Taskotron Standalone Playbook

This is a set of ansible playbooks and support files to deploy a Taskotron instance outside of Fedora infrastructure.

At this point, this stuff is very young and somewhat user-unfriendly. Feel free to use the playbooks but there are still undocumented steps, so be prepared to figure some bits out.

Basic Usage

The playbooks are designed to deploy all taskotron components on a single machine. For best results, do a fresh install of Fedora 20 (web server package set) and after install, update the host and set up ssh key auth from your user to root on the VM. Note the IP address and ssh host key of the vm - you'll need it when setting up the playbook.

To set up the playbooks after cloning, you will need to do a few manual setup steps.

  • run make init to clone the production playbooks
    • will also create the private/ directory if it doesn't already exist
  • change basedir in common/vars/global.yml to be the absolute path to your local checkout
  • hostname config
  • fill out private vars template (docs/private-vars-template.yml) and put it in private/vars.yml
  • change the values in inventory/inventory to match your VM's IP address
    • Alternately, you could set an alias in /etc/hosts so that taskotron-local resolves to your VM. This way you don't have to alter the contents of the inventory file.


Generate secret keys for Flask apps with:

python -c "import os; print os.urandom(24).encode('string_escape')"

Generate plaintext passwords with:

python -c "import string; import random; print''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(32)])"

Generate crypted passwords for system users (python-passlib is needed):

python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; import getpass; print sha512_crypt.encrypt(getpass.getpass())"

Still TODO

There is still quite a bit of stuff that needs to be done to make these playbooks more user-friendly:

  • generate buildslave ssh certs
  • generate ssl certs
  • generate passwords
  • generate app secret keys
  • auto-fill hostname stuff