#21 Naming scheme proposal for Taskotron tasks/tests
Closed: Invalid 6 years ago Opened 10 years ago by jskladan.

With respect to this ticket (as there is a need for unique-but-meaningfull identifier of the test), we had a discussion about naming the tests/tasks for Taskotron.

For the package-specific tests, we feel, that going by name {package_name}.{test_name} is the best, since we will (probably) look inside the package repo, to search for specific directory (?) with taskotron tests.

For generic tests, going with {fas_username}.{test_name} feels right, as we will (probably) somehow be registering new tests, so we can add (as a part of metadata) the FAS account of the responsible test (git repo) owner.

Also - we should add the test name into the runner's envdata (if we go in the {package_name}/{fas_username}. scheme.

Setting low priority, this should be necessary to deal with only when we have third-party checks, I assume.

This is now obsolete, we mostly use dist. prefix for generic tasks and we don't attempt to run distgit tasks anymore.

Metadata Update from @kparal:
- Issue close_status updated to: Invalid

6 years ago

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