#86 Allow to create an instance without specifying a name
Merged 3 years ago by frantisekz. Opened 3 years ago by frantisekz.

file modified
+75 -5
@@ -8,14 +8,16 @@ 



  import argparse

+ import libvirt

  import logging

  import os

+ import random

+ import re

+ import requests

+ import string

  import subprocess

  import sys

- import libvirt

- import requests

  import time

- import re


  from . import config

  from . import image
@@ -245,6 +247,63 @@ 


      return url


+ def _generate_name():

+     """

+     Returns a random human-readable name

+     """


+     used_names = [inst["name"] for inst in instance._list_instances()]


+     # Taken from https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go

+     left = ["admiring", "adoring", "affectionate", "agitated", "amazing", "angry", "awesome", "beautiful",

+             "blissful", "bold", "boring", "brave", "busy", "charming", "clever", "cool", "compassionate",

+             "competent", "condescending", "confident", "cranky", "crazy", "dazzling", "determined", "distracted",

+             "dreamy", "eager", "ecstatic", "elastic", "elated", "elegant", "eloquent", "epic", "exciting",

+             "fervent", "festive", "flamboyant", "focused", "friendly", "frosty", "funny", "gallant", "gifted",

+             "goofy", "gracious", "great", "happy", "hardcore", "heuristic", "hopeful", "hungry", "infallible",

+             "inspiring", "interesting", "intelligent", "jolly", "jovial", "keen", "kind", "laughing", "loving",

+             "lucid", "magical", "mystifying", "modest", "musing", "naughty", "nervous", "nice", "nifty",

+             "nostalgic", "objective", "optimistic", "peaceful", "pedantic", "pensive", "practical", "priceless",

+             "quirky", "quizzical", "recursing", "relaxed", "reverent", "romantic", "sad", "serene", "sharp",

+             "silly", "sleepy", "stoic", "strange", "stupefied", "suspicious", "sweet", "tender", "thirsty",

+             "trusting", "unruffled", "upbeat", "vibrant", "vigilant", "vigorous", "wizardly", "wonderful",

+             "xenodochial", "youthful", "zealous", "zen"]

+     right = ["albattani", "allen", "almeida", "antonelli", "agnesi", "archimedes", "ardinghelli",

+             "aryabhata", "austin", "babbage", "banach", "banzai", "bardeen", "bartik", "bassi",

+             "beaver", "bell", "benz", "bhabha", "bhaskara", "black", "blackburn", "blackwell", "bohr",

+             "booth", "borg", "bose", "bouman", "boyd", "brahmagupta", "brattain", "brown", "buck",

+             "burnell", "cannon", "carson", "cartwright", "carver", "cerf", "chandrasekhar", "chaplygin",

+             "chatelet", "chatterjee", "chebyshev", "cohen", "chaum", "clarke", "colden", "cori", "cray",

+             "curran", "curie", "darwin", "davinci", "dewdney", "dhawan", "diffie", "dijkstra", "dirac",

+             "driscoll", "dubinsky", "easley", "edison", "einstein", "elbakyan", "elgamal", "elion", "ellis",

+             "engelbart", "euclid", "euler", "faraday", "feistel", "fermat", "fermi", "feynman", "franklin",

+             "gagarin", "galileo", "galois", "ganguly", "gates", "gauss", "germain", "goldberg", "goldstine",

+             "goldwasser", "golick", "goodall", "gould", "greider", "grothendieck", "haibt", "hamilton",

+             "haslett", "hawking", "hellman", "heisenberg", "hermann", "herschel", "hertz", "heyrovsky",

+             "hodgkin", "hofstadter", "hoover", "hopper", "hugle", "hypatia", "ishizaka", "jackson", "jang",

+             "jemison", "jennings", "jepsen", "johnson", "joliot", "jones", "kalam", "kapitsa", "kare",

+             "keldysh", "keller", "kepler", "khayyam", "khorana", "kilby", "kirch", "knuth", "kowalevski",

+             "lalande", "lamarr", "lamport", "leakey", "leavitt", "lederberg", "lehmann", "lewin", "lichterman",

+             "liskov", "lovelace", "lumiere", "mahavira", "margulis", "matsumoto", "maxwell", "mayer", "mccarthy",

+             "mcclintock", "mclaren", "mclean", "mcnulty", "mendel", "mendeleev", "meitner", "meninsky", "merkle",

+             "mestorf", "mirzakhani", "moore", "morse", "murdock", "moser", "napier", "nash", "neumann", "newton",

+             "nightingale", "nobel", "noether", "northcutt", "noyce", "panini", "pare", "pascal", "pasteur",

+             "payne", "perlman", "pike", "poincare", "poitras", "proskuriakova", "ptolemy", "raman", "ramanujan",

+             "ride", "montalcini", "ritchie", "rhodes", "robinson", "roentgen", "rosalind", "rubin", "saha",

+             "sammet", "sanderson", "satoshi", "shamir", "shannon", "shaw", "shirley", "shockley", "shtern",

+             "sinoussi", "snyder", "solomon", "spence", "stonebraker", "sutherland", "swanson", "swartz",

+             "swirles", "taussig", "tereshkova", "tesla", "tharp", "thompson", "torvalds", "tu", "turing",

+             "varahamihira", "vaughan", "visvesvaraya", "volhard", "villani", "wescoff", "wilbur", "wiles",

+             "williams", "williamson", "wilson", "wing", "wozniak", "wright", "wu", "yalow", "yonath", "zhukovsky"]


+     name = "%s_%s" % (random.choice(left), random.choice(right))


+     while name in used_names:

+         name = "%s_%s" % (random.choice(left), random.choice(right))


+     return name



  def _create_instance(args):

      """Handler for 'instance create' command. Expects the following elements in args:

          * name(str)
@@ -260,11 +319,19 @@ 


      log.debug("create instance")


+     if not args.name:

+         args.name = _generate_name()


+     if not args.url:

+         log.error("testcloud instance create: error: argument -u/--url: expected is required with one argument.")

+         print("Expected format is 'fedora:XX' where XX is version number or 'latest' or 'qa-matrix' or url to a qcow2.")

+         sys.exit(1)


      image_by_name = re.match(r'fedora:(.*)', args.url)

      if image_by_name and "http" not in args.url and "file" not in args.url:

          url = _get_image_url(image_by_name)

          if not url:

-             print("Couldn't find the desired image...")

+             log.error("Couldn't find the desired image...")


          tc_image = image.Image(url)

@@ -527,7 +594,10 @@ 

      instarg_create = instarg_subp.add_parser("create", help="create instance")



-                                 help="name of instance to create")

+                                 help="name of instance to create",

+                                 nargs='?',

+                                 type=str,

+                                 default=None)


                                  help="Specify the amount of ram in MiB for the VM.",


And fix traceback on missing out url arg

From usability perspective, it would be much nicer to generate names as docker or podman does: https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go

So instead of completely random string such as SVgkiPFQUllXbIuR, the name could be in a form adjective_surname or similar.

rebased onto e771b17

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by frantisekz

3 years ago