Apparently, hawkey has been replaced by libdnf with warnings that hawkey has been depricated and will get farther development. libdnf/libhif warns that it's not stable right now, so I'm not entirely sure what we're supposed to be using.
Replace hawkey references (ext/fedora/ with code that utilizes libdnf. If hawkey is stable for now and libdnf is not, it might be worth waiting a bit until that stabilizes.
Metadata Update from @tflink: - Issue priority set to: Normal - Issue tagged with: bug
Yeah, that has been the case for a while now. We use hawkey just for parsing NEVRA, so as long as it's available in Fedora, I don't think we need to rush to replace it. It's possible that all this code will be removed when feature/ansiblize lands.
I don't think this is a bug, removing the keyword. However, this should be easy to fix and quite self-contained, adding the keyword.
Metadata Update from @kparal: - Issue untagged with: bug - Issue tagged with: easyfix
Metadata Update from @kparal: - Issue priority set to: Low (was: Normal)
Hi, I'm Andi. Is anybody working on this issue at the moment? Otherwise I would like fix it.
Hi Andi, if you can find out how to parse NEVRA string using libdnf instead of hawkey (it doesn't even need to be a proper pull request for libtaskotron), that would be welcome.
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