#50 replace arp with libvirt method
Merged 6 years ago by roshi. Opened 6 years ago by kparal.

file modified
+2 -42
@@ -10,13 +10,11 @@ 


  import argparse

  import logging

- from time import sleep

  import os

  from . import config

  from . import image

  from . import instance

- from . import util

- from .exceptions import DomainNotFoundError, TestcloudCliError, TestcloudInstanceError

+ from .exceptions import TestcloudCliError


  config_data = config.get_config()

@@ -97,7 +95,7 @@ 



          # find vm ip

-         vm_ip = find_vm_ip(args.name, args.connection)

+         vm_ip = tc_instance.get_ip()


          # Write ip to file

@@ -341,41 +339,3 @@ 






- def find_vm_ip(name, connection='qemu:///system'):

-     """Finds the ip of a local vm given it's name used by libvirt.


-     :param str name: name of the VM (as used by libvirt)

-     :param str connection: name of the libvirt connection uri

-     :returns: ip address of VM

-     :rtype: str

-     """


-     for _ in xrange(100):

-         vm_xml = util.get_vm_xml(name, connection)

-         if vm_xml is not None:

-             break


-         else:

-             sleep(.2)

-     else:

-         raise DomainNotFoundError


-     vm_mac = util.find_mac(vm_xml)

-     vm_mac = vm_mac[0]


-     #  The arp cache takes some time to populate, so this keeps looking

-     #  for the entry until it shows up.


-     for _ in xrange(100):

-         vm_ip = util.find_ip_from_mac(vm_mac.attrib['address'])


-         if vm_ip:

-             break


-         sleep(.2)

-     else:

-         raise TestcloudInstanceError('Could not find VM\'s ip before timeout')


-     return vm_ip

file modified
@@ -505,3 +505,46 @@ 


          log.debug('DEPRECATED: destroy() method was deprecated. Please use remove()')



+     def get_ip(self, timeout=60):

+         '''Retrieve IP address of the instance (the first one, if there are

+         multiple).


+         :param int timeout: how long to wait if IP address is not yet ready

+                             (e.g. when booting), in seconds

+         :return: IP address of the instance

+         :rtype: str

+         :raises TestcloudInstanceError: when time runs out and no IP is

+                                         assigned

+         '''


+         dom = self._get_domain()

+         counter = 0

+         sleep_interval = 0.2


+         while counter <= timeout:

+             try:

+                 output = dom.interfaceAddresses(

+                     libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE)

+                 # example output:

+                 # {'vnet0': {'addrs': [{'addr': '', 'prefix': 24, 'type': 0}],

+                 #  'hwaddr': '52:54:00:54:4b:b4'}}

+                 if output:

+                     addrs = [ addr['addr'] for iface in output.values()

+                               for addr in iface.get('addrs', [])

+                               if 'addr' in addr ]

+                     if addrs:

+                         return addrs[0]

+             except libvirt.libvirtError as e:

+                 if e.get_error_code() == libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID:

+                     # the domain is not yet running

+                     pass

+                 else:

+                     raise e

+             counter += sleep_interval

+             time.sleep(sleep_interval)


+         msg = "Couldn't find IP for %s before %s second timeout" % (self.name,

+               timeout)

+         log.warn(msg)

+         raise TestcloudInstanceError(msg)

file modified
@@ -8,12 +8,8 @@ 

  This module contains helper functions for testcloud.



- import subprocess

  import logging


  import random

- import libvirt

- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET


  from . import config

@@ -21,43 +17,6 @@ 

  config_data = config.get_config()



- def get_vm_xml(instance_name, connection='qemu:///system'):

-     """Query virsh for the xml of an instance by name."""


-     con = libvirt.openReadOnly(connection)

-     try:

-         domain = con.lookupByName(instance_name)


-     except libvirt.libvirtError:

-         return None


-     result = domain.XMLDesc()


-     return str(result)



- def find_mac(xml_string):

-     """Pass in a virsh xmldump and return a list of any mac addresses listed.

-     Typically it will just be one.

-     """


-     xml_data = ET.fromstring(xml_string)


-     macs = xml_data.findall("./devices/interface/mac")


-     return macs



- def find_ip_from_mac(mac):

-     """Look through ``arp -an`` output for the IP of the provided MAC address.

-     """


-     arp_list = subprocess.check_output(["arp", "-an"]).split("\n")

-     for entry in arp_list:

-         if mac in entry:

-             return entry.split()[1][1:-1]



  def generate_mac_address():

      """Create a workable mac address for our instances."""


net-tools (containing arp) is getting obsoleted. Instead of using arp,
use native libvirt methods for querying the IP address.

Fixes https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1496158

Tested, works for me. @roshi @lbrabec please review and test as well. Once this is pushed, we'll also need to create a new release.

Something in the back of my mind is remembering that this method has some requirement on the OS inside the VM. @roshi, do you remember any more about why you chose to use arp instead of another method?

@tflink The code should do the same as virsh domifaddr domain --source lease:

   domifaddr domain [interface] [--full] [--source lease|agent]
       Get a list of interfaces of a running domain along with their IP and MAC addresses, or limited output
       just for one interface if interface is specified. Note that interface can be driver dependent, it can be
       the name within guest OS or the name you would see in domain XML. Moreover, the whole command may
       require a guest agent to be configured for the queried domain under some drivers, notably qemu. If
       --full is specified, the interface name is always displayed when the interface has multiple addresses or
       alias, otherwise it only displays the interface name for the first address, and "-" for the others. The
       --source argument specifies what data source to use for the addresses, currently one of 'lease' to read
       DHCP leases, or 'agent' to query the guest OS via an agent. If unspecified, 'lease' is the default.

So it should look into DHCP leases (similar to arp functionality) and not require any agent.

From the doc you quoted:

Moreover, the whole command may require a guest agent to be configured for the queried domain under some drivers, notably qemu.

Overall, LGTM. I was using arp to find the IP because it seemed the least likely to break and I knew it would never rely on agents being installed on the guest. It might be worth it to port the arp code to using iproute2, at least as a fallback.

I'm a little concerned about the possibility of qemu's guest agent causing problems but I'm not arguing that we dont' have to move off of arp.

It's an improvement and we can deal with fallout if/when it happens. ACK

Pull-Request has been merged by roshi

6 years ago

I created a new release and submitted to Bodhi. Will deploy to taskotron-dev. Anyone manually testing this is welcome.