Tasktron complains that Fedora 28 packages are missing scriptlets with ldconfig https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/artifacts/all/91dea2be-7aab-11e8-a896-525400fc9f92/tests.yml/pcre-8.42-2.fc28.log.
This was fixed in rpmlint-1.10-11.fc28 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1566485. Please upgrade rpmlint package in Fedora Taskotron infrastructure.
We're running this on Fedora 27 clients, and the latest rpmlint in F27 is rpmlint-1.10-5.fc27.noarch. Could you ask rpmlint maintainer to submit the latest version to F27?
We'll also have a look whether we could start running tasks on Fedora 28 clients instead.
We've updated production servers to use F28 clients. This should be now resolved (for future tests).
Metadata Update from @kparal: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
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