| |
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
| |
+ # Copyright 2018, Red Hat, Inc.
| |
+ # License: GPL-2.0+ <http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+>
| |
+ # See the LICENSE file for more details on Licensing
| |
| |
+ #######################################################################
| |
+ # _____ _ _ _ _ _ #
| |
+ # / ____| | | (_) | | | (_) #
| |
+ # | | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _| |__ _ _| |_ _ _ __ __ _ #
| |
+ # | | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__| | '_ \| | | | __| | '_ \ / _` | #
| |
+ # | |___| (_) | | | | |_| | | | |_) | |_| | |_| | | | | (_| | #
| |
+ # \_____\___/|_| |_|\__|_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__|_|_| |_|\__, | #
| |
+ # __/ | #
| |
+ # If you want to add/fix anything here, please create |___/ #
| |
+ # PR at qa-make https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/qa-make #
| |
+ # #
| |
+ #######################################################################
| |
| |
+ # Allows to print variables, eg. make print-SRC
| |
+ print-% : ; @echo $* = $($*)
| |
| |
+ # Get variables from Makefile.cfg
| |
+ SRC=$(shell grep -s SRC Makefile.cfg | sed 's/SRC=//')
| |
+ VENV=$(shell grep -s VENV Makefile.cfg | sed 's/VENV=//')
| |
+ MODULENAME=$(shell grep -s MODULENAME Makefile.cfg | sed 's/MODULENAME=//')
| |
| |
+ # Try to detect SRC in case we didn't find Makefile.cfg
| |
+ ifeq ($(SRC),)
| |
+ SRC=$(shell rpmspec -q --queryformat="%{NAME}\n" *.spec | head -1)
| |
+ SPECNUM=$(shell ls -1 *.spec | wc -l)
| |
+ ifneq ($(SPECNUM),1)
| |
+ $(error Make sure you have either one spec file in the directory or configure it in Makefile.cfg)
| |
+ endif
| |
+ endif
| |
| |
+ # Variables used for packaging
| |
+ SPECFILE=$(SRC).spec
| |
+ BASEARCH:=$(shell uname -i)
| |
+ DIST:=$(shell rpm --eval '%{dist}')
| |
+ TARGETVER:=$(shell lsb_release -r |grep -o '[0-9]*')
| |
| |
+ VERSION:=$(shell rpmspec -q --queryformat="%{VERSION}\n" $(SPECFILE) | head -1)
| |
+ RELEASE:=$(shell rpmspec -q --queryformat="%{RELEASE}\n" $(SPECFILE) | head -1 | sed 's/$(DIST)/\.$(TARGETDIST)/g')
| |
| |
+ GITBRANCH:=$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
| |
+ BUILDTARGET:=fedora-$(TARGETVER)-x86_64
| |
+ KOJITARGET:=$(shell echo $(TARGETDIST) | sed 's/c//' | sed 's/el/epel-/')
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: update-makefile
| |
+ update-makefile:
| |
+ curl --fail https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/qa-make/raw/master/f/Makefile -o Makefile.new
| |
+ if ! cmp Makefile Makefile.new ; then mv Makefile.new Makefile ; fi
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: test
| |
+ .ONESHELL: test
| |
+ test: $(VENV)
| |
+ set -e
| |
+ source $(VENV)/bin/activate;
| |
+ TEST='true' py.test --cov-report=term-missing --cov $(MODULENAME);
| |
+ deactivate
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: test-ci
| |
+ .ONESHELL: test-ci
| |
+ test-ci: $(VENV)
| |
+ set -e
| |
+ source $(VENV)/bin/activate
| |
+ TEST='true' py.test --cov-report=xml --cov $(MODULENAME)
| |
+ deactivate
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: pylint
| |
+ pylint:
| |
+ pylint -f parseable $(SRC) | tee pylint.out
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: pep8
| |
+ pep8:
| |
+ pep8 $(SRC)/*.py $(SRC)/*/*.py | tee pep8.out
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: ci
| |
+ ci: test-ci pylint pep8
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: docs
| |
+ docs:
| |
+ sphinx-build -b html -d docs/_build/doctrees docs/source docs/_build/html
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: clean
| |
+ clean:
| |
+ rm -rf dist
| |
+ rm -rf $(SRC).egg-info
| |
+ rm -rf build
| |
+ rm -f pep8.out
| |
+ rm -f pylint.out
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: archive
| |
+ archive: $(SRC)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: $(SRC)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
| |
+ $(SRC)-$(VERSION).tar.gz:
| |
+ git archive $(GITBRANCH) --prefix=$(SRC)-$(VERSION)/ | gzip -c9 > $@
| |
+ mkdir -p build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)
| |
+ mv $(SRC)-$(VERSION).tar.gz build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: srpm
| |
+ srpm: archive
| |
+ mock -r $(BUILDTARGET) --buildsrpm --spec $(SPECFILE) --sources build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/
| |
+ cp /var/lib/mock/$(BUILDTARGET)/result/$(NVR).src.rpm build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: build
| |
+ build: srpm
| |
+ mock -r $(BUILDTARGET) --no-clean --rebuild build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/$(NVR).src.rpm
| |
+ cp /var/lib/mock/$(BUILDTARGET)/result/*.rpm build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: scratch
| |
+ scratch: srpm
| |
+ koji build --scratch $(KOJITARGET) build/$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/$(NVR).src.rpm
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: nvr
| |
+ nvr:
| |
+ @echo $(NVR)
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: cleanvenv
| |
+ cleanvenv:
| |
+ rm -rf $(VENV)
| |
| |
+ .PHONY: virtualenv
| |
+ virtualenv: $(VENV)
| |
| |
| |
| |
+ $(VENV):
| |
+ virtualenv --system-site-packages $(VENV)
| |
+ set -e
| |
+ source $(VENV)/bin/activate
| |
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
| |
+ deactivate
| |
Everything looks like it's working just fine. I've added fix (separate commit) that allows to build docs without using virtual_env.
qa-make: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/qa-make
I'll remove dodo after the review :)