#312 Restrict waiver creation based on users/groups and testcase
Merged 4 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 5 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/waiverdb permission-mapping  into  master

file modified
@@ -81,3 +81,23 @@ 


  def enable_cors(app, monkeypatch):

      monkeypatch.setitem(app.config, 'CORS_URL', 'https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org')



+ @pytest.fixture()

+ def enable_permission_mapping(app, monkeypatch):

+     monkeypatch.setitem(app.config, 'PERMISSION_MAPPING',

+                         {

+                             "^testcase1.*": {"groups": ["factory-2-0"], "users": []}, # noqa

+                             "^testcase2.*": {"groups": [], "users": ["foo"]}, # noqa

+                             "^testcase4.*": {"groups": [], "users": []} # noqa

+                         })



+ @pytest.fixture()

+ def enable_ldap_host(app, monkeypatch):

+     monkeypatch.setitem(app.config, 'LDAP_HOST', 'ldap://ldap.something.com')



+ @pytest.fixture()

+ def enable_ldap_base(app, monkeypatch):

+     monkeypatch.setitem(app.config, 'LDAP_BASE', 'ou=Users,dc=something,dc=com')

@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ 

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+


+ import json

+ from base64 import b64encode


+ import mock

+ import ldap

+ import pytest



+ @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_permission_mapping')

+ @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_kerberos')

+ @mock.patch.multiple("gssapi.SecurityContext", complete=True,

+                      __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None),

+                      step=mock.Mock(return_value=b"STOKEN"),

+                      initiator_name="foo@EXAMPLE.ORG")

+ @mock.patch.multiple("gssapi.Credentials",

+                      __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None),

+                      __new__=mock.Mock(return_value=None))

+ class TestAccessControl(object):


+     data = {

+         'subject_type': 'koji_build',

+         'subject_identifier': 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27',

+         'testcase': 'testcase1',

+         'product_version': 'fool-1',

+         'waived': True,

+         'comment': 'it broke',

+     }

+     headers = {'Authorization':

+                'Negotiate %s' % b64encode(b"CTOKEN").decode()}


+     def test_ldap_host_base_not_defined(self, client, session):

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 500

+         assert res_data['message'] == ("LDAP_HOST and LDAP_BASE also need to be "

+                                        "defined if PERMISSION_MAPPING is defined.")


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     def test_ldap_host_defined_base_not(self, client, session):

+         self.test_ldap_host_base_not_defined(client, session)


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     def test_ldap_base_defined_host_not(self, client, session):

+         self.test_ldap_host_base_not_defined(client, session)


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('ldap.initialize', side_effect=ldap.LDAPError())

+     def test_initialization_ldap_connection(self, mocked, client, session):

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 401

+         assert res_data['message'] == "Some error occured initializing the LDAP connection."


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.api_v1.WaiversResource.get_group_membership', return_value=([]))

+     def test_user_not_found_in_ldap(self, mocked_conn, client, session, monkeypatch):

+         monkeypatch.setenv('KRB5_KTNAME', '/etc/foo.keytab')

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 401

+         assert res_data['message'] == "Couldn't find user foo in LDAP"


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.api_v1.WaiversResource.get_group_membership',

+                 return_value=(['factory-2-0', 'something-else']))

+     def test_group_has_permission(self, mocked_conn, client, session, monkeypatch):

+         monkeypatch.setenv('KRB5_KTNAME', '/etc/foo.keytab')

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 201

+         assert res_data['username'] == 'foo'

+         assert res_data['subject'] == {'type': 'koji_build', 'item': 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27'}

+         assert res_data['subject_type'] == 'koji_build'

+         assert res_data['subject_identifier'] == 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27'

+         assert res_data['testcase'] == 'testcase1'

+         assert res_data['product_version'] == 'fool-1'

+         assert res_data['waived'] is True

+         assert res_data['comment'] == 'it broke'


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     def test_user_has_permission(self, client, session, monkeypatch):

+         monkeypatch.setenv('KRB5_KTNAME', '/etc/foo.keytab')

+         self.data['testcase'] = 'testcase2'

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 201

+         assert res_data['username'] == 'foo'

+         assert res_data['subject'] == {'type': 'koji_build', 'item': 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27'}

+         assert res_data['subject_type'] == 'koji_build'

+         assert res_data['subject_identifier'] == 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27'

+         assert res_data['testcase'] == 'testcase2'

+         assert res_data['product_version'] == 'fool-1'

+         assert res_data['waived'] is True

+         assert res_data['comment'] == 'it broke'


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.api_v1.WaiversResource.get_group_membership',

+                 return_value=(['factory-2-0', 'something-else']))

+     def test_both_user_group_no_permission(self, mocked_conn, client, session, monkeypatch):

+         monkeypatch.setenv('KRB5_KTNAME', '/etc/foo.keytab')

+         self.data['testcase'] = 'testcase3'

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 401

+         assert res_data['message'] == ("You are not authorized to submit a waiver "

+                                        "for the test case testcase3")


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.auth.get_user', return_value=('bodhi', {}))

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.api_v1.WaiversResource.get_group_membership',

+                 return_value=(['factory-2-0', 'something-else']))

+     def test_proxied_by_with_no_permission(self, mocked_conn, mock_get_user, client, session):

+         self.data['testcase'] = 'testcase3'

+         self.data['username'] = 'foo'

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 401

+         assert res_data['message'] == ("You are not authorized to submit a waiver "

+                                        "for the test case testcase3")


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_host')

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures('enable_ldap_base')

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.auth.get_user', return_value=('bodhi', {}))

+     @mock.patch('waiverdb.api_v1.WaiversResource.get_group_membership',

+                 return_value=(['factory-2-0', 'something-else']))

+     def test_proxied_by_has_permission(self, mocked_conn, mock_get_user, client, session):

+         self.data['testcase'] = 'testcase2'

+         self.data['username'] = 'foo'

+         r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(self.data),

+                         content_type='application/json', headers=self.headers)

+         res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+         assert r.status_code == 201

+         assert res_data['username'] == 'foo'

+         assert res_data['subject'] == {'type': 'koji_build', 'item': 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27'}

+         assert res_data['subject_type'] == 'koji_build'

+         assert res_data['subject_identifier'] == 'glibc-2.26-27.fc27'

+         assert res_data['testcase'] == 'testcase2'

+         assert res_data['product_version'] == 'fool-1'

+         assert res_data['waived'] is True

+         assert res_data['comment'] == 'it broke'

+         assert res_data['proxied_by'] == 'bodhi'

file modified
+47 -1
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ 

  # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+


  import datetime

+ import re

+ import logging


  import requests

  from flask import Blueprint, request, current_app

  from flask_restful import Resource, Api, reqparse, marshal_with, marshal

- from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, Forbidden, ServiceUnavailable

+ from werkzeug.exceptions import (BadRequest, Forbidden, ServiceUnavailable,

+                                  InternalServerError, Unauthorized, BadGateway)

  from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, and_, or_


  from waiverdb import __version__
@@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ 

  api_v1 = (Blueprint('api_v1', __name__))

  api = Api(api_v1)

  requests_session = requests.Session()

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



  def valid_dict(value):
@@ -321,6 +325,46 @@ 


          return result, 201, headers


+     def get_group_membership(self, user):

+         try:

+             import ldap

+         except ImportError:

+             raise InternalServerError(('If PERMISSION_MAPPING is defined, '

+                                        'python-ldap needs to be installed.'))

+         try:

+             con = ldap.initialize(current_app.config['LDAP_HOST'])

+             results = con.search_s(current_app.config['LDAP_BASE'], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    f'(memberUid={user})', ['cn'])

+             return [group[1]['cn'][0].decode('utf-8') for group in results]

+         except ldap.LDAPError:

+             log.exception('Some error occured initializing the LDAP connection.')

+             raise Unauthorized('Some error occured initializing the LDAP connection.')

+         except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:

+             log.exception('The LDAP server is not reachable.')

+             raise BadGateway('The LDAP server is not reachable.')


+     def verify_authorization(self, user, testcase):

+         if not current_app.config['PERMISSION_MAPPING']:

+             return True

+         if not (current_app.config.get('LDAP_HOST') and current_app.config.get('LDAP_BASE')):

+             raise InternalServerError(('LDAP_HOST and LDAP_BASE also need to be defined '

+                                        'if PERMISSION_MAPPING is defined.'))

+         allowed_groups = []

+         for testcase_pattern, permission in current_app.config['PERMISSION_MAPPING'].items():

+             testcase_match = re.search(testcase_pattern, testcase)

+             if testcase_match:

+                 # checking if the user is allowed

+                 if user in permission['users']:

+                     return True

+                 allowed_groups += permission['groups']

+         group_membership = self.get_group_membership(user)

+         if not group_membership:

+             raise Unauthorized(f'Couldn\'t find user {user} in LDAP')

+         if set(group_membership) & set(allowed_groups):

+             return True

+         raise Unauthorized(('You are not authorized to submit a waiver '

+                             f'for the test case {testcase}'))


      def _create_waiver(self, args, user):

          proxied_by = None

          if args.get('username'):
@@ -375,6 +419,8 @@ 

          if not args['testcase']:

              raise BadRequest({'testcase': 'Missing required parameter in the JSON body'})


+         self.verify_authorization(user, args['testcase'])


          # brew-build is an alias for koji_build

          if args['subject_type'] == 'brew-build':

              args['subject_type'] = 'koji_build'

file modified
+6 -5
@@ -278,11 +278,12 @@ 

          resp = requests.request(

              'POST', url, auth=auth, **common_request_arguments)

          if resp.status_code == 401:

-             raise click.ClickException('WaiverDB authentication using GSSAPI failed. '

-                                        'Make sure you have a valid Kerberos ticket or '

-                                        'that you correctly configured your Kerberos '

-                                        'configuration file. Please check the doc for '

-                                        'troubleshooting information.')

+             msg = resp.json().get(

+                 'message', ('WaiverDB authentication using GSSAPI failed. Make sure you have a '

+                             'valid Kerberos ticket or that you correctly configured your Kerberos '

+                             'configuration file. Please check the doc for troubleshooting '

+                             'information.'))

+             raise click.ClickException(msg)

          check_response(resp, result_ids)

      elif auth_method == 'dummy':

          resp = requests.request(

file modified
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 


      # A list of users are allowed to create waivers on behalf of other users.

      SUPERUSERS = []




  class ProductionConfig(Config):

Introduce access control based on the users/groups and the testcase.
Groups need to be defined in LDAP.
New configuration is required to enable this feature:
- PERMISSION_MAPPING: dictionary with keys regex applied to testcases
and as values dictionaries with "users" and "groups" allowed to
submit waivers for that matching testcase.
If not specified, the feature is not enabled.
- LDAP_HOST and LDAP_BASE: required to query the LDAP system.
If PERMISSION_MAPPING is specified, but these are not, it throws an

You probably want to except on ldap.SERVER_DOWN to raise a bad gateway exception.

The problem with this query is that it does not include the posixGroup objects the user is a member of. It does seem to include the Rover groups though.

If you only need to care about the posixGroup membership, then you can use the following query:

results = con.search_s('ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, f'(memberUid={user})', ['cn'])
group_cns = [group[1]['cn'] for group in results]

If you need the Rover groups and the traditional posixGroups, then you may have to perform both queries.

@mikeb, do you have any suggestions?

I'd prefer if you did:

if not current_app.config['PERMISSION_MAPPING']:
    return True


None is not required here since by default, get will return None if the key isn't present.

It's a bit simpler if you do:

if not (current_app.config.get('LDAP_HOST') and current_app.config.get('LDAP_BASE')):

Can you break from the loop after the first match? Is there a reason not to?

Instead of keeping track of the allowed_users list, you could just check:

if user in permission['users']:
    return True

The extra set of parentheses aren't needed. Also, it'd be nice if you were consistent with the quotes type you used. Mixing between single quotes and double quotes is a bit annoying.

How about?

group = item.split(',')[0][len('cn='):]

The f is not necessary in this string.

Perhaps a better name like verify_authorization or assert_authorized since you aren't actually returning anything, and you raise exceptions when they aren't authorized.

How about a better name like get_group_membership? You could also parse the results and just return a set of the common names of the groups here instead of in get_permissions.

Where are you mocking python-ldap? Is this unit test actually trying to connect to some LDAP server and failing?

No, that's the point of the test: test that without a valid LDAP server it will fail connecting.
The "monkeypatch" input is an error. I just forgot to remove it.

I want allowed_groups and allowed_users to include all possible allowed groups and users.
The user might not be listed in the first match. I might forbid a user that is allowed but is listed after the first match.

oh... my beautiful regexp....

rebased onto 0db12004da5dce4c660668d23b258e3c1167b16f

4 years ago

@mprahl I think I've addressed all the comments. Could you have another look?

You should mock the ldap library so that it raises an exception rather than have it try to reach out to ldap.something.com. I don't like the idea of the unit tests trying to connect to some random server on the internet.

How about logging the exception?

How about logging the exception?

Optional: The LDAP server seems to be unreachable. => The LDAP server is not reachable

Optional: This is a good candidate for a set

Perhaps the return value should be formatted to be a list/set of item[0].decode('utf-8').
Then the for loop can be replaced with:

if set(result) & set(allowed_groups):
    return True

Optional: A better variable name such as group_membership is appreciated for readability

Do you mean the return value of get_group_membership?

rebased onto 9e0cfceb1d4af6bc506dfa63d7d38a306acd28ef

4 years ago

@mprahl all comments should be addressed. Thanks for the reviews.

Optional: It'd be better to mock the ldap.initialize method to raise the exception

msg = resp.json().get('message', UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR_MESSAGE)

Is this error propagated to client? Why re-throw this at all?

Any way to make the noqa comment clearer? No idea why those are used most of the time.

Because that log I think is a bit nicer than the traceback.

Flake8 doesn't handle correctly f-strings... I don't think putting the error code would be clearer in this case.

Flake8 doesn't handle correctly f-strings... I don't think putting the error code would be clearer in this case.

So everytime you use fstring, you also add one noqa? I'm not sure if using newer python features is worth it. :) Hmm, maybe get rid of flake8 and use pylint.

+1 But it looks like there should be a library for authentication that works nicely with flake and LDAP.

So everytime you use fstring, you also add one noqa? I'm not sure if using newer python features is worth it. :) Hmm, maybe get rid of flake8 and use pylint.

It doesn't seem to happen everytime. I'm just confident they will fix it soon :)
I like the f-string feature and I think everyone will start supporting it.

@gnaponie can you disable the flake8 rule globally that causes the issue?

Can you make this log.exception so that the LDAP exception is retained in the logs?

Can you make this log.exception so that the LDAP exception is retained in the logs?

I like the f-string feature and I think everyone will start supporting it.

Yeah, it's really nice feature, but I think there are couple of downsides, like you cannot use them in multi-line strings.

@gnaponie can you disable the flake8 rule globally that causes the issue?

It is "E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax ", I don't think we should disable that globally.

The problem with this query is that it does not include the posixGroup objects the user is a member of. It does seem to include the Rover groups though.
If you only need to care about the posixGroup membership, then you can use the following query:
results = con.search_s('ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, f'(memberUid={user})', ['cn'])
group_cns = [group[1]['cn'] for group in results]

If you need the Rover groups and the traditional posixGroups, then you may have to perform both queries.
@mikeb, do you have any suggestions?

@gnaponie what did you decide on this comment?

@gnaponie what did you decide on this comment?

I've decided for making the query on posixGroup. I've discussed a bit with @jkaluza about it, and it seems that that should be the best solution for us.

mmm but in this case everyone who needs to run the test needs to install ldap. Do we care? Not sure. It shouldn't in the requirement though I think.

Mocking 'waiverdb.api_v1.WaiversResource.get_group_membership.ldap' or 'ldap' fails if you don't have it installed?

rebased onto 01caf9c640c253a81ff9993f8a4001b8841542cb

4 years ago

Optional: set this message to a variable so that you don't have to duplicate the string. While, you're at it ldap => LDAP :smile:

Optional: If you move this before the allowed_groups += permission['groups'] line, then you can save an unnecessary list concatenation

Optional: It'd be more intuitive if this was a set to begin with instead of a list

@gnaponie I left some optional comments, but feel free to ignore them if you disagree.

Regardless, :thumbsup:

rebased onto 69b88f883c5de56a8281d68cfcbf25cd4f22d4f3

4 years ago

@mprahl I changed the ones I shared :)
Can we merge it?

rebased onto 14b1001

4 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Test proxied_by with access control
4 years ago

Added another commit to test "proxied_by" and proceed with this KR. I know we are never gonna close it....

+1 (I didn't know about proxied_by parameter.)

Commit 03964df fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago