#391 LDAP tests fix
Merged 3 years ago by vmaljulin. Opened 3 years ago by vmaljulin.
vmaljulin/waiverdb ldap_fix  into  master

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                          content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

          res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

          assert r.status_code == 500

-         assert res_data['message'] == ("LDAP_HOST and LDAP_BASE also need to be "

-                                        "defined if PERMISSION_MAPPING is defined.")

+         assert res_data['message'] == ('LDAP_HOST and LDAP_SEARCHES also need to be defined '

+                                        'if PERMISSION_MAPPING is defined.')



      def test_ldap_host_defined_base_not(self, client, session):

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          ldap_searches = current_app.config.get('LDAP_SEARCHES')

          if not ldap_searches:

              ldap_base = current_app.config.get('LDAP_BASE')

-             ldap_search_string = current_app.config.get('LDAP_SEARCH_STRING', '(memberUid={user})')

-             ldap_searches = [{'BASE': ldap_base, 'SEARCH_STRING': ldap_search_string}]

+             if ldap_base:

+                 ldap_search_string = current_app.config.get(

+                     'LDAP_SEARCH_STRING', '(memberUid={user})'

+                 )

+                 ldap_searches = [{'BASE': ldap_base, 'SEARCH_STRING': ldap_search_string}]

          return verify_authorization(user, testcase, permission_mapping, ldap_host, ldap_searches)


      def _create_waiver(self, args, user):

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          results = con.search_s(

              ldap_search['BASE'], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-             ldap_search.get('SEARCH_STRING', '(memberUid={user})').format(user), ['cn']

+             ldap_search.get('SEARCH_STRING', '(memberUid={user})').format(user=user), ['cn']


          return [group[1]['cn'][0].decode('utf-8') for group in results]

      except KeyError:
@@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ 

          raise InternalServerError(('If PERMISSION_MAPPING is defined, '

                                     'python-ldap needs to be installed.'))


-     con = ldap.initialize(ldap_host)

+     try:

+         con = ldap.initialize(ldap_host)

+     except ldap.LDAPError:

+         log.exception('Some error occurred initializing the LDAP connection.')

+         raise Unauthorized('Some error occurred initializing the LDAP connection.')

      group_membership = set()


      for cur_ldap_search in ldap_searches: