#167 Comment required for submitting waivers
Merged 6 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 6 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/waiverdb comment-required  into  master

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@@ -87,6 +87,30 @@ 

      assert res_data['comment'] == 'it broke'



+ @patch('waiverdb.api_v1.get_resultsdb_result')

+ @patch('waiverdb.auth.get_user', return_value=('foo', {}))

+ def test_create_waiver_without_comment(mocked_get_user, mocked_resultsdb, client,

+                                        session):

+     mocked_resultsdb.return_value = {

+         'data': {

+             'original_spec_nvr': ['somedata'],

+         },

+         'testcase': {'name': 'sometest'}

+     }


+     data = {

+         'result_id': 123,

+         'product_version': 'fool-1',

+         'waived': True,

+     }

+     r = client.post('/api/v1.0/waivers/', data=json.dumps(data),

+                     content_type='application/json')

+     res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+     assert r.status_code == 400

+     res_data = json.loads(r.get_data(as_text=True))

+     assert res_data['message'] == 'Comment is a required argument.'



  @patch('waiverdb.api_v1.get_resultsdb_result', side_effect=HTTPError(response=Mock(status=404)))

  @patch('waiverdb.auth.get_user', return_value=('foo', {}))

  def test_create_waiver_with_unknown_result_id(mocked_get_user, mocked_resultsdb, client, session):

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+21 -2
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ 



      runner = CliRunner()

-     args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fedora-26']

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fedora-26', '-c', 'comment']

      result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

      assert result.exit_code == 1

      assert result.output == 'Error: Please specify one subject\n'
@@ -142,12 +142,31 @@ 



      runner = CliRunner()

-     args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fedora-26', '-s', 'subject']

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fedora-26', '-s', 'subject', '-c', 'comment']

      result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

      assert result.exit_code == 1

      assert result.output == 'Error: Please specify testcase\n'



+ def test_no_comment(tmpdir):

+     p = tmpdir.join('client.conf')

+     p.write("""

+ [waiverdb]

+ auth_method=OIDC

+ api_url=http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0

+ oidc_id_provider=https://id.stg.fedoraproject.org/openidc/

+ oidc_client_id=waiverdb

+ oidc_scopes=

+     openid

+ resultsdb_api_url=http://localhost:5001/api/v2.0

+         """)

+     runner = CliRunner()

+     args = ['-C', p.strpath, '-p', 'fedora-26', '-s', 'subject', '-t', 'testcase']

+     result = runner.invoke(waiverdb_cli, args)

+     assert result.exit_code == 1

+     assert result.output == 'Error: Please specify comment\n'



  def test_oidc_auth_is_enabled(tmpdir):

      # Skip if waiverdb is rebuilt for an environment where GSSAPI

      # authentication is used and python-openidc-client is not available.

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@@ -250,6 +250,8 @@ 

          if not args['subject'] or not args['testcase']:

              raise BadRequest('Either result_id or subject/testcase '

                               'are required arguments.')

+         if not args['comment']:

+             raise BadRequest('Comment is a required argument.')


          waiver = Waiver(args['subject'], args['testcase'], user,

                          args['product_version'], args['waived'], args['comment'], proxied_by)

file modified
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ 

      result_ids = result_id

      if not product_version:

          raise click.ClickException('Please specify product version')

+     if not comment:

+         raise click.ClickException('Please specify comment')

      if result_ids and (subject or testcase):

          raise click.ClickException('Please specify result_id or subject/testcase. Not both')

      if not result_ids and not subject:

The comment parameter is now required when you submit a new waiver.
Both for API and CLI. Provided some test.

What about API (and CLI) being version-compatible? This can break existing scripts.

It's true, but I'm willing to break any such scripts in this case. It is reasonable to enforce a comment requirement.

This should be 'Comment is a required argument.'.

:+1: to the gist from me. One comment about about the text in the error response.

rebased onto 4ae23bba4d5f86146158ccddf0c9040c29028bd4

6 years ago

rebased onto 5bdad0e52853bcb8092082c0fb2b39be013756af

6 years ago

The comment should be ok now.
Let's wait also for @dcallagh opinion.

Yeah, in all our examples we have always shown it with --comment, I think because we always intended from the start that the comment should be mandatory. So I think the risk of breaking anyone here is low.

It might be nice if we could document somewhere why it's required. Maybe in the man page for the CLI that doesn't exist :-) I always hate when some tool tells me "you must supply this" but it's not obvious why it is making me do it.

It might be nice if we could document somewhere why it's required. Maybe in the man page for the CLI that doesn't exist :-) I always hate when some tool tells me "you must supply this" but it's not obvious why it is making me do it.

I like how --help shows "This is fine" as an example comment :) ... but it's still not obvious that the comment is required parameter (though it shouldn't be required for the new --get argument - #159).

Would it be ok to put that the parameter is required in the help and then add in the README file an explanation of why it's required? The same for all the other required parameters...

Hmm yeah there are lots of things we could improve about the docs and --help output. I think let's merge this as is, and I will put up something separately for docs.

Oh just the typo in api_v1.py needs fixing though.

rebased onto ecfd77a

6 years ago

uff.. Please waite a sec to merge it. This breaks the greenwave's functional tests. I'll submit a greenwave PR as soon as possible.

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

6 years ago