource, Api, reqparse, marshal_with

+ from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException, BadRequest, NotFound

+ from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func


  from waiverdb.models import db, Waiver

- from waiverdb.utils import to_json

+ from waiverdb.utils import reqparse_since, json_collection, jsonp

+ from waiverdb.fields import waiver_fields


- api = Blueprint('api_v1', __name__)

+ api_v1 = (Blueprint('api_v1', __name__))

+ api = Api(api_v1)


  # RP contains request parsers (reqparse.RequestParser).

  #    Parsers are added in each 'resource section' for better readability
@@ -29,20 +32,64 @@ 

  RP['create_waiver'].add_argument('product_version', type=str, required=True, location='json')

  RP['create_waiver'].add_argument('comment', type=str, default=None, location='json')


- @api.route('/waivers/', methods=['POST'])

- @to_json

- def create_waiver():

-     try:

+ RP['get_waivers'] = reqparse.RequestParser()

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('result_id', location='args')

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('product_version', location='args')

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('username', location='args')

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('include_obsolete', type=bool, default=False, location='args')

+ # XXX This matches the since query parameter in resultsdb but I think it would

+ # be good to use two parameters(since and until).

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('since', location='args')

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('page', default=1, type=int, location='args')

+ RP['get_waivers'].add_argument('limit', default=10, type=int, location='args')


+ class WaiversResource(Resource):

+     @jsonp

+     def get(self):

+         args = RP['get_waivers'].parse_args()

+         query = Waiver.query.order_by(Waiver.timestamp.desc())

+         if args['result_id']:

+             query = query.filter(Waiver.result_id.in_(args['result_id'].split(',')))

+         if args['product_version']:

+             query = query.filter(Waiver.product_version == args['product_version'])

+         if args['username']:

+             query = query.filter(Waiver.username == args['username'])

+         if args['since']:

+             try:

+                 since_start, since_end = reqparse_since(args['since'])

+             except:

+                 raise BadRequest("'since' parameter not in ISO8601 format")

+             if since_start:

+                 query = query.filter(Waiver.timestamp >= since_start)

+             if since_end:

+                 query = query.filter(Waiver.timestamp <= since_end)

+         if not args['include_obsolete']:

+             subquery = db.session.query(func.max(Waiver.id)).group_by(Waiver.result_id)

+             query = query.filter(Waiver.id.in_(subquery))

+         return json_collection(query, args['page'], args['limit'])


+     @jsonp

+     @marshal_with(waiver_fields)

+     def post(self):

          args = RP['create_waiver'].parse_args()

-     except HTTPException as error:

-         return error.data, error.code

+         # hardcode the username for now

+         username = 'mjia'

+         waiver = Waiver(args['result_id'], username, args['product_version'], args['waived'],

+                 args['comment'])

+         db.session.add(waiver)

+         db.session.commit()

+         return waiver, 201


-     # hardcode the username for now

-     username = 'mjia'


-     waiver = Waiver(args['result_id'], username, args['product_version'], args['waived'],

-             args['comment'])

+ class WaiverResource(Resource):

+     @jsonp

+     @marshal_with(waiver_fields)

+     def get(self, waiver_id):

+         try:

+             return Waiver.query.get_or_404(waiver_id)

+         except:

+             raise NotFound('Waiver not found')


-     db.session.add(waiver)

-     db.session.commit()

-     return waiver, 201

+ # set up the Api resource routing here

+ api.add_resource(WaiversResource, '/waivers/')

+ api.add_resource(WaiverResource, '/waivers/<int:waiver_id>')

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ 

  from flask import Flask

  from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

  from waiverdb.logger import init_logging

- from waiverdb.api_v1 import api as api_v1

+ from waiverdb.api_v1 import api_v1

  from waiverdb.models import db


  def load_default_config(app):

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@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ 

      PRODUCTION = False

      SHOW_DB_URI = False

      SECRET_KEY = 'replace-me-with-something-random'

+     # need to explicitly turn this off

+     # https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/issues/449

+     ERROR_404_HELP = False



  class ProductionConfig(Config):

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 


+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ # GNU General Public License for more details.


+ from flask_restful import fields


+ waiver_fields = {

+     'id': fields.Integer,

+     'result_id': fields.Integer,

+     'username': fields.String,

+     'product_version': fields.String,

+     'waived': fields.Boolean,

+     'comment': fields.String,

+     'timestamp': fields.DateTime(dt_format='iso8601'),

+ }

@@ -32,14 +32,3 @@ 

          return '%s(result_id=%r, username=%r, product_version=%r, waived=%r)' % (

                  self.__class__.__name__, self.result_id, self.username,

                  self.product_version, self.waived)


-     def __json__(self):

-         return {

-             'id': self.id,

-             'result_id': self.result_id,

-             'username': self.username,

-             'product_version': self.product_version,

-             'waived': self.waived,

-             'comment': self.comment,

-             'timestamp': self.timestamp.isoformat(),

-         }

file modified
+64 -23
@@ -9,30 +9,71 @@ 


  # GNU General Public License for more details.


+ import datetime

  import functools

- from flask import jsonify

+ from flask import request, url_for, jsonify

+ from flask_restful import marshal

+ from waiverdb.fields import waiver_fields

+ from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound


- # https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/api-pycon2015/blob/master/api/decorators.py#L8-L30

- def to_json(f):

-     """This decorator generates a JSON response from a Python dictionary or

-     a SQLAlchemy model."""

-     @functools.wraps(f)

-     def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):

-         rv = f(*args, **kwargs)

-         status_or_headers = None

-         headers = None

-         if isinstance(rv, tuple):

-             rv, status_or_headers, headers = rv + (None,) * (3 - len(rv))

-         if isinstance(status_or_headers, (dict, list)):

-             headers, status_or_headers = status_or_headers, None

-         if not isinstance(rv, dict):

-             # assume it is a model, call its __json__() method

-             rv = rv.__json__()

+ def reqparse_since(since):

+     """

+     This parses the since(i.e. 2017-02-13T23:37:58.193281, 2017-02-16T23:37:58.193281)

+     query parameter and returns a tuple.

+     """

+     start = None

+     end = None

+     if ',' in since:

+         start, end = since.split(',')

+     else:

+         start = since

+     if start:

+         start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

+     if end:

+         end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

+     return start, end


+ def json_collection(query, page=1, limit=10):

+     """

+     Helper function for Flask request handlers which want to return 

+     a collection of resources as JSON.

+     """

+     try:

+         p = query.paginate(page, limit)

+     except NotFound:

+         return {'data': [], 'prev': None, 'next': None, 'first': None, 'last':None}

+     pages = {'data': marshal(p.items, waiver_fields)}

+     query_pairs = request.args.copy()

+     if query_pairs:

+         # remove the page number

+         query_pairs.pop('page', default=None)

+     if p.has_prev:

+         pages['prev'] = url_for(request.endpoint, page=p.prev_num, _external=True,

+                 **query_pairs)

+     else:

+         pages['prev'] = None

+     if p.has_next:

+         pages['next'] = url_for(request.endpoint, page=p.next_num, _external=True,

+                 **query_pairs)

+     else:

+         pages['next'] = None

+     pages['first'] = url_for(request.endpoint, page=1, _external=True, **query_pairs)

+     pages['last'] = url_for(request.endpoint, page=p.pages, _external=True, **query_pairs)

+     return pages


-         rv = jsonify(rv)

-         if status_or_headers is not None:

-             rv.status_code = status_or_headers

-         if headers is not None:

-             rv.headers.extend(headers)

-         return rv

+ def jsonp(func):

+     """Wraps Jsonified output for JSONP requests."""

+     @functools.wraps(func)

+     def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):

+         callback = request.args.get('callback', False)

+         if callback:

+             resp = jsonify(func(*args, **kwargs))

+             resp.set_data('{}({})'.format(

+                 str(callback),

+                 resp.get_data()

+             ))

+             resp.mimetype = 'application/javascript'

+             return resp

+         else:

+             return func(*args, **kwargs)

      return wrapped

no initial comment

Hmm, I guess I should have merged this request into PR #4


7 years ago

Instead of doing this you can just customize the 404 error handler (i.e. @api.errorhandler(404)).

You can optionally add the error name so that it'd look like:

{'status_code': 404, 'error': 'Not Found', 'message': 'The requested resource was not found'}

Yeah, but it does not allow me to use custom error messages.

I think this is unnecessary as Flask will automatically fill the status filed with '404 NOT FOUND'.

You can with something like this in your init.py:

def not_found_error(e):
    ### Run your code to return the error here (e.g. JSON)

Hmm yeah maybe I being dense but I am not seeing the purpose of the second commit -- I guess you are wanting to improve the error response bodies somehow, but what exact difference does it make?

Redefining our own version of all those exception types seems tedious and I hope we could avoid having to do that.

But how could I have custom error messages? For example, If I want to raise 404 with an error message like 'Product version balbla is not found' .

Hmm yeah maybe I being dense but I am not seeing the purpose of the second commit -- I >guess you are wanting to improve the error response bodies somehow, but what exact >difference does it make?
Redefining our own version of all those exception types seems tedious and I hope we could >avoid having to do that.
Aha, you are right, I was being silly to redefine all those exceptions. My intention of doing this is to allow me to use custom error messages.


7 years ago


7 years ago

1 new commit added

  • HTTP API for fetching a list of waivers
7 years ago

I have uploaded a new patch for adding an API to fetch a list of waivers. I will add more tests tomorrow as I want to get some feedback first.

Not sure why Resultsdb is not using the flask-sqlalchemy built-in pagination. If you look at its code, it's quite messy as they have implemented their own pagination which I think is quite tedious.

There is one thing I am not quite sure. The pagination in resultsdb is using page=0 as the first page[1], however the pagination function in flask-sqlalchemy is using page=1 as default [2]. I guess we should encourage them to use the built-in pagination.

[1] https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb_api/api/v2.0/results?page=1&limit=1
[2] http://flask-sqlalchemy.pocoo.org/2.1/api/

This is totally fine, but I personally like having more data like we do in the Module Build Service:

        'page': p_query.page,
        'per_page': p_query.per_page,
        'total': p_query.total,
        'pages': p_query.pages,
        'first': url_for(request.endpoint, page=1, per_page=p_query.per_page, _external=True),
        'last': url_for(request.endpoint, page=p_query.pages, per_page=p_query.per_page, _external=True)

Additionally, we store it in a meta dictionary so that the returned result looks like:

  "items": [
      "id": 1,
      "state": 3
      "id": 2,
      "state": 3
      "id": 3,
      "state": 3
      "id": 4,
      "state": 4
      "id": 5,
      "state": 4
      "id": 6,
      "state": 4
      "id": 7,
      "state": 4
      "id": 8,
      "state": 4
      "id": 9,
      "state": 4
      "id": 10,
      "state": 1
  "meta": {
    "first": "",
    "last": "",
    "next": "",
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 3,
    "per_page": 10,
    "total": 30

It might be easier to use:


Once you've modified the dict to the way you want, you can just pass it in to your url_for statement.

For more info:

Can you explain what this does please?

@mprahl but we don't want every 404 to say "Waiver not found", the message will depend which flask handler they were hitting.

I assume that @api.errorhandler(404) decorator is installing an error handler for every single 404 error produced by the app.

@dcallagh good point. In previous projects I've just returned something generic like the "Item not found". This is fine as it is.

@mjia I just had a few comments/optional suggestions. +1 from me.

By default waiverdb will exclude obsolete waivers by defaul(that is waivers where the same user has posted an updated waiver for the same result). If you include_obsolete=True, it will return the complete waiver history.

Well, that's something I am uncertain. Do we have a standard JSON API response format we can follow ? If the MBS is the one we should follow, I guess we should encourage the rest of our apps to follow this.

@ralph @mikeb what do you guys think?

Thanks, that is indeed much easier, :-)


7 years ago

3 new commits added

  • support jsonp
  • HTTP API for fetching a list of waivers
  • HTTP API for fetching a single waiver
7 years ago

There is the JSON API spec, which includes some rules for pagination:

@dcallagh that's a good link.

@mjia for the first and last, you can do:

first = url_for(request.endpoint, page=1, per_page=paginated_query.per_page, _external=True),
last = url_for(request.endpoint, page=paginated_query.pages, per_page=paginated_query.per_page, _external=True)

@mprahl Thanks, I will introduce those two in the patch.

3 new commits added

  • support jsonp
  • HTTP API for fetching a list of waivers
  • HTTP API for fetching a single waiver
7 years ago

This is in Fedora, but not EPEL7. Is that a problem?

See https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/python-factory-boy

It also is only for the test suite, not for the app itself. Can you move it down a line so that is more clear?

@mprahl and @dcallagh are both on PTO now, so we're going to have to get some other people on to finish out this review. :)

:+1: from me on the general work here, although I'd like to see the factory_boy + EPEL7 issue resolved if EPEL7 is a deployment target.

I guess it shouldn't be hard to build it into EPEL-7. For internal, I have tried to build it into sed-rhel-7 and it seems like only python3 and python3-setuptools are missing, so I think it should not be hard to build it either.

3 new commits added

  • support jsonp
  • HTTP API for fetching a list of waivers
  • HTTP API for fetching a single waiver
7 years ago

+0.5 (Because it is first time I'm checking the waiverdb code). I did not find anything wrong there. I was not checking the sanity of the API deeply, but the code looks fine to me.


I think you should consider if factory_boy is worth the effort to package though. It might just be easier to test without it instead of maintaining it on EPEL7.

I think you should consider if factory_boy is worth the effort to package though. It might just be easier to test without it instead of maintaining it on EPEL7.

Yeah, I will write a fixture for creating waivers then.


7 years ago


7 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mjia

7 years ago