#1 Allow filtering on buildrequires
Merged 5 years ago by cqi. Opened 5 years ago by cqi.
cqi/ursa-major filter-on-buildrequires  into  master

file modified
+8 -4
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ 


                      "name": "httpd",

                      "priority": 10,

+                     "buildrequires": {

+                         "platform": "f30"

+                     },

                      "requires": {

                          "platform": "f30"

@@ -57,10 +60,11 @@ 


  A valid module config should contains:


- * `name` (required): module name

- * `stream` (required): module stream

- * `priority` (required): add module's tag to tag inheritance with this priority

- * `requires` (optional): module's runtime dependency

+ * ``name`` (required): module name

+ * ``stream`` (required): module stream

+ * ``priority`` (required): add module's tag to tag inheritance with this priority

+ * ``requires`` (optional): module's runtime dependencies.

+ * ``buildrequires`` (optional): module's build time dependencies.


  For each tag, ``owners`` can be set with email addresses.


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+107 -61
@@ -234,75 +234,121 @@ 

          # messages.

          self.assertGreaterEqual(log.info.call_count, 2)


-     def test_get_module_config_match_name_stream(self):

-         configs = [

-             {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10},

-             {'name': 'testmodule2', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20}

-         ]

-         message = self.load_json_from_file("testmodule_ready_message.json")

-         mock_mbs = mock.MagicMock()

-         fake_requires = {"platform": ["el8"]}

-         fake_mmd = self.make_mmd("testmodule", "rhel-8.0",

-                                  "20180409051516", "9e5fe74b",

-                                  requires=fake_requires)

-         mock_mbs.get_module_mmd.return_value = fake_mmd

-         modinfo = ModuleInfo.from_mbs_message(mock_mbs, message)

-         matched_config = AddTagHandler.get_module_config(configs, modinfo)

-         expected = {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10}

-         self.assertEqual(matched_config, expected)


-     def test_get_module_config_match_requires(self):

-         configs = [

-             {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

-              'requires': {'platform': 'el8'}},

-             {'name': 'testmodule2', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20}

-         ]

+     def assert_get_module_config(self, fake_configs, expected_result):

          message_file = "testmodule_with_requires_ready_message.json"

          message = self.load_json_from_file(message_file)

          mock_mbs = mock.MagicMock()

          fake_requires = {"platform": ["el8"]}

          fake_mmd = self.make_mmd("testmodule", "rhel-8.0",

                                   "20180409051516", "9e5fe74b",

-                                  requires=fake_requires)

-         mock_mbs.get_module_mmd.return_value = fake_mmd

-         modinfo = ModuleInfo.from_mbs_message(mock_mbs, message)

-         matched_config = AddTagHandler.get_module_config(configs, modinfo)

-         expected = {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

-                     'requires': {'platform': 'el8'}}

-         self.assertEqual(matched_config, expected)


-     def test_get_module_config_unmatch_stream(self):

-         configs = [

-             {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'f28', 'priority': 10},

-             {'name': 'testmodule2', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20}

-         ]

-         message = self.load_json_from_file("testmodule_ready_message.json")

-         mock_mbs = mock.MagicMock()

-         fake_requires = {"platform": ["el8"]}

-         fake_mmd = self.make_mmd("testmodule", "rhel-8.0",

-                                  "20180409051516", "9e5fe74b",

-                                  requires=fake_requires)

+                                  requires=fake_requires,

+                                  buildrequires=fake_requires)

          mock_mbs.get_module_mmd.return_value = fake_mmd

          modinfo = ModuleInfo.from_mbs_message(mock_mbs, message)

-         matched_config = AddTagHandler.get_module_config(configs, modinfo)

-         self.assertEqual(matched_config, None)


-     def test_get_module_config_unmatch_requires(self):

-         configs = [

-             {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'f28', 'priority': 10,

-              'requires': {'platform': 'el8'}},

-             {'name': 'testmodule2', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20}

-         ]

-         message = self.load_json_from_file("testmodule_ready_message.json")

-         mock_mbs = mock.MagicMock()

-         fake_requires = {"platform": ["el8"]}

-         fake_mmd = self.make_mmd("testmodule", "rhel-8.0",

-                                  "20180409051516", "9e5fe74b",

-                                  requires=fake_requires)

-         mock_mbs.get_module_mmd.return_value = fake_mmd

-         modinfo = ModuleInfo.from_mbs_message(mock_mbs, message)

-         matched_config = AddTagHandler.get_module_config(configs, modinfo)

-         self.assertEqual(matched_config, None)

+         matched_config = AddTagHandler.get_module_config(fake_configs, modinfo)

+         self.assertEqual(matched_config, expected_result)


+     def test_get_module_config_match_requires(self):

+         # ((fake_module_configs, expected result), ...)

+         test_matrix = (

+             (

+                 [

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                         'requires': {'platform': 'el8'}

+                     },

+                     # This noisy config should not impact to choose the correct one.

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule2', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20,

+                     }

+                 ],

+                 {

+                     'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                     'requires': {'platform': 'el8'}

+                 },

+             ),

+             (

+                 [

+                     # buildrequires could be specified in config as well.

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                         'buildrequires': {'platform': 'el8'}

+                     },

+                 ],

+                 {

+                     'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                     'buildrequires': {'platform': 'el8'}

+                 },

+             ),

+             (

+                 [

+                     # Both requires and buildrequires are specified to match the

+                     # module metadata.

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                         'requires': {'platform': 'el8'},

+                         'buildrequires': {'platform': 'el8'},

+                     },

+                 ],

+                 {

+                     'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                     'requires': {'platform': 'el8'},

+                     'buildrequires': {'platform': 'el8'},

+                 },

+             ),

+             # Either requires or buildrequires is not included in module metadata.

+             (

+                 [

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                         'requires': {'platform': 'f30'},

+                     },

+                 ],

+                 None,

+             ),

+             (

+                 [

+                     # Both requires and buildrequires are specified to match the

+                     # module metadata.

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                         'buildrequires': {'platform': 'f30'},

+                     },

+                 ],

+                 None,

+             ),

+             (

+                 [

+                     {

+                         'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 10,

+                         'requires': {'platform': 'f30'},

+                         'buildrequires': {'platform': 'f30'},

+                     },

+                 ],

+                 None,

+             ),

+             # Either name or stream is not matched module metadata.

+             (

+                 # Module name is not matched in this config

+                 [{'name': 'module-xxxx', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20}],

+                 None,

+             ),

+             (

+                 # Module stream is not matched in this config

+                 [{'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': '100', 'priority': 20}],

+                 None,

+             ),

+             # Module name and stream are matched

+             (

+                 [

+                     {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20},

+                     {'name': 'testmodule2', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20},

+                 ],

+                 {'name': 'testmodule', 'stream': 'rhel-8.0', 'priority': 20},

+             ),

+         )

+         for config, expected_result in test_matrix:

+             self.assert_get_module_config(config, expected_result)



      def test_get_match_tags_in_inheritance(self, requests_get):

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ 


  from ursa_major.logger import log

  from ursa_major.mail import MailAPI

- from ursa_major.utils import get_env_var, mmd_has_requires

+ from ursa_major.utils import get_env_var, mmd_has_requires, mmd_has_buildrequires


  from ursa_major.handlers.base import BaseHandler

@@ -99,8 +99,13 @@ 

          by the modinfo.


          :params module_configs: a list of module config

+         :type module_configs: list[dict]

          :params modinfo: instance of ModuleInfo

-         :return: an item in module configs, it's a dict.

+         :return: the matched module config. None is returned if no module

+             config matches the module metadata.

+         :rtype: dict

+         :raises RuntimeError: if more than one module configs match the

+             specified module metadata.


          matched = []

          for config in module_configs:
@@ -108,6 +113,9 @@ 

              stream = config['stream']

              if not (name == modinfo.name and stream == modinfo.stream):


+             dep_requires = config.get('buildrequires')

+             if dep_requires and not mmd_has_buildrequires(modinfo.mmd, dep_requires):

+                 continue

              requires = config.get('requires', {})

              if requires and not mmd_has_requires(modinfo.mmd, requires):


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+44 -12
@@ -88,19 +88,20 @@ 

      return mmd



- def mmd_has_requires(mmd, requires):

-     """

-     Check whether a module represent by the mmd has requires.


-     :param mmd: Modulemd.Module object

-     :param requires: dict of requires, example:

-         {'platform': 'f28', 'python3': 'master'}

+ def requires_included(mmd_requires, config_requires):

+     """Test if requires defined in config is included in module metadata


+     :param dict mmd_requires: a mapping representing either buildrequires or

+         requires, which is generally converted from module metadata. For

+         example, ``{"platform": "f29"}``.

+     :param dict config_requires: a mapping representing either buildrequires or

+         requires defined in config file. This is what to check if it is

+         included in ``mmd_requires``.

+     :return: True if all requires inside ``config_requires`` are included in

+         module metadata. Otherwise, False is returned.

+     :rtype: bool


-     deps_list = mmd.peek_dependencies()

-     mmd_requires = deps_list[0].peek_requires() if deps_list else {}


-     neg_reqs = pos_reqs = []

-     for req_name, req_streams in requires.items():

+     for req_name, req_streams in config_requires.items():

          if req_name not in mmd_requires.keys():

              return False

@@ -118,3 +119,34 @@ 

          if pos_reqs and not (set(streams) & set(pos_reqs)):

              return False

      return True



+ def mmd_has_requires(mmd, requires):

+     """

+     Check whether a module represent by the mmd has requires.


+     :param mmd: Modulemd.Module object

+     :param requires: dict of requires, example:

+         {'platform': 'f28', 'python3': 'master'}

+     """

+     deps_list = mmd.peek_dependencies()

+     mmd_requires = deps_list[0].peek_requires() if deps_list else {}

+     return requires_included(mmd_requires, requires)



+ def mmd_has_buildrequires(mmd, config_buildrequires):

+     """

+     Check if a module metadata represented by the mmd has buildrequires.


+     :param mmd: a module metadata.

+     :type mmd: Modulemd.Module

+     :param dict config_buildrequires: a mapping of buildrequires defined in

+         config file to match the module metadata, for example:

+         ``{'platform': 'f28', 'python3': 'master'}``.

+     :return: True if the specified module metadata has the buildrequires

+         defined in config.

+     :rtype: bool

+     """

+     deps_list = mmd.peek_dependencies()

+     mmd_requires = deps_list[0].peek_buildrequires() if deps_list else {}

+     return requires_included(mmd_requires, config_buildrequires)

With this patch, Ursa-Major could be configured to track modules by both
buildrequires and requires. There is an example in README. Meanwhile, just same
as the requires, buildrequires is optional as well.

Signed-off-by: Chenxiong Qi cqi@redhat.com

Pull-Request has been merged by cqi

5 years ago