#295 CI/CD: repotracker trigger enhancement
Merged 5 years ago by mikeb. Opened 5 years ago by rayson.

@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@ 

- NAME=waiverdb-repotracker-trigger

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ NAME=waiverdb-trigger-on-latest-tag

+ MESSAGING_TOPIC=Consumer.rh-jenkins-ci-plugin.c3i-waiverdb-trigger-on-latest-tag.VirtualTopic.eng.repotracker.container.tag.>

+ TEST_JOB_NAME=waiverdb-stage-integration-test

+ TRACKED_TAG=latest

openshift/pipelines/jobs/waiverdb-trigger-on-latest-tag.tmpl openshift/pipelines/jobs/waiverdb-repotracker-trigger.tmpl
file renamed
file was moved with no change to the file
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ NAME=waiverdb-trigger-on-stage-tag

+ MESSAGING_TOPIC=Consumer.rh-jenkins-ci-plugin.c3i-waiverdb-trigger-on-stage-tag.VirtualTopic.eng.repotracker.container.tag.>

+ TEST_JOB_NAME=waiverdb-prod-integration-test


@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ waiverdb-repotracker-trigger.yaml

@@ -5,27 +5,12 @@ 

      // example: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jms-messaging-plugin/blob/9b9387c3a52f037ba0d019c2ebcf2a2796fc6397/src/test/java/com/redhat/jenkins/plugins/ci/integration/AmqMessagingPluginIntegrationTest.java

      [$class: 'CIBuildTrigger',

        providerData: [$class: 'ActiveMQSubscriberProviderData',

-         name: 'Red Hat UMB',

-         overrides: [topic: "Consumer.rh-jenkins-ci-plugin.c3i-${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}.VirtualTopic.eng.repotracker.container.tag.>"],

-         selector: "repo='${TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO}'",

-         checks: [

-           [field: '$.action', expectedValue: 'added|updated'],

-         ],

+         name: params.MESSAGING_PROVIDER,

+         overrides: [topic: params.MESSAGING_TOPIC],

+         selector: "repo = '${params.TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO}' AND action IN ('added', 'updated') AND tag = '${params.TRACKED_TAG}'",




-   parameters([

-     stringParam(

-      defaultValue: '',

-      description: '(Used by CIBuildTrigger internally)',

-      name: 'CI_MESSAGE'

-     ),

-     stringParam(

-      defaultValue: '',

-      description: '(Used by CIBuildTrigger internally)',

-      name: 'MESSAGE_HEADERS'

-     ),

-  ]),



  if (!params.CI_MESSAGE) {
@@ -64,22 +49,13 @@ 

  ) {

    node(label) {

      stage('trigger test') {

-       def promotionMap = [

-         'latest': 'stage',

-         'stage': 'prod',

-       ]

        def message = readJSON text: params.CI_MESSAGE

-       def changedTag = message.tag

-       echo "Tag :$changedTag is ${message.action} in ${message.repo}. New digest: ${message.digest}"

-       def promoteTo = promotionMap[changedTag]

-       if (!promoteTo) {

-         error("I don't know where to promote :$changedTag. Aborting...")

-       }

+       echo "Tag :${message.tag} is ${message.action} in ${message.repo}. New digest: ${message.digest}"

        def image = "${message.repo}@${message.digest}"

-       echo "Triggering a job to test if $image meets all criteria of desired tag :${promoteTo}"

+       echo "Triggering a job to test if $image meets all criteria of desired tag :${message.tag}"

        def buildInfo = null

        openshift.withCluster() {

-         def testBcSelector = openshift.selector('bc', "waiverdb-${promoteTo}-integration-test")

+         def testBcSelector = openshift.selector('bc', params.TEST_JOB_NAME)

          def buildSelector = testBcSelector.startBuild(

              '-e', "IMAGE=${image}",


@@ -23,12 +23,24 @@ 


    displayName: Container repo to be tracked

    value: "quay.io/factory2/waiverdb"

+ - name: TRACKED_TAG

+   displayName: Name of tag to be tracked

+   required: true


    displayName: Container image for Jenkins slave pods

    value: docker-registry.engineering.redhat.com/factory2/waiverdb-jenkins-slave:latest


    displayName: Name of OpenShift cloud in Jenkins master configuration

    value: openshift


+   displayName: Name of the JMS messaging provider

+   value: Red Hat UMB


+   displayName: Name of the topic that the trigger subscribes to

+   value: "Consumer.rh-jenkins-ci-plugin.c3i-waiverdb-repotracker-trigger.VirtualTopic.eng.repotracker.container.tag.>"

+ - name: TEST_JOB_NAME

+   displayName: Name of integration test job to trigger

+   required: true


  - kind: ServiceAccount

    apiVersion: v1
@@ -64,10 +76,6 @@ 

        type: JenkinsPipeline



-         - name: "WAIVERDB_GIT_REPO"

-           value: "${WAIVERDB_GIT_REPO}"

-         - name: "WAIVERDB_GIT_REF"

-           value: "${WAIVERDB_GIT_REF}"

          - name: "OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_NAME"

            value: "${OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_NAME}"

          - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_IMAGE"
@@ -76,4 +84,17 @@ 

            value: "${NAME}-jenkins-slave"

          - name: "TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO"

            value: "${TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO}"

+         - name: "TRACKED_TAG"

+           value: "${TRACKED_TAG}"

+         - name: "TEST_JOB_NAME"

+           value: "${TEST_JOB_NAME}"

+         - name: MESSAGING_PROVIDER

+           value: "${MESSAGING_PROVIDER}"

+         - name: MESSAGING_TOPIC

+           value: "${MESSAGING_TOPIC}"

+         # CI_MESSAGE and MESSAGE_HEADERS are used internally by JMS messaging plugin

+         - name: CI_MESSAGE

+           value:

+         - name: MESSAGE_HEADERS

+           value:

          jenkinsfilePath: openshift/pipelines/templates/waiverdb-repotracker-trigger.Jenkinsfile

  1. Split waiverdb-repotracker-trigger into 2 jobs: waiverdb-trigger-on-latest-tag and waiverdb-trigger-on-stage-tag. (Following the practice of #284)
  2. Allow to customize messaging provider (for pipeline debugging).
  3. Fix an error about TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO.

@mikeb PTAL

rebased onto 346079d9cbbb14199bd828f7855b1309a6089346

5 years ago

The action and tag checks could all be moved into the selector, which is more efficient than message checks. Something like:

selector: "repo='${params.TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO}' AND action IN ('added', 'updated') AND tag LIKE '${params.TRACKED_TAG_REGEX}'"

Does this really need to be a regex? It might be simpler to just make this a string that's matched against.

The action and tag checks could all be moved into the selector, which is more efficient than message checks. Something like:
selector: "repo='${params.TRACKED_CONTAINER_REPO}' AND action IN ('added', 'updated') AND tag LIKE '${params.TRACKED_TAG_REGEX}'"

Sounds good. Regex is used because in the existing job checks for updates of 2 tags. Since we are going to split into 2 jobs, each job should focus only on one tag.

Does this really need to be a regex? It might be simpler to just make this a string that's matched against.
Regex is not needed because each new job focuses only on one tag.

rebased onto 3f0d0d8

5 years ago

+1 This looks great!

Commit 5f84e1e fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mikeb

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mikeb

5 years ago