#46 OpenShift deployment
Merged 6 years ago by dcallagh. Opened 6 years ago by dcallagh.
dcallagh/waiverdb openshift  into  master

file modified
+5 -1
@@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ 

  ARG waiverdb_rpm

  COPY $waiverdb_rpm /tmp

  # XXX take out epel-testing eventually

- RUN yum -y install --setopt=tsflags=nodocs --enablerepo=epel-testing python-gunicorn /tmp/$(basename $waiverdb_rpm) && yum -y clean all

+ RUN yum -y install --setopt=tsflags=nodocs --enablerepo=epel-testing \

+     python-gunicorn \

+     python-psycopg2 \

+     /tmp/$(basename $waiverdb_rpm) \

+     && yum -y clean all

  USER 1001

  EXPOSE 8080

  ENTRYPOINT gunicorn --bind --access-logfile=- waiverdb.wsgi:app

file modified
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ 

                  def image = docker.build "factory2/waiverdb:${appversion}", "--build-arg waiverdb_rpm=$el7_rpm ."



+             /* Save container version for later steps (this is ugly but I can't find anything better...) */

+             writeFile file: 'appversion', text: appversion

+             archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'appversion'


      } catch (e) {

          currentBuild.result = "FAILED"
@@ -126,3 +129,47 @@ 

          throw e



+ node('fedora') {

+     sh 'sudo dnf -y install /usr/bin/py.test'

+     checkout scm

+     stage('Perform functional tests') {

+         unarchive mapping: ['appversion': 'appversion']

+         def appversion = readFile('appversion').trim()

+         openshift.withCluster('open.paas.redhat.com') {

+             openshift.doAs('openpaas-waiverdb-test-jenkins-credentials') {

+                 openshift.withProject('waiverdb-test') {

+                     def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml'

+                     def models = openshift.process(template,

+                             '-p', "TEST_ID=${env.BUILD_TAG}",

+                             '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION=${appversion}")

+                     def environment_label = "test-${env.BUILD_TAG}"

+                     try {

+                         def objects = openshift.create(models)

+                         echo "Waiting for pods with label environment=${environment_label} to become Ready"

+                         def pods = openshift.selector('pods', ['environment': environment_label])

+                         timeout(15) {

+                             pods.untilEach(3) {

+                                 def conds = it.object().status.conditions

+                                 for (int i = 0; i < conds.size(); i++) {

+                                     if (conds[i].type == 'Ready' && conds[i].status == 'True') {

+                                         return true

+                                     }

+                                 }

+                                 return false

+                             }

+                         }

+                         def route_hostname = objects.narrow('route').object().spec.host

+                         echo "Running tests against https://${route_hostname}/"

+                         withEnv(["WAIVERDB_TEST_URL=https://${route_hostname}/"]) {

+                             sh 'py.test functional-tests/'

+                         }

+                     } finally {

+                         /* Tear down everything we just created */

+                         openshift.selector('dc,deploy,pod,configmap,secret,svc,route',

+                                 ['environment': environment_label]).delete()

+                     }

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+     }

+ }

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 

  # Copy this file to `conf/settings.py` to put it into effect. It overrides the values defined

  # in `waiverdb/config.py`.

  SECRET_KEY = 'replace-me-with-something-random'

- #SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql+psycopg2://dbuser:dbpassword@dbhost:dbport/dbname'

- SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite'

+ #DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql+psycopg2://dbuser:dbpassword@dbhost:dbport/dbname'

+ DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite'


  #SHOW_DB_URI = False

  HOST= ''

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ 


+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ # GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #


+ import os

+ import pytest

+ import requests



+ @pytest.fixture(scope='session')

+ def waiverdb_url():

+     if 'WAIVERDB_TEST_URL' not in os.environ:

+         raise AssertionError('WAIVERDB_TEST_URL=http://example.com/ '

+                              'must be set in the environment')

+     url = os.environ['WAIVERDB_TEST_URL']

+     assert url.endswith('/')

+     return url



+ @pytest.fixture(scope='session')

+ def requests_session(request):

+     s = requests.Session()

+     request.addfinalizer(s.close)

+     return s

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ 


+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ # GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #



+ def test_get_waivers(waiverdb_url, requests_session):

+     response = requests_session.get(waiverdb_url + 'api/v1.0/waivers/')

+     response.raise_for_status()

+     assert response.json()['data'] == []

@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ 


+ # Template to produce a new test environment in OpenShift. Uses OpenID Connect 

+ # against iddev.fedorainfracloud.org for authentication, and ephemeral storage 

+ # for Postgres data.

+ #

+ # To create an environment from the template, process and apply it:

+ #   oc process -f openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml -p TEST_ID=123 -p WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION=0.1.2.dev24-git.94c0119 | oc apply -f -

+ # To clean up the environment, use a selector on the environment label:

+ #   oc delete dc,deploy,pod,configmap,secret,svc,route -l environment=test-123


+ ---

+ apiVersion: v1

+ kind: Template

+ metadata:

+   name: waiverdb-test-template

+ parameters:

+ - name: TEST_ID

+   displayName: Test id

+   description: Short unique identifier for this test run (e.g. Jenkins job number)

+   required: true


+   displayName: WaiverDB application version

+   description: Python version of the WaiverDB application being tested

+   required: true


+   displayName: Flask secret key

+   generate: expression

+   from: "[\\w]{32}"


+   displayName: Database password

+   generate: expression

+   from: "[\\w]{32}"

+ objects:

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Secret

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-secret"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   stringData:

+     flask-secret-key: "${FLASK_SECRET_KEY}"

+     database-password: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}"

+     # This is the same non-secret config we have committed

+     # as conf/client_secrets.json for using in dev environments.

+     client_secrets.json: |-

+       {"web": {

+         "redirect_uris": ["http://localhost:8080/"],

+         "token_uri": "https://iddev.fedorainfracloud.org/openidc/Token",

+         "auth_uri": "https://iddev.fedorainfracloud.org/openidc/Authorization",

+         "client_id": "D-e69a1ac7-30fa-4d18-9001-7468c4f34c3c",

+         "client_secret": "qgz8Bzjg6nO7JWCXoB0o8L49KfI5atLF",

+         "userinfo_uri": "https://iddev.fedorainfracloud.org/openidc/UserInfo",

+         "token_introspection_uri": "https://iddev.fedorainfracloud.org/openidc/TokenInfo"}}

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: ConfigMap

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-configmap"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   data:

+     settings.py: |-

+       DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql+psycopg2://waiverdb@waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-database:5432/waiverdb'

+       PORT = 8080

+       AUTH_METHOD = 'OIDC'

+       OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = '/etc/secret/client_secrets.json'

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Service

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-database"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   spec:

+     selector:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       service: database

+     ports:

+     - name: postgresql

+       port: 5432

+       targetPort: 5432

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: DeploymentConfig

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-database"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       service: database

+   spec:

+     replicas: 1

+     strategy:

+       type: Recreate

+     selector:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       service: database

+     template:

+       metadata:

+         labels:

+           environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+           service: database

+       spec:

+         containers:

+         - name: postgresql

+           image: registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-95-rhel7:latest

+           imagePullPolicy: Always

+           ports:

+           - containerPort: 5432

+           readinessProbe:

+             timeoutSeconds: 1

+             initialDelaySeconds: 5

+             exec:

+               command: [ /bin/sh, -i, -c, "psql -h -U $POSTGRESQL_USER -q -d $POSTGRESQL_DATABASE -c 'SELECT 1'" ]

+           livenessProbe:

+             timeoutSeconds: 1

+             initialDelaySeconds: 30

+             tcpSocket:

+               port: 5432

+           env:

+           - name: POSTGRESQL_USER

+             value: waiverdb

+           - name: POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD

+             valueFrom:

+               secretKeyRef:

+                 name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-secret"

+                 key: database-password

+           - name: POSTGRESQL_DATABASE

+             value: waiverdb

+     triggers:

+     - type: ConfigChange

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Service

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+     annotations:

+       service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies: |-

+         [{"name": "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-database", "kind": "Service"}]

+   spec:

+     selector:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       service: web

+     ports:

+     - name: web

+       port: 8080

+       targetPort: 8080

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Route

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   spec:

+     port:

+       targetPort: web

+     to:

+       kind: Service

+       name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     tls:

+       termination: edge

+       insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: DeploymentConfig

+   metadata:

+     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       service: web

+   spec:

+     replicas: 2

+     selector:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       service: web

+     template:

+       metadata:

+         labels:

+           environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+           service: web

+       spec:

+         containers:

+         - name: web

+           image: "docker-registry.engineering.redhat.com/factory2/waiverdb:${WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION}"

+           ports:

+           - containerPort: 8080

+           volumeMounts:

+           - name: config-volume

+             mountPath: /etc/waiverdb

+             readOnly: true

+           - name: secret-volume

+             mountPath: /etc/secret

+             readOnly: true

+           env:

+           - name: DATABASE_PASSWORD

+             valueFrom:

+               secretKeyRef:

+                 name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-secret"

+                 key: database-password

+           - name: SECRET_KEY

+             valueFrom:

+               secretKeyRef:

+                 name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-secret"

+                 key: flask-secret-key

+           readinessProbe:

+             timeoutSeconds: 1

+             initialDelaySeconds: 5

+             httpGet:

+               path: /healthcheck

+               port: 8080

+           livenessProbe:

+             timeoutSeconds: 1

+             initialDelaySeconds: 30

+             httpGet:

+               path: /healthcheck

+               port: 8080

+           # Limit to 384MB memory. This is probably *not* enough but it is 

+           # necessary in the current environment to allow for 2 replicas and 

+           # rolling updates, without hitting the (very aggressive) memory quota.

+           resources:

+             limits:

+               memory: 384Mi

+         volumes:

+         - name: config-volume

+           configMap:

+             name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-configmap"

+         - name: secret-volume

+           secret:

+             secretName: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-secret"

+     triggers:

+     - type: ConfigChange

file modified
+37 -2
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ 

  # GNU General Public License for more details.


  import os

+ import urlparse


  from flask import Flask

  from sqlalchemy import event
@@ -35,6 +36,27 @@ 


      config_file = os.environ.get('WAIVERDB_CONFIG', default_config_file)


+     if os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY'):

+         app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']



+ def populate_db_config(app):

+     # Take the application-level DATABASE_URI setting, plus (optionally)

+     # a DATABASE_PASSWORD from the environment, and munge them together into

+     # the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI setting which is obeyed by Flask-SQLAlchemy.

+     dburi = app.config['DATABASE_URI']

+     if os.environ.get('DATABASE_PASSWORD'):

+         parsed = urlparse.urlparse(dburi)

+         netloc = '{}:{}@{}'.format(parsed.username,

+                                    os.environ['DATABASE_PASSWORD'],

+                                    parsed.hostname)

+         if parsed.port:

+             netloc += ':{}'.format(parsed.port)

+         dburi = urlparse.urlunsplit(

+             (parsed.scheme, netloc, parsed.path, parsed.query, parsed.fragment))

+     if app.config['SHOW_DB_URI']:

+         app.logger.debug('using DBURI: %s', dburi)

+     app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = dburi



  # applicaiton factory http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/patterns/appfactories/
@@ -46,8 +68,7 @@ 


      if app.config['PRODUCTION'] and app.secret_key == 'replace-me-with-something-random':

          raise Warning("You need to change the app.secret_key value for production")

-     if app.config['SHOW_DB_URI']:

-         app.logger.debug('using DBURI: %s' % app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'])

+     populate_db_config(app)

      if app.config['AUTH_METHOD'] == 'OIDC':

          app.oidc = OpenIDConnect(app)

      # initialize db
@@ -56,6 +77,7 @@ 


      # register blueprints

      app.register_blueprint(api_v1, url_prefix="/api/v1.0")

+     app.add_url_rule('/healthcheck', view_func=healthcheck)


      return app

@@ -66,6 +88,19 @@ 

      return db



+ def healthcheck():

+     """

+     Request handler for performing an application-level health check. This is

+     not part of the published API, it is intended for use by OpenShift or other

+     monitoring tools.


+     Returns a 200 response if the application is alive and able to serve requests.

+     """

+     result = db.session.execute('SELECT 1').scalar()

+     assert result == 1

+     return ('Health check OK', 200, [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])



  def register_event_handlers(app):


      Register SQLAlchemy event handlers with the application's session factory.

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 

              fedmsg when new waivers are created.


      DEBUG = True

-     SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://'

+     DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://'


      HOST = ''

      PORT = 5004
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ 

  class DevelopmentConfig(Config):



-     SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite'

+     DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite'

      SHOW_DB_URI = True

      # The location of the client_secrets.json file used for API authentication

      OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join(

This PR has some fixes necessary to get the application running in OpenShift, and the first start towards deploying a Waiverdb test environment inside OpenShift and running tests against it.

Right now, everything in this PR is working as far as deploying the test environment from template manually using /usr/bin/oc.

However the Jenkins pieces are currently failing with this error which makes no sense to me:

ERROR: process returned an error;
{reference={}, err=error: unable to read certificate-authority /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt for  due to open /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt: no such file or directory, verb=process, cmd=oc process openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml -p TEST_ID=jenkins-waiverdb-dcallagh8-592 -p WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION=0.1.2.dev27-git.baec9a5 -f -o=json --server=https://open.paas.redhat.com/ --namespace=waiverdb-test --token=XXXXX , out=, status=1}

What I am not sure of right now is, why is it expecting /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt to exist and where should it be coming from? It seems to be a bug in the OpenShift Client Jenkins plugin but it needs more investigation.

That error may indicate that the OpenShift cluster isn't configured properly.


Oh yeah I think you're right. When I filled in the cluster config into our Jenkins, I left the SSL certificate field blank, because I thought it would just use the system-wide trust store as normal. Seems like it doesn't do that though. A bit annoying... that's why we have a system-wide trust store, so that I don't have to configure the CA every single time. Oh well.

I have added the CA cert to the config and it seems to have got past that error now. Next problem is that openshift.process('-f', '<filename>'... does not work. I think we need to load the YAML template first and pass it in...

Okay, I have updated the last commit to 5a3dfec37eea6d27dd19b5640824e97da4246911 which gets a little further.

Have to wait for pods to be Ready, not just Running (they can start Running before the db is up, in which they will go into a crash loop until the db is reachable).

I got my selectors and stuff messed up, fixed those.

Now I am just running afoul of some Groovy scoping rules that I don't understand...

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: podReady for class: groovy.lang.Binding


6 new commits added

  • Jenkinsfile: deploy and test the app inside OpenShift
  • add health checks for the web application
  • OpenShift template for producing a test environment
  • allow setting SECRET_KEY in the environment
  • allow setting DATABASE_PASSWORD in the environment
  • Dockerfile: include python-psycopg2
6 years ago

Could you prefix this with WAIVERDB, so that it's called WAIVERDB_SECRET_KEY?

As far as I understand in this example https://github.com/openshift/jenkins-client-plugin/blob/master/examples/coverage.groovy,
this should be written like this
pods.untilEach(3) {
def ready_cond = it.object().status.conditions.find { it.type == 'Ready' }
return ready_cond?.status == true

This may fix this error

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: podReady for class: groovy.lang.Binding

Nope I had that originally but you can't call .find in a closure because of JENKINS-26481... hence that @NonCPS business.

This pipeline stuff sounds promising in theory but is full of lots of nastiness once you start trying to use it for real...

Is this output from the pipeline or an openshift log?

Can you provide some more details if they are available?

Environment variables in OpenShift are scoped to each container so I don't think there is any potential for confusion if we just call this SECRET_KEY. Same as we don't have WAIVERDB_ prefixed on the database password, or krb5 keytab, etc.

Yes, but perhaps we shouldn't assume this will always be run in a container. I'm fairly certain you guys are deploying or have deployed a dev instance on a VM.

@alivigni the MissingPropertyException was from Jenkins. It was just a mistake in my Jenkinsfile. My Groovy fu is weak.

I was trying to pass my podReady function as if it were a first-class object like in Python. But in Groovy it's actually a method and you have to convert it to a closure using .& operator.

Anyway now my podReady method is still failing with com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.CpsCallableInvocation although I had to hack it full of echo statements to even figure that out. I think this time I'm hitting JENKINS-31314... I've gotta say, this Pipeline stuff sounds nice in theory but is full of a lot of ridiculous gotchas...

Yeah on a traditional deployment the SECRET_KEY would just go into the config file, not the environment, so it's not an issue there.

Okay, I think I got it. Amended commit ec7f848f avoids all the CPS gotchas. It passes!

6 new commits added

  • Jenkinsfile: deploy and test the app inside OpenShift
  • add health checks for the web application
  • OpenShift template for producing a test environment
  • allow setting SECRET_KEY in the environment
  • allow setting DATABASE_PASSWORD in the environment
  • Dockerfile: include python-psycopg2
6 years ago

... and one more rebase to fix conflicts. Rebased series ends in commit 0e08e67.


6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by dcallagh

6 years ago