#320 Add ``proxied_by`` in the CLI
Merged 4 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 4 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/waiverdb proxied_by_cli  into  master

file modified
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ 


      A comment explaining why the result is waived.


+ .. option:: -u, --username TEXT


+     Username on whose behalf the caller is proxying.


  .. option:: -h, --help


      Print usage help and exit.

@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ 

  import mock

  import ldap

  import pytest

+ from click.testing import CliRunner

+ from textwrap import dedent

+ from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized

+ from waiverdb.cli import cli as waiverdb_cli



@@ -154,3 +158,57 @@ 

          assert res_data['waived'] is True

          assert res_data['comment'] == 'it broke'

          assert res_data['proxied_by'] == 'bodhi'


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.auth.get_user', return_value=('bodhi', {}))

+     @mock.patch('requests.request',

+                 side_effect=Unauthorized('You are not authorized to submit a waiver for the test '

+                                          'case testcase3'))

+     def test_proxied_by_with_no_permission_cli(self, mock_request, mock_get_user, client, session,

+                                                tmpdir):

+         p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+         p.write(dedent("""

+             [waiverdb]

+             auth_method=Kerberos

+             api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+             """))

+         self.data['testcase'] = 'testcase3'

+         self.data['username'] = 'foo'

+         runner = CliRunner()

+         args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-s', '{"type": "koji_build", "item": "glibc-2.26-27.fc27"}',

+                 '-t', 'testcase3', '-c', 'This is fine', '-p', 'fool-1', '-u', 'foo']

+         result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args, catch_exceptions=True)

+         assert result.exception.description == ("You are not authorized to submit a waiver "

+                                                 "for the test case testcase3")


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.auth.get_user', return_value=('bodhi', {}))

+     def test_proxied_by_has_permission_cli(self, mock_get_user, client, session, tmpdir):

+         with mock.patch('requests.request') as mock_request:

+             mock_rv = mock.Mock()

+             mock_rv.json.return_value = [{

+                 "comment": "it broke",

+                 "data": {"item": ["glibc-2.26-27.fc27"], "type": ["koji_build"]},

+                 "id": 15,

+                 "product_version": "fool-1",

+                 "testcase": "testcase2",

+                 "timestamp": "2017-010-16T17:42:04.209638",

+                 "username": "foo",

+                 "proxied_by": "bodhi",

+                 "waived": True

+             }]

+             mock_request.return_value = mock_rv

+             p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+             p.write(dedent("""

+                 [waiverdb]

+                 auth_method=Kerberos

+                 api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+                 """))

+             runner = CliRunner()

+             args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fool-1', '-r', '123',

+                     '-c', "This is fine", '-u', 'foo']

+             result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+             mock_request.assert_called_once()

+             assert result.output.startswith('Created waiver 15 for result with id 123\n')

file modified
+8 -4
@@ -136,8 +136,10 @@ 

                help='Whether or not the result is waived')

  @click.option('--comment', '-c',

                help='A comment explaining why the result is waived')

- def cli(comment, waived, product_version, testcase, subject, subject_identifier, subject_type,

-         result_id, config_file):

+ @click.option('--username', '-u', default=None,

+               help='Username on whose behalf the caller is proxying.')

+ def cli(username, comment, waived, product_version, testcase, subject, subject_identifier,

+         subject_type, result_id, config_file):


      Creates new waiver against test results.

@@ -221,7 +223,8 @@ 

              'testcase': testcase,

              'waived': waived,

              'product_version': product_version,

-             'comment': comment

+             'comment': comment,

+             'username': username



      # XXX - TODO - remove this in a future release.  (for backwards compat)
@@ -230,7 +233,8 @@ 

              'result_id': result_id,

              'waived': waived,

              'product_version': product_version,

-             'comment': comment

+             'comment': comment,

+             'username': username



      api_url = config.get('waiverdb', 'api_url')

In the API is possible to define a username on whose behalf the
caller is proxying the submittion of a waiver.
This change provides this possibility also in the CLI. This is
updated also to reflect the recent changes regarding the access

Commit 14544a0 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago