#381 Use openshift project prepared by c3i-role
Merged 4 years ago by lholecek. Opened 4 years ago by mkovarik.
mkovarik/waiverdb c3i-build-namespace  into  master

@@ -128,30 +128,32 @@ 

        env.TEMP_TAG = versions[1] + '-jenkins-' + currentBuild.id


        openshift.withCluster() {

-         // OpenShift BuildConfig doesn't support specifying a tag name at build time.

-         // We have to create a new BuildConfig for each container build.

-         // Create a BuildConfig from a seperated Template.

-         echo 'Creating a BuildConfig for container build...'

-         def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-container-template.yaml'

-         def processed = openshift.process(template,

-           "-p", "NAME=${env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID}",

-           '-p', "WAIVERDB_GIT_REPO=${params.GIT_REPO}",

-           // A pull-request branch, like pull/123/head, cannot be built with commit ID

-           // because refspec cannot be customized in an OpenShift build .

-           '-p', "WAIVERDB_GIT_REF=${env.PR_NO ? env.GIT_REPO_REF : env.GIT_COMMIT}",

-           '-p', "WAIVERDB_IMAGE_TAG=${env.TEMP_TAG}",

-           '-p', "WAIVERDB_VERSION=${waiverdb_version}",



-         )

-         def build = c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: processed)

-         echo 'Container build succeeds.'

-         def ocpBuild = build.object()

-         env.RESULTING_IMAGE_REF = ocpBuild.status.outputDockerImageReference

-         env.RESULTING_IMAGE_DIGEST = ocpBuild.status.output.to.imageDigest

-         def imagestream = openshift.selector('is', ['app': env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID]).object()

-         env.RESULTING_IMAGE_REPOS = imagestream.status.dockerImageRepository

-         env.RESULTING_TAG = env.TEMP_TAG

+         openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+           // OpenShift BuildConfig doesn't support specifying a tag name at build time.

+           // We have to create a new BuildConfig for each container build.

+           // Create a BuildConfig from a seperated Template.

+           echo 'Creating a BuildConfig for container build...'

+           def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-container-template.yaml'

+           def processed = openshift.process(template,

+             "-p", "NAME=${env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID}",

+             '-p', "WAIVERDB_GIT_REPO=${params.GIT_REPO}",

+             // A pull-request branch, like pull/123/head, cannot be built with commit ID

+             // because refspec cannot be customized in an OpenShift build .

+             '-p', "WAIVERDB_GIT_REF=${env.PR_NO ? env.GIT_REPO_REF : env.GIT_COMMIT}",

+             '-p', "WAIVERDB_IMAGE_TAG=${env.TEMP_TAG}",

+             '-p', "WAIVERDB_VERSION=${waiverdb_version}",

+             '-p', "WAIVERDB_IMAGESTREAM_NAME=waiverdb",


+           )

+           def build = c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: processed)

+           echo 'Container build succeeds.'

+           def ocpBuild = build.object()

+           env.RESULTING_IMAGE_REF = ocpBuild.status.outputDockerImageReference

+           env.RESULTING_IMAGE_DIGEST = ocpBuild.status.output.to.imageDigest

+           def imagestream = openshift.selector('is', ['app': env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID]).object()

+           env.RESULTING_IMAGE_REPOS = imagestream.status.dockerImageRepository

+           env.RESULTING_TAG = env.TEMP_TAG

+         }



@@ -159,17 +161,6 @@ 

      failure {

        echo "Failed to build container image ${env.TEMP_TAG}."


-     cleanup {

-       script {

-         openshift.withCluster() {

-           echo 'Tearing down...'

-           openshift.selector('bc', [

-             'app': env.BUILDCONFIG_INSTANCE_ID,

-             'template': 'waiverdb-container-template',

-             ]).delete()

-         }

-       }

-     }



  stage("Functional tests phase") {
@@ -181,18 +172,6 @@ 




-     stage('Cleanup') {

-       // Cleanup all test environments that were created 1 hour ago in case of failures of previous cleanups.

-       steps {

-         script {

-           openshift.withCluster() {

-             openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

-               c3i.cleanup(script: this, age: 60, 'waiverdb')

-             }

-           }

-         }

-       }

-     }

      stage('Run functional tests') {

        environment {

          // Jenkins BUILD_TAG could be too long (> 63 characters) for OpenShift to consume
@@ -202,24 +181,26 @@ 

          echo "Container image ${env.IMAGE} will be tested."

          script {

            openshift.withCluster() {

-             // Don't set ENVIRONMENT_LABEL in the environment block! Otherwise you will get 2 different UUIDs.

-             env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL = "test-${env.TEST_ID}"

-             def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml'

-             def webPodReplicas = 1 // The current quota in UpShift is agressively limited

-             echo "Creating testing environment with TEST_ID=${env.TEST_ID}..."

-             def models = openshift.process(template,

-               '-p', "TEST_ID=${env.TEST_ID}",

-               '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE=${env.IMAGE}",

-               '-p', "WAIVERDB_REPLICAS=${webPodReplicas}",

-             )

-             c3i.deployAndWait(script: this, objs: models, timeout: 15)

-             def appPod = openshift.selector('pods', ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL, 'service': 'web']).object()

-             env.IMAGE_DIGEST = appPod.status.containerStatuses[0].imageID.split('@')[1]

-             // Run functional tests

-             def route_hostname = openshift.selector('routes', ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL]).object().spec.host

-             echo "Running tests against https://${route_hostname}/"

-             withEnv(["WAIVERDB_TEST_URL=https://${route_hostname}/"]) {

-               sh 'py.test-3 -v --junitxml=junit-functional-tests.xml functional-tests/'

+             openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+               // Don't set ENVIRONMENT_LABEL in the environment block! Otherwise you will get 2 different UUIDs.

+               env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL = "test-${env.TEST_ID}"

+               def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml'

+               def webPodReplicas = 1 // The current quota in UpShift is agressively limited

+               echo "Creating testing environment with TEST_ID=${env.TEST_ID}..."

+               def models = openshift.process(template,

+                 '-p', "TEST_ID=${env.TEST_ID}",

+                 '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE=${env.IMAGE}",

+                 '-p', "WAIVERDB_REPLICAS=${webPodReplicas}",

+               )

+               c3i.deployAndWait(script: this, objs: models, timeout: 15)

+               def appPod = openshift.selector('pods', ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL, 'service': 'web']).object()

+               env.IMAGE_DIGEST = appPod.status.containerStatuses[0].imageID.split('@')[1]

+               // Run functional tests

+               def route_hostname = openshift.selector('routes', ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL]).object().spec.host

+               echo "Running tests against https://${route_hostname}/"

+               withEnv(["WAIVERDB_TEST_URL=https://${route_hostname}/"]) {

+                 sh 'py.test-3 -v --junitxml=junit-functional-tests.xml functional-tests/'

+               }



@@ -230,21 +211,9 @@ 

              junit 'junit-functional-tests.xml'

              archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'junit-functional-tests.xml'

              openshift.withCluster() {

-               /* Extract logs for debugging purposes */

-               openshift.selector('deploy,pods', ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL]).logs()

-             }

-           }

-         }

-         cleanup {

-           script {

-             openshift.withCluster() {

-               /* Tear down everything we just created */

-               echo "Tearing down test resources..."

-               try {

-                 openshift.selector('dc,deploy,rc,configmap,secret,svc,route',

-                       ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL]).delete()

-               } catch (e) {

-                 echo "Failed to tear down test resources: ${e.message}"

+               openshift.withProject(env.PIPELINE_ID) {

+                 /* Extract logs for debugging purposes */

+                 openshift.selector('deploy,pods', ['environment': env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL]).logs()



@@ -259,67 +228,14 @@ 

            // Don't send a message if the job fails before getting the image digest.



-         if (!env.MESSAGING_PROVIDER) {

-           // Don't send a message if messaging provider is not configured

-           return

-         }

-         // currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS' indicates a successful build,

-         // because it's possible that the pipeline engine hasn't set the value nor seen an error when reaching to this line.

-         // See example code in https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/#deploy

-         def sendResult = sendCIMessage \

-           providerName: params.MESSAGING_PROVIDER, \

-           overrides: [topic: 'VirtualTopic.eng.ci.container-image.test.complete'], \

-           messageType: 'Custom', \

-           messageProperties: '', \

-           messageContent: """

-           {

-             "ci": {

-               "name": "C3I Jenkins",

-               "team": "DevOps",

-               "url": "${env.JENKINS_URL}",

-               "docs": "https://pagure.io/waiverdb/blob/master/f/openshift",

-               "irc": "#pnt-devops-dev",

-               "email": "pnt-factory2-devel@redhat.com",

-               "environment": "stage"

-             },

-             "run": {

-               "url": "${env.BUILD_URL}",

-               "log": "${env.BUILD_URL}/console",

-               "debug": "",

-               "rebuild": "${env.BUILD_URL}/rebuild/parametrized"

-             },

-             "artifact": {

-               "type": "container-image",

-               "repository": "factory2/waiverdb",

-               "digest": "${env.IMAGE_DIGEST}",

-               "nvr": "${env.IMAGE}",

-               "issuer": "c3i-jenkins",

-               "scratch": ${params.GIT_REPO_REF != params.PAGURE_MAIN_BRANCH},

-               "id": "waiverdb@${env.IMAGE_DIGEST}"

-             },

-             "system":

-                [{

-                   "os": "${params.JENKINS_AGENT_IMAGE}",

-                   "provider": "openshift",

-                   "architecture": "x86_64"

-                }],

-             "type": "integration",

-             "category": "dev",

-             "status": "${currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS' ? 'passed':'failed'}",

-             "xunit": "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifacts/junit-functional-tests.xml",

-             "generated_at": "${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))}",

-             "namespace": "c3i",

-             "version": "0.1.0"

-           }

-           """

-         if (sendResult.getMessageId()) {

-           // echo sent message id and content

-           echo 'Successfully sent the test result to ResultsDB.'

-           echo "Message ID: ${sendResult.getMessageId()}"

-           echo "Message content: ${sendResult.getMessageContent()}"

-         } else {

-           echo 'Failed to sent the test result to ResultsDB.'

-         }

+         c3i.sendResultToMessageBus(

+           imageRef: env.IMAGE,

+           digest: env.IMAGE_DIGEST,

+           environment: 'dev',

+           scratch: params.GIT_REPO_REF != params.PAGURE_MAIN_BRANCH,

+           docs: 'https://pagure.io/waiverdb/blob/master/f/openshift',

+           xunit: "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifacts/junit-functional-tests.xml"

+         )




@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ 

              openshift.withProject(params.PIPELINE_AS_A_SERVICE_BUILD_NAMESPACE) {

                c3i.buildAndWait(script: this, objs: "bc/pipeline-as-a-service",

                  '-e', "DEFAULT_IMAGE_TAG=${env.ENVIRONMENT}",

-                 '-e', "WAIVERDB_IMAGE=${env.IMAGE}",

+                 '-e', "WAIVERDB_IMAGE=${env.TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO}:${env.TRACKED_TAG}",

                  '-e', "PIPELINE_ID=${env.PIPELINE_ID}",

                  '-e', "PAAS_DOMAIN=${env.PAAS_DOMAIN}",

                  '-e', "SERVICES_TO_DEPLOY='resultsdb-updater datanommer greenwave resultsdb umb waiverdb datagrepper krb5 ldap koji-hub'",

@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ 

  - apiVersion: v1

    kind: Route


-     name: "waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     name: "waiverdb-test-web"


        environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

        app: waiverdb

Instead of deploying to current namespace use new namespace created by c3i role. Namespace is deleted after 60 minutes by default (can be configured via c3i role variable). Multiple builds can be run in parallel without having quota issue.

Fixed issue with creation new pipeline with waiverdb digest - changed to tag since waiverdb-playbooks are using imagestream which does not allow be created on digest.

Pull-Request has been merged by lholecek

4 years ago