#40 Adding support for standard test roles. Fixes #39
Closed 6 years ago by kparal. Opened 6 years ago by tflink.
taskotron/ tflink/taskotron-trigger feature/39-support-standard-roles  into  feature/ansiblize

@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ 

                  repo = discover['repo']

                  branch = discover.get('branch', 'master').strip() or 'master'

                  fallback = discover.get('fallback_branch', '').strip()


+                 # make sure that the repo exists before we try to clone it

+                 if not utils.git_repo_exists(repo):

+                     self.log.info("Repo {} does not exist".format(repo))

+                     continue


                  repo_dir, branch = utils.clone_repo(repo, branch, fallback)


                  # append base_dir, if specified

file modified
+21 -9
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ 

  import datetime

  import shutil

  import koji

+ import urllib2


  import yaml

@@ -29,14 +30,10 @@ 



  def _should_schedule(formula_file, item_type):

-     formula = parse_yaml_from_file(formula_file)

-     try:

-         run = formula['scheduling']['run']

-     except KeyError:

-         run = True


-     return run and item_type in formula['input']['args']

+     # it's not clear whether we want to keep this feature as we move away from

+     # custom YAML formulae. Leaving this in as a stub for now.


+     return True


  def get_distgit_branch(release):

      matches = re.findall(r'\.(fc\d{1,2})\.?', release)
@@ -119,8 +116,8 @@ 

      directory = directory.strip().rstrip('/')


      for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):

-         if 'runtask.yml' in files:

-             formula = os.path.join(dirpath, 'runtask.yml')

+         if 'tests.yml' in files:

+             formula = os.path.join(dirpath, 'tests.yml')

This feels like a good thing to put to a config file.

              # remove the base directory path


          if not recursive:
@@ -140,3 +137,18 @@ 

      tasks = [f for f in formulae if _should_schedule(os.path.join(directory, f), item_type)]


      return tasks


+ def git_repo_exists(repo):

+     """Attempts to open a connection to the repo parameter. Returns False if

+     there were issues in connecting, otherwise returns True"""

+     try:

+         ret = urllib2.urlopen(repo)

+     except urllib2.URLError:

+         return False


+     if ret.code != 200:

+         return False


+     return True



@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ 


          jobtrigger.config.valid_arches = self.ref_default_arches


+         # short-circuit the logic to check if a repo exists

+         stub_repoexist = mock.Mock(return_value=True)

+         monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'git_repo_exists', stub_repoexist)



      def test_load_rules(self):

          template = """$in: [${foo}, ${in}]"""

          data = {"foo": "bar", "in": "out"}
@@ -168,3 +173,23 @@ 

          runner_calls = self.helper.runner.trigger_job.calls()


          assert len(runner_calls) == 0


+     def test_discover_repo_exists(self, monkeypatch):

+         """Make sure that when a repo does not exist, a clone is not attempted"""


+         stub_clone_repo = mock.Mock(return_value=('/tmp/path_to_repo', 'master'))

+         monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'clone_repo', stub_clone_repo)


+         stub_repo_exist = mock.Mock(return_value=False)

+         monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'git_repo_exists', stub_repo_exist)


+         mock__load_rules = mock.Mock(return_value=self.ref_rules)

+         monkeypatch.setattr(self.helper, '_load_rules', mock__load_rules)


+         rule = {'do': [{'discover': {'repo': 'http://bogus.repo/${name}.git'}}],

+              'when': {'message_type': 'DiscoverTasks'}}


+         self.helper._tasks_from_rule(rule, self.ref_message_data)


+         stub_repo_exist.assert_called()

+         stub_clone_repo.assert_not_called()

@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ 

          stub_get_session = mock.MagicMock(return_value=stub_session)

          monkeypatch.setattr(utils, '_get_koji_session', stub_get_session)


+         # short-circuit the logic to check if a repo exists

+         stub_repoexist = mock.Mock(return_value=True)

+         monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'git_repo_exists', stub_repoexist)


      def _create_msg(self, ref_instance, ref_new, ref_name, ref_release, ref_version, ref_owner):

          msg = Munch(body='{"i": 1,\

                             "msg": {"build_id": 221146,\

file modified
+4 -40
@@ -46,42 +46,6 @@ 

          with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mocked_open):

              assert utils._should_schedule('mocked_filename', 'koji_build')


-     def test_check__should_schedule_false(self):

-         file_data = '''

-             scheduling:

-                 run: False


-             input:

-                 args:

-                     - koji_build

-             '''

-         mocked_open = mock.mock_open(read_data=file_data)


-         with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mocked_open):

-             assert not utils._should_schedule('mocked_filename', 'koji_build')


-     def test_check__should_schedule_default(self):

-         file_data = '''

-             input:

-                 args:

-                     - koji_build

-             '''

-         mocked_open = mock.mock_open(read_data=file_data)


-         with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mocked_open):

-             assert utils._should_schedule('mocked_filename', 'koji_build')


-     def test_check__should_schedule_false_item_type(self):

-         file_data = '''

-             input:

-                 args:

-                     - koji_tag

-             '''

-         mocked_open = mock.mock_open(read_data=file_data)


-         with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mocked_open):

-             assert not utils._should_schedule('mocked_filename', 'koji_build')


      def test_clone_repo(self, monkeypatch):

          mock_path_exists = mock.Mock(return_value=False)

          mock_check_output = mock.Mock(return_value='')
@@ -131,19 +95,19 @@ 


      def test__discover_formulae(self, monkeypatch):

          def mock_os_walk(directory):

-             yield (directory, ['task_1', 'nontask'], ['runtask.yml'])

+             yield (directory, ['task_1', 'nontask'], ['tests.yml'])

              yield ('%s/nontask' % directory, [], [])

-             yield ('%s/task_1' % directory, [], ['runtask.yml'])

+             yield ('%s/task_1' % directory, [], ['tests.yml'])


          monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'walk', mock_os_walk)


          formulae = utils._discover_formulae('  /path/to/   ', recursive=True)

          assert len(formulae) == 2

-         assert formulae == ['runtask.yml', 'task_1/runtask.yml']

+         assert formulae == ['tests.yml', 'task_1/tests.yml']


          formulae = utils._discover_formulae('/path/to')

          assert len(formulae) == 1

-         assert formulae == ['runtask.yml']

+         assert formulae == ['tests.yml']


      def test_discover_tasks(self, monkeypatch):

          mock__discover_formulae = mock.Mock(return_value=['task1.yml', 'task2.yml'])

The changes in this commit are:
- change the file we discover from 'runtask.yml' to 'tests.yml'
- check for existance of a repo before attempting to clone it
- removal of checks and tests for the scheduling part of old forumulae

Wouldn't this be better to log it than just print it?

1 new commit added

  • removing debug pprint that shouldn't be there
6 years ago

That pprint was for debug purposes and should have been deleted. Thanks for pointing it out.

This feels like a good thing to put to a config file.

Is there a reason why this is not merged yet, @tflink ? Should I merge it and create a new build in the ansiblize copr?

Pull-Request has been closed by kparal

6 years ago