#52 make Jenkins publish docs on every commit
Merged 6 years ago by dcallagh. Opened 6 years ago by dcallagh.
dcallagh/waiverdb jenkins-publish-docs  into  master

file modified
+101 -87
@@ -10,99 +10,103 @@ 

   * GNU General Public License for more details.



+ try { // massive try{} catch{} around the entire build for failure notifications


  node('fedora') {

-     try {

-         checkout scm

-         sh 'sudo dnf -y builddep waiverdb.spec'

-         sh 'sudo dnf -y install python2-flake8 pylint python2-sphinx python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain'

-         stage('Invoke Flake8') {

-             sh 'flake8'

-         }

-         stage('Invoke Pylint') {

-             sh 'pylint --reports=n waiverdb'

-         }

-         stage('Build Docs') {

-             sh 'make -C docs html'

-             archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'docs/_build/html/**'

-         }

-         stage('Build SRPM') {

-             sh './rpmbuild.sh -bs'

-             archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'rpmbuild-output/**'

-         }

-         /* We take a flock on the mock configs, to avoid multiple unrelated jobs on 

-          * the same Jenkins slave trying to use the same mock root at the same 

-          * time, which will error out. */

-         stage('Build RPM') {

-             parallel (

-                 'EPEL7': {

-                     sh """

-                     mkdir -p mock-result/el7

-                     flock /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg \

-                     /usr/bin/mock --resultdir=mock-result/el7 -r epel-7-x86_64 --clean --rebuild rpmbuild-output/*.src.rpm

-                     """

-                     archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'mock-result/el7/**'

-                 },

-                 'F25': {

-                     sh """

-                     mkdir -p mock-result/f25

-                     flock /etc/mock/fedora-25-x86_64.cfg \

-                     /usr/bin/mock --resultdir=mock-result/f25 -r fedora-25-x86_64 --clean --rebuild rpmbuild-output/*.src.rpm

-                     """

-                     archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'mock-result/f25/**'

-                 },

-             )

-         }

-         stage('Invoke Rpmlint') {

-             parallel (

-                 'EPEL7': {

-                     sh 'rpmlint -f rpmlint-config.py mock-result/el7/*.rpm'

-                 },

-                 'F25': {

-                     sh 'rpmlint -f rpmlint-config.py mock-result/f25/*.rpm'

-                 },

-             )

-         }

-     } catch (e) {

-         currentBuild.result = "FAILED"

-         /* Can't use GIT_BRANCH because of this issue https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-35230 */

-         def git_branch = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').trim()

-         if (git_branch == 'master') {

-             step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: 'pnt-factory2-devel@redhat.com'])

+     checkout scm

+     sh 'sudo dnf -y builddep waiverdb.spec'

+     sh 'sudo dnf -y install python2-flake8 pylint python2-sphinx python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain'

+     stage('Invoke Flake8') {

+         sh 'flake8'

+     }

+     stage('Invoke Pylint') {

+         sh 'pylint --reports=n waiverdb'

+     }

+     stage('Build Docs') {

+         sh 'make -C docs html'

+         archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'docs/_build/html/**'

+     }

+     /* Can't use GIT_BRANCH because of this issue https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-35230 */

+     def git_branch = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').trim()

+     if (git_branch == 'master') {

+         stage('Publish Docs') {

+             sshagent (credentials: ['pagure-waiverdb-deploy-key']) {

+                 sh """

+                 mkdir -p ~/.ssh/

+                 touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts

+                 ssh-keygen -R pagure.io

+                 echo 'pagure.io, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC198DWs0SQ3DX0ptu+8Wq6wnZMrXUCufN+wdSCtlyhHUeQ3q5B4Hgto1n2FMj752vToCfNTn9mWO7l2rNTrKeBsELpubl2jECHu4LqxkRVihu5UEzejfjiWNDN2jdXbYFY27GW9zymD7Gq3u+T/Mkp4lIcQKRoJaLobBmcVxrLPEEJMKI4AJY31jgxMTnxi7KcR+U5udQrZ3dzCn2BqUdiN5dMgckr4yNPjhl3emJeVJ/uhAJrEsgjzqxAb60smMO5/1By+yF85Wih4TnFtF4LwYYuxgqiNv72Xy4D/MGxCqkO/nH5eRNfcJ+AJFE7727F7Tnbo4xmAjilvRria/+l' >>~/.ssh/known_hosts

+                 git clone ssh://git@pagure.io/docs/waiverdb.git docs-on-pagure

+                 rm -r docs-on-pagure/*

+                 cp -r docs/_build/html/* docs-on-pagure/

+                 cd docs-on-pagure

+                 git add -A .

+                 git commit -m 'Automatic commit of docs built by Jenkins job ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}'

+                 git push origin master

+                 """

+             }


-         throw e

+     }

+     stage('Build SRPM') {

+         sh './rpmbuild.sh -bs'

+         archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'rpmbuild-output/**'

+     }

+     /* We take a flock on the mock configs, to avoid multiple unrelated jobs on 

+      * the same Jenkins slave trying to use the same mock root at the same 

+      * time, which will error out. */

+     stage('Build RPM') {

+         parallel (

+             'EPEL7': {

+                 sh """

+                 mkdir -p mock-result/el7

+                 flock /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg \

+                 /usr/bin/mock --resultdir=mock-result/el7 -r epel-7-x86_64 --clean --rebuild rpmbuild-output/*.src.rpm

+                 """

+                 archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'mock-result/el7/**'

+             },

+             'F25': {

+                 sh """

+                 mkdir -p mock-result/f25

+                 flock /etc/mock/fedora-25-x86_64.cfg \

+                 /usr/bin/mock --resultdir=mock-result/f25 -r fedora-25-x86_64 --clean --rebuild rpmbuild-output/*.src.rpm

+                 """

+                 archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'mock-result/f25/**'

+             },

+         )

+     }

+     stage('Invoke Rpmlint') {

+         parallel (

+             'EPEL7': {

+                 sh 'rpmlint -f rpmlint-config.py mock-result/el7/*.rpm'

+             },

+             'F25': {

+                 sh 'rpmlint -f rpmlint-config.py mock-result/f25/*.rpm'

+             },

+         )



  node('docker') {

-     try {

-         checkout scm

-         stage('Build Docker container') {

-             unarchive mapping: ['mock-result/el7/': '.']

-             def el7_rpm = findFiles(glob: 'mock-result/el7/**/*.noarch.rpm')[0]

-             def appversion = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """

-                 rpm2cpio ${el7_rpm} | \

-                 cpio --quiet --extract --to-stdout ./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waiverdb\\*.egg-info/PKG-INFO | \

-                 awk '/^Version: / {print \$2}'

-             """).trim()

-             docker.withRegistry(

-                     'https://docker-registry.engineering.redhat.com/',

-                     'docker-registry-factory2-builder-sa-credentials') {

-                 /* Note that the docker.build step has some magic to guess the

-                  * Dockerfile used, which will break if the build directory (here ".")

-                  * is not the final argument in the string. */

-                 def image = docker.build "factory2/waiverdb:${appversion}", "--build-arg waiverdb_rpm=$el7_rpm ."

-                 image.push()

-             }

-             /* Save container version for later steps (this is ugly but I can't find anything better...) */

-             writeFile file: 'appversion', text: appversion

-             archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'appversion'

-         }

-     } catch (e) {

-         currentBuild.result = "FAILED"

-         def git_branch = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').trim()

-         if (git_branch == 'master') {

-             step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: 'pnt-factory2-devel@redhat.com'])

+     checkout scm

+     stage('Build Docker container') {

+         unarchive mapping: ['mock-result/el7/': '.']

+         def el7_rpm = findFiles(glob: 'mock-result/el7/**/*.noarch.rpm')[0]

+         def appversion = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """

+             rpm2cpio ${el7_rpm} | \

+             cpio --quiet --extract --to-stdout ./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waiverdb\\*.egg-info/PKG-INFO | \

+             awk '/^Version: / {print \$2}'

+         """).trim()

+         docker.withRegistry(

+                 'https://docker-registry.engineering.redhat.com/',

+                 'docker-registry-factory2-builder-sa-credentials') {

+             /* Note that the docker.build step has some magic to guess the

+              * Dockerfile used, which will break if the build directory (here ".")

+              * is not the final argument in the string. */

+             def image = docker.build "factory2/waiverdb:${appversion}", "--build-arg waiverdb_rpm=$el7_rpm ."

+             image.push()


-         throw e

+         /* Save container version for later steps (this is ugly but I can't find anything better...) */

+         writeFile file: 'appversion', text: appversion

+         archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'appversion'



  node('fedora') {
@@ -149,3 +153,13 @@ 





+ } catch (e) {

+     if (ownership.job.ownershipEnabled) {

+         mail to: ownership.job.primaryOwnerEmail,

+              cc: ownership.job.secondaryOwnerEmails.join(';'),

+              subject: "Jenkins job ${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} failed",

+              body: "${env.BUILD_URL}\n\n${e}"

+     }

+     throw e

+ }

no initial comment

This includes a preparatory commit Jenkinsfile: move failure notifications to the very outside which is basically unrelated, but has been annoying me for a little while... and since that adjusts indentation for half of the Jenkinsfile it would conflict so I rolled it into this PR.

Pull-Request has been merged by dcallagh

6 years ago