#298 CI/CD: minor improvements
Merged 5 years ago by rayson. Opened 5 years ago by rayson.
rayson/waiverdb cicd-improve-1  into  master

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ 

                      def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml'

                      def models = openshift.process(template,

                              '-p', "TEST_ID=${env.BUILD_TAG}",

-                             '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION=internal-${appversion}")

+                             '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE=quay.io/factory2/waiverdb:internal-${appversion}")

                      def environment_label = "test-${env.BUILD_TAG}"

                      try {

                          def objects = openshift.create(models)

@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ 

    displayName: Comma seperated list of container repositories (without tag) to which the built WaiverDB dev image will be pushed

    description: OpenShift registries must be prefixed with 'atomic:'

    required: false

-   value: "quay.io/factory2/waiverdb,atomic:docker-registry.engineering.redhat.com/factory2/waiverdb"

+   value: "quay.io/factory2/waiverdb"


    displayName: Secret name of container registries used for pulling and pushing images

    value: factory2-pipeline-registry-credentials

@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ 

            env.WAIVERDB_VERSION = versions[0]

            env.WAIVERDB_CONTAINER_VERSION = versions[1]

            env.TEMP_TAG = env.WAIVERDB_CONTAINER_VERSION + '-jenkins-' + currentBuild.id


+           if (sh(returnStatus: true, script: 'pip3 install --user -r ./requirements.txt' != 0) {

+             echo 'WARNING: Failed to install dependencies from requirements.txt.'

+           }



@@ -144,8 +148,6 @@ 

              currentBuild.description = """<a href="${env.PAGURE_REPO_HOME}/c/${env.WAIVERDB_GIT_COMMIT}">${currentBuild.displayName}</a>"""



-         sh 'cp conf/settings.py.example conf/settings.py'

-         sh 'pip3 install --user -r ./requirements.txt'



      stage('Run checks') {
@@ -165,6 +167,7 @@ 


      stage('Run unit tests') {

        steps {

+         sh 'cp conf/settings.py.example conf/settings.py'

          // wait for the test datebase to come up

          sh 'wait-for-it -s -t 300'

          // create a database role

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ 

          - name: "IMAGE"

            value: "${IMAGE}"

          - name: IMAGE_IS_SCRATCH

-           value: "false"

+           value: "true"



          - name: "TEST_ID"

@@ -71,8 +71,12 @@ 

                if (now.getTime() - creationTime.getTime() < 1000 * 60 * 60)


                echo "Deleting ${objName}..."

-               obj.delete()

-               echo "Deleted ${objName}"

+               try {

+                 obj.delete()

+                 echo "Deleted ${objName}"

+               } catch (e) {

+                 echo "Error deleting ${objName}: ${e.message}"

+               }



@@ -81,22 +85,20 @@ 

      stage('Run functional tests') {

        environment {

          // Jenkins BUILD_TAG could be too long (> 63 characters) for OpenShift to consume

-         TEST_ID = "${params.TEST_ID ?: 'jenkins-' + currentBuild.id}"

-         ENVIRONMENT_LABEL = "test-${env.TEST_ID}"

+         TEST_ID = "${params.TEST_ID ?: 'jenkins-' + currentBuild.id + '-' + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0,7)}"


        steps {

          echo "Container image ${params.IMAGE} will be tested."

          script {

            openshift.withCluster() {

-             def imageTag = (params.IMAGE =~ /(?::(\w[\w.-]{0,127}))?$/)[0][1]

-             def imageRepo = imageTag ? params.IMAGE.substring(0, params.IMAGE.length() - imageTag.length() - 1) : params.IMAGE

-             env.IMAGE_TAG = imageTag ?: 'latest'

+             // Don't set ENVIRONMENT_LABEL in the environment block! Otherwise you will get 2 different UUIDs.

+             env.ENVIRONMENT_LABEL = "test-${env.TEST_ID}"

              def template = readYaml file: 'openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml'

              def webPodReplicas = 1 // The current quota in UpShift is agressively limited

+             echo "Creating testing environment with TEST_ID=${env.TEST_ID}..."

              def models = openshift.process(template,

                '-p', "TEST_ID=${env.TEST_ID}",

-               '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE_REPO=${imageRepo}",

-               '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION=${imageTag ?: 'latest'}",

+               '-p', "WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE=${params.IMAGE}",

                '-p', "WAIVERDB_REPLICAS=${webPodReplicas}",


              def objects = openshift.apply(models)
@@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ 

                "type": "container-image",

                "repository": "factory2/waiverdb",

                "digest": "${env.IMAGE_DIGEST}",

-               "nvr": "waiverdb:${env.IMAGE_TAG}",

+               "nvr": "${params.IMAGE}",

                "issuer": "c3i-jenkins",

                "scratch": ${params.IMAGE_IS_SCRATCH},

                "id": "waiverdb@${env.IMAGE_DIGEST}"
@@ -204,8 +206,8 @@ 

                    "provider": "openshift",

                    "architecture": "x86_64"


-             "type": "${params.ENVIRONMENT}",

-             "category": "integration",

+             "type": "integration",

+             "category": "${params.ENVIRONMENT}",

              "status": "${currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS' ? 'passed':'failed'}",

              "xunit": "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifacts/junit-functional-tests.xml",

              "generated_at": "${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))}",

@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ 

        app: "${NAME}"


      runPolicy: "Serial"

+     completionDeadlineSeconds: 1800


        type: JenkinsPipeline


@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 

  # for Postgres data.


  # To create an environment from the template, process and apply it:

- #   oc process -f openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml -p TEST_ID=123 -p WAIVERDB_APP_VERSION=0.1.2.dev24-git.94c0119 | oc apply -f -

+ #   oc process -f openshift/waiverdb-test-template.yaml -p TEST_ID=123 -p WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE=quay.io/factory2/waiverdb:0.1.2.dev24-git.94c0119 | oc apply -f -

  # To clean up the environment, use a selector on the environment label:

  #   oc delete dc,deploy,pod,configmap,secret,svc,route -l environment=test-123

@@ -20,14 +20,10 @@ 

    displayName: Test id

    description: Short unique identifier for this test run (e.g. Jenkins job number)

    required: true


-   displayName: WaiverDB application version

-   description: Python version of the WaiverDB application being tested


+   displayName: The image of WaiverDB application being tested

    required: true


-   displayName: The registry/repo of WaiverDB application being tested

-   required: true

-   value: docker-registry.engineering.redhat.com/factory2/waiverdb

+   value: quay.io/factory2/waiverdb:latest


    displayName: Flask secret key

    generate: expression
@@ -223,7 +219,7 @@ 



          - name: web


+           image: "${WAIVERDB_APP_IMAGE}"


            - containerPort: 8080


  1. Append UUID to TEST_ID for integration tests to avoid name conflicts
  2. Set time limit for Pagure polling job to 30 min
  3. Ignore errors of installing dependencies from requirements.txt
  4. Ignore failures of cleaning old test environment deployments
  5. Do not push to the internal registry (we got enough 'Unknown blob' errors)
  6. Fix waiverdb-test-template doesn't support pulling by digests
  7. Change test case name format

I need to temporarily merge it test if the issues we found in the post-merge workflow is resolved. If it is not working, I will revert it.

Pull-Request has been merged by rayson

5 years ago