#15 Two minor improvements
Merged 5 years ago by cqi. Opened 5 years ago by cqi.
cqi/ursa-major minor-fixes  into  master

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ 

          add_tags = [{'name': 'module-123', 'priority': 30}]

          self.koji.update_tag_inheritance('f27-build', add_tags)


-         log.warn.assert_called_with(

+         log.warning.assert_called_with(

              ("Tag f27-build has an inheritance with the same priority 30 as "

               "tag module-123"))

@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ 



              'rhel-8.0-build', debuginfo=True, src=True)

-         log.warn.assert_has_calls(

+         log.warning.assert_has_calls(

              [mock.call('Warning: %s is not a build tag', 'rhel-8.0-build'),

               mock.call('Warning: tag %s has an empty arch list',

@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ 



              'rhel-8.0-build', debuginfo=True, src=True)

-         log.warn.assert_has_calls(

+         log.warning.assert_has_calls(

              [mock.call('Warning: %s is not a build tag', 'rhel-8.0-build'),

               mock.call('Warning: tag %s has an empty arch list',


@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ 


          if self.args.update_inheritance_only:

              to_update_config = False

-             log.warn("Will not update config file because --update-inheritance-only "

-                      "is specified, even if the specified module config does not "

-                      "exist in tag config file.")

+             log.warning("Will not update config file because --update-inheritance-only "

+                         "is specified, even if the specified module config does not "

+                         "exist in tag config file.")

          if self.args.update_config_only:

              to_update_inheritance = False

-             log.warn("Will not update tag %s's inheritance data because --update-config-only "

-                      "is specified, even if the latest module build's tag does not exists in "

-                      "inheritance with specified config", self.op_tag)

+             log.warning("Will not update tag %s's inheritance data because --update-config-only "

+                         "is specified, even if the latest module build's tag does not exists in "

+                         "inheritance with specified config", self.op_tag)


          if self.args.module_requires:

              module_requires = dict(self.args.module_requires)
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ 

              tag_to_add = latest_module_tag



-             log.warn("Can't find any built module in MBS with module config '%s', "

-                      "we will not add any new module tag to inheritance data",

-                      input_module_config)

+             log.warning("Can't find any built module in MBS with module config '%s', "

+                         "we will not add any new module tag to inheritance data",

+                         input_module_config)

              if not self.force:

-                 log.warn("Will not update inheritance data nor tag config file, consider "

-                          "to run with --force to allow updating")

+                 log.warning("Will not update inheritance data nor tag config file, consider "

+                             "to run with --force to allow updating")

                  to_update_inheritance = False

                  to_update_config = False

@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ 

                  build_tags = self.koji.find_build_tags(self.op_tag)


              if not build_tags:

-                 log.warn("No build tag found for %s, not regen any repo", self.op_tag)

+                 log.warning("No build tag found for %s, not regen any repo", self.op_tag)


                  log.info("Found build tags for %s: %r", self.op_tag, build_tags)

                  self.koji.regen_repos(build_tags, wait=self.wait_regen_repo)

file modified
+19 -21
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ 

              build_tags = self.koji.find_build_tags(tag)


          if not build_tags:

-             log.warn("No build tag found for %s, not regen any repo", tag)

+             log.warning("No build tag found for %s, not regen any repo", tag)


              log.info("Found build tags for '%s': %r", tag, build_tags)

              self.koji.regen_repos(build_tags, wait=self.wait_regen_repo)
@@ -175,10 +175,24 @@ 

          return [modinfo.koji_tag], old_tags


      def run(self):

+         try:

+             ci_message_string = get_env_var(self.args.module_from_env,

+                                             raise_if_not_exist=True)

+             ci_message = json.loads(ci_message_string)

+             log.info('Received MBS state change message:\n%s',

+                      json.dumps(ci_message, indent=2, sort_keys=True))


+         except Exception as e:

+             error = "Fail to load '{!s}' from os environ: {!s}".format(self.args.module_from_env, e)

+             log.error(error)

+             raise RuntimeError(error)


+         if ci_message.get('state_name', None) != 'ready':

+             log.info("MBS build state is not 'ready', skipping")

+             return


          self.dry_run = self.args.dry_run

          self.send_mail = self.args.send_mail

-         self.module_from_env = self.args.module_from_env


          self.tag_config_file = self.args.tag_config_file

          self.wait_regen_repo = self.args.wait_regen_repo

@@ -195,22 +209,6 @@ 




-         try:

-             ci_message_string = get_env_var(self.module_from_env,

-                                             raise_if_not_exist=True)

-             ci_message = json.loads(ci_message_string)

-             log.info('Received MBS state change message:\n%s',

-                      json.dumps(ci_message, indent=2, sort_keys=True))


-         except Exception as e:

-             error = "Fail to load '{!s}' from os environ: {!s}".format(self.module_from_env, e)

-             log.error(error)

-             raise RuntimeError(error)


-         if ci_message.get('state_name', None) != 'ready':

-             log.info("MBS build state is not 'ready', skipping")

-             return


          modinfo = ModuleInfo.from_mbs_message(self.mbs, ci_message)

          if self.send_mail:

              self.mail_data['module'] = modinfo.short_info
@@ -219,8 +217,8 @@ 

          for tag, tag_config in self.tag_config.items():

              tag_owners = tag_config.get('owners', [])

              if not tag_owners:

-                 log.warn("Sending mail is enabled, but no owners set for tag %s, "

-                          "will not send mail", tag)

+                 log.warning("Sending mail is enabled, but no owners set for tag %s, "

+                             "will not send mail", tag)


              conf_modules = tag_config.get('modules', [])


@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ 


              tag_owners = config.get('owners', None)

              if tag_owners is None or not tag_owners:

-                 log.warn("Tag %s: missing owners", tag)

+                 log.warning("Tag %s: missing owners", tag)

              if not isinstance(tag_owners, list):

-                 log.warn("Tag %s: owners should be a list of emails", tag)

+                 log.warning("Tag %s: owners should be a list of emails", tag)


              module_configs = config.get('modules', [])


              if not module_configs:

-                 log.warn("Tag %s: no module specified", tag)

+                 log.warning("Tag %s: no module specified", tag)



              # save modules by priority for checking duplicate priorities

@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ 



          if self.tag not in self.tag_config.keys():

-             log.warn("Tag %s is not present in tag config file %s",

-                      self.tag, self.tag_config_file)

+             log.warning("Tag %s is not present in tag config file %s",

+                         self.tag, self.tag_config_file)



              tag_inheritance = self.koji.get_inheritance_data(self.tag)

file modified
+4 -4
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ 

                             "{} as tag {}".format(child_tag['name'],



-                     log.warn(msg)

+                     log.warning(msg)


                  same_parent = [d for d in inheritance_data if

                                 d['parent_id'] == add_data['parent_id'] and
@@ -438,11 +438,11 @@ 

          tagid = taginfo['id']

          tagname = taginfo['name']

          if not taginfo['arches']:

-             log.warn("Warning: tag %s has an empty arch list", tagname)

+             log.warning("Warning: tag %s has an empty arch list", tagname)


          targets = self.get_build_targets(tagid)

          if not targets:

-             log.warn("Warning: %s is not a build tag", tagname)

+             log.warning("Warning: %s is not a build tag", tagname)


          repo_opts = {}

          if debuginfo:
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ 



                  except Exception as exc:

-                     log.warn("Error while re-generating repo for %s: %s", tag, str(exc))

+                     log.warning("Error while re-generating repo for %s: %s", tag, str(exc))


                      if not wait:

                          log.info("Regen-repo task of tag %s is created", tag)

file modified
+11 -12
@@ -91,9 +91,10 @@ 

  def requires_included(mmd_requires, config_requires):

      """Test if requires defined in config is included in module metadata


-     :param dict mmd_requires: a mapping representing either buildrequires or

-         requires, which is generally converted from module metadata. For

-         example, ``{"platform": "f29"}``.

+     :param mmd_requires: a mapping representing either buildrequires or

+         requires, which is returned from function ``peek_requires`` and

+         ``peek_buildrequires``.

+     :type mmd_requires: dict[str, Modulemd.SimpleSet]

      :param dict config_requires: a mapping representing either buildrequires or

          requires defined in config file. This is what to check if it is

          included in ``mmd_requires``.
@@ -102,21 +103,19 @@ 

      :rtype: bool


      for req_name, req_streams in config_requires.items():

-         if req_name not in mmd_requires.keys():

+         if req_name not in mmd_requires:

              return False


-         if not(isinstance(req_streams, list)):

+         if not isinstance(req_streams, list):

              req_streams = [req_streams]


-         streams = mmd_requires[req_name].dup()

-         neg_reqs = [s[1:] for s in req_streams if s.startswith('-')]

-         pos_reqs = [s for s in req_streams if not s.startswith('-')]

+         neg_reqs = set(s[1:] for s in req_streams if s.startswith('-'))

+         pos_reqs = set(s for s in req_streams if not s.startswith('-'))


-         # TODO: can mmd contains negative requires like

-         # {'platform': ['-f26']} ?

-         if set(streams) & set(neg_reqs):

+         streams = set(mmd_requires[req_name].dup())

+         if streams & neg_reqs:

              return False

-         if pos_reqs and not (set(streams) & set(pos_reqs)):

+         if pos_reqs and not (streams & pos_reqs):

              return False

      return True