#66 Add more sync features
Closed 4 years ago by sidpremkumar. Opened 4 years ago by sidpremkumar.
sidpremkumar/sync-to-jira sync-upgrades  into  develop

file modified
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ 




+ .idea




+ .idea/*

+ venv/*

+ venv3/*

file modified
@@ -19,6 +19,35 @@ 

  If the ``testing`` option is set to ``True``, then the script will perform a

  "dry run" and not actually add any new issues to Jira.


+ What To Sync

+ ____________


+ Each project is accompanied by an 'updates' array as seen below::


+     'Demo_project': {'project': 'PROJECT', 'component': 'COMP',

+                      'updates': [...], 'owner': 'project_owner_username'},



+ The following can be added to the updates array to specify what to sync with downstream

+ JIRA issues::


+     'comments' :: Sync comments and comment edits

+     {'tags': {'overwrite': True/False}} :: Sync tags, do/don't overwrite downstream tags

+     {'fixVersion'; {'overwrite': True/False}} :: Sync fixVersion (downstream milestone),

+                                                  do/don't overwrite downstream fixVersion

+     'assignee' :: Sync assignee (for Github only the first assignee will sync)

+     'description' :: Sync description

+     'title' :: Sync title

+     {'transition': True/'CUSTOM_TRANSITION'} :: Sync status (open/closed), Sync only status/

+                                                 Attempt to transition JIRA ticket to

+                                                 CUSTOM_TRANSITION on upstream closure


+ Note: Overwrite set to True will ensure that upstream issue fields will clear downstream

+ issue fields, overwrite set to False will never delete downstream issue fields only append.


+ The optional owner field can be used to specify a username that should be used if

+ the program cannot find a matching downstream user to assigne an issue too.





file modified
+20 -19
@@ -28,37 +28,38 @@ 

          # Don't actually make changes to JIRA...

          'testing': True,


+         # Your Github token

+         'github_token': 'YOUR_TOKEN',


          'legacy_matching': False,


-         #'default_jira_instance': 'example',

-         #'jira': {

-         #    'example': {

-         #        'options': {

-         #            'server': 'https://some_jira_server_somewhere.com',

-         #            'verify': True,

-         #        },

-         #        'basic_auth': ('YOUR_USERNAME', 'YOUR_PASSWORD'),

-         #    },

-         #},

+         'default_jira_instance': 'example',

+         'jira': {

+             'example': {

+                 'options': {

+                     'server': 'https://some_jira_server_somewhere.com',

+                     'verify': True,

+                 },

+                 'basic_auth': ('YOU_USERNAME', 'YOUR_PASSWORD'),

+             },

+         },


          'map': {

              'pagure': {

-                 'pungi': { 'project': 'COMPOSE', 'component': 'Pungi', },

-                 #'koji': { 'project': 'BREW', 'component': None, },

+                 'Demo_project': {'project': 'FACTORY', 'component': 'gitbz',

+                                  'updates': [...]},

+                 # 'koji': { 'project': 'BREW', 'component': None, },


              'github': {

-                 'fedora-infra/bodhi': { 'project': 'FACTORY', 'component': None, },

-                 #'product-definition-center/product-definition-center': {

-                 #    'project': 'PDC', 'component': 'General', },

-                 #'product-definition-center/pdc-client': {

-                 #    'project': 'PDC', 'component': 'General', },

+                 'GITHUB_USERNAME/Demo_project': {'project': 'FACTORY', 'component': 'gitbz',

+                                                  'updates': [...]},



          'filters': {

              'github': {

                  # Only sync multi-type tickets from bodhi.

-                 'fedora-infra/bodhi': { 'state': 'open', 'milestone': 4, },

+                 'fedora-infra/bodhi': {'state': 'open', 'milestone': 4, },


-         },

+         }



@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ 

                stage('Run unit tests') {

                  steps {

                    // run unit tests

-                   sh 'nosetests-3 -v --with-xunit --xunit-file=xunit-tests.xml'

+                   sh 'tox --result-json=xunit-tests.json'


                  post {

                    always {

-                     junit 'xunit-tests.xml'

+                     junit 'xunit-tests.json'




file modified
+3 -1
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ 


- requests

+ requests==2.14.0


+ PyGithub

+ urllib3 

\ No newline at end of file

file modified
+614 -72
@@ -20,12 +20,20 @@ 

  import operator


  import logging

+ import re


  import arrow

  import jira.client

+ from jira import JIRAError

+ from datetime import datetime


  from sync2jira.intermediary import Issue


+ # The date the service was upgraded

+ # This is used to ensure legacy comments are not touched

+ # UPDATE_DATE = datetime.(2019, 0o6, 23)

+ UPDATE_DATE = datetime(2019, 7, 8, 11, 37, 26, 312400)


  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


  remote_link_title = "Upstream issue"
@@ -34,12 +42,43 @@ 



  def _comment_format(comment):

+     """

+     Function to format JIRA comments

+     Args:

+         comment (dict): Upstream comment

+     Returns:

+         Response (str): Comments formatted

+     """

+     pretty_date = comment['date_created'].strftime("%a %b %y - %H:%M")


+     return "[%s] Upstream, %s wrote [%s]:\n\n{quote}\n%s\n{quote}" % (

+         comment['id'], comment['author'],

+         pretty_date, comment['body'])



+ def _comment_format_legacy(comment):

+     """

+     Legacy function to format JIRA comments.

+     This is still used to match comments so no

+     duplicates are created

+     Args:

+         comment (dict): Upstream comment

+     Returns:

+         Response (str): Comments formatted

+     """

      return "Upstream, %s wrote:\n\n{quote}\n%s\n{quote}" % (

-         comment['author'], comment['body'])

+         comment['name'], comment['body'])



  def _get_jira_client(issue, config):


+     """

+     Function to match and create JIRA client

+     Args:

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Issue object

+         config (dict): Config dict

+     Returns:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): Matching JIRA client

+     """

      # The name of the jira instance to use is stored under the 'map'

      # key in the config where each upstream is mapped to jira projects.

      # It is conveniently added to the Issue object from intermediary.py
@@ -48,7 +87,7 @@ 

      if not isinstance(issue, Issue):

          log.error("passed in issue is not an Issue instance")

          log.error("It is a %s" % (type(issue).__name__))

-         raise

+         raise TypeError("Got %s, expected Issue" % type(issue).__name__)


      # Use the Jira instance set in the issue config. If none then

      # use the configured default jira instance.
@@ -56,33 +95,96 @@ 

      if not jira_instance:

          jira_instance = config['sync2jira'].get('default_jira_instance', False)

      if not jira_instance:

-         log.error("No jira_instance for issue and there is no default in the config")

-         raise

+         log.error("   No jira_instance for issue and there is no default in the config")

+         raise Exception


      client = jira.client.JIRA(**config['sync2jira']['jira'][jira_instance])

      return client



  def _matching_jira_issue_query(client, issue, config, free=False):

+     """

+     API calls that find matching JIRA tickets if any are present

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Issue object

+         config (dict): Config dict

+         free (Bool): Free tag to add 'statusCategory != Done' to query

+     Returns:

+         results (lst): Returns a list of matching JIRA issues if any are found

+     """

+     # Searches for any remote link to the issue.url

      query = 'issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("%s") and ' \

          'issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("%s")' % (

              remote_link_title, issue.url)

      if free:

          query += ' and statusCategory != Done'

-     results = client.search_issues(query)

-     log.debug("Found %i results for query %r", len(results), query)

-     return results

+     # Query the JIRA client and store the results

+     results_of_query = client.search_issues(query)

+     if len(results_of_query) > 1:

+         # Sometimes if an issue gets dropped it is created with the url: pagure.com/something/issue/5

+         # Then when that issue is dropped and another one is created is is created with the same

+         # url : pagure.com/something/issue/5.

+         # We need to ensure that we are not catching a dropped issue

+         # Loop through the results of the query and make sure the ids

+         final_results = []

+         for result in results_of_query:

+             # If the queried JIRA issue has the id of the upstream issue or the same title

+             if issue.id in result.fields.description or issue.title == result.fields.summary:

+                 # Add it to the final results

+                 final_results.append(result)


+         # Return the final_results

+         log.debug("Found %i results for query %r", len(final_results), query)

+         return final_results

+     else:

+         return results_of_query



  def _find_comment_in_jira(comment, j_comments):

-     formated_comment = _comment_format(comment)

+     """

+     Helper function to filter out comments that are matching

+     Args:

+         comment (dict): Individual comment from upstream

+         j_comments (lst(jira.resources.Comment)): Comments from JIRA downstream

+     Returns:

+         Item/None (jira.resource.Comment)

+     """

+     formatted_comment = _comment_format(comment)

+     legacy_formatted_comment = _comment_format_legacy(comment)

      for item in j_comments:

-         if item.raw['body'] == formated_comment:

+         if item.raw['body'] == legacy_formatted_comment:

+             # If the comment is in the legacy comment format

+             # return the item

+             return item

+         if str(comment['id']) in item.raw['body']:

+             # The comment id's match, if they dont have the same body,

+             # we need to edit the comment

+             if item.raw['body'] != formatted_comment:

+                 # We need to update the comment

+                 item.update(body=formatted_comment)

+                 log.info('   Updated one comment')

+                 # Now we can just return the item

+                 return item

+             else:

+                 # Else they are equal and we can return the item

+                 return item

+         if comment['date_created'] < UPDATE_DATE:

+             # If the comments date is prior to the update_date

+             # We should not try to touch the comment

              return item

      return None



  def _comment_matching(g_comments, j_comments):

+     """

+     Function to filter out comments that are matching

+     Args:

+         g_comments (lst(dict)): Comments from Issue object

+         j_comments (lst(jira.resources.Comment)): Comments from JIRA downstream

+     Returns:

+         response (lst): Returns a list of comments that are not matching

+     """

      return list(


              lambda x: _find_comment_in_jira(x, j_comments) is None or x['changed'] is not None,
@@ -92,9 +194,15 @@ 



  def _get_existing_jira_issue(client, issue, config):

-     """ Get a jira issue by the linked remote issue.


+     """

+     Get a jira issue by the linked remote issue.

      This is the new supported way of doing this.

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Issue object

+         config (dict): Config dict

+     Returns:

+         response (lst): Returns a list of matching JIRA issues if any are found


      results = _matching_jira_issue_query(client, issue, config)

      if results:
@@ -125,7 +233,20 @@ 



  def _attach_link(client, downstream, remote_link):

-     log.info("    Attaching tracking link %r to %r", remote_link, downstream.key)

+     """

+     Attaches the upstream link to the JIRA ticket

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         downstream (jira.resources.Issue): Response from

+                                            creating the

+                                            JIRA ticket

+         remote_link():

+     Returns:

+         downstream (jira.resources.Issue): Response from

+                                            creating the

+                                            JIRA ticket

+     """

+     log.info("   Attaching tracking link %r to %r", remote_link, downstream.key)

      modified_desc = downstream.fields.description + " "


      # This is crazy.  Querying for application links requires admin perms which
@@ -161,17 +282,86 @@ 

      _attach_link(client, downstream, remote_link)



+ def assign_user(client, issue, downstream, remove_all=False):

+     """

+     Attempts to assigns a JIRA issue to the correct

+     user based on the issue

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA Client

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Issue object

+         downstream (jira.resources.Issue): JIRA issue object

+         remove_all (bool): Flag to indicate if we should reset

+                           the assignees in the JIRA issue

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     # If removeAll flag, then we need to reset the assignees

+     if remove_all:

+         # Update the issue to have no assignees

+         downstream.update(assignee={'name': ''})

+         # Then we're done! And we can go back !

+         return


+     # JIRA only supports one assignee

+     # If we have more than one assignee (i.e. from Github)

+     # assign the issue to the first user (i.e. issue.assignee[0])


+     # First we need to find the user

+     # Make API call to get a list of users

+     users = client.search_assignable_users_for_issues(

+         issue.assignee[0]['fullname'],

+         project=issue.downstream['project'])

+     # Loop through the query

+     for user in users:

+         if user.displayName == issue.assignee[0]['fullname']:

+             # Then we can assign the issue to the user

+             client.assign_issue(downstream.id, user.key)

+             return

+     # If there is an owner, assign it to them

+     if issue.downstream.get('owner'):

+         client.assign_issue(downstream.id, issue.downstream.get('owner'))

+         log.warning('Assigned %s to owner: %s' %

+                     (issue.title, issue.downstream.get('owner')))

+         return

+     log.warning('Was not able to assign user %s' % issue.assignee[0]['fullname'])



  def _create_jira_issue(client, issue, config):

-     log.info("    Creating %r issue for %r", issue.downstream, issue)

+     """

+     Create a JIRA issue and adds all relevant

+     information in the issue to the JIRA issue

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Issue object

+         config (dict): Config dict

+     Returns:

+         downstream (jira.resources.Issue): Returns JIRA issue

+                                            that was created

+     """

+     log.info("   Creating %r issue for %r", issue.downstream, issue)

      if config['sync2jira']['testing']:

          log.info("      Testing flag is true.  Skipping actual creation.")



      custom_fields = issue.downstream.get('custom_fields', {})

      default_type = issue.downstream.get('type', "Bug")

+     # Build the description of the JIRA issue

+     if 'description' in issue.downstream.get('updates'):

+         description = "Upstream description: {quote}%s{quote}" % issue.content

+     else:

+         description = ''


+     if issue.reporter:

+         # Add to the description

+         description = '[%s] Upstream Reporter: %s \n %s' % (

+             issue.id,

+             issue.reporter['fullname'],

+             description

+         )


      kwargs = dict(


-         description=issue.url,

+         description=description,

          issuetype=dict(name="Story" if "RFE" in issue.title else default_type),


      if issue.downstream['project']:
@@ -179,30 +369,427 @@ 

      if issue.downstream.get('component'):

          # TODO - make this a list in the config

          kwargs['components'] = [dict(name=issue.downstream['component'])]

-     if issue.downstream.get('labels'):

-         labels = issue.downstream['labels']

-         if not isinstance(labels, list):

-             labels = [labels]

-         kwargs['labels'] = labels


      for key, custom_field in custom_fields.items():

          kwargs[key] = custom_field


-     log.info("Creating issue.")

+     log.info("   Creating issue.")

      downstream = client.create_issue(**kwargs)


      remote_link = dict(url=issue.url, title=remote_link_title)

      _attach_link(client, downstream, remote_link)


-     # Only synchronize comments for listings that op-in

-     if issue.downstream.get('comments'):

-         log.info("    Adding %i comments." % len(issue.comments))

-         for comment in issue.comments:

-             client.add_comment(downstream, _comment_format(comment))

+     # Update relevant information (i.e. tags, assignees etc.) if the

+     # User opted in

+     _update_jira_issue(downstream, issue, client)


      return downstream



+ def _label_matching(jira_labels, issue_labels):

+     """

+     Filters through jira_labels to ensure no duplicate labels are present and

+     no jira_labels are removed

+     Args:

+         jira_labels (lst(str)): Existing JIRA labels

+         issue_labels (lst(str): Upstream labels

+     Returns:

+         updated_labels (lst(str)): Updated filtered labels

+     """

+     # We want to get the union of the jira_labels and the issue_labels

+     # i.e. all the labels in jira_labels and no duplicates from issue_labels

+     updated_labels = list(set(jira_labels).union(set(issue_labels)))

+     # Return our labels

+     return updated_labels



+ def _update_jira_issue(existing, issue, client):

+     """

+     Updates an existing JIRA issue (i.e. tags, assignee, comments etc)

+     Args:

+         existing (jira.resources.Issue): Existing JIRA issue that was found

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Upstream issue we're pulling data from

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA Client

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     # Start with comments

+     # Only synchronize comments for listings that op-in

+     log.info("   Updating information for upstream issue: %s" % issue.title)


+     # Get a list of what the user wants to update for the upstream issue

+     updates = issue.downstream.get('updates')

+     # Update relevant data if needed


+     # If the user has specified nothing

+     if not updates:

+         return


+     # Only synchronize comments for listings that op-in

+     if 'comments' in updates:

+         log.info("   Looking for new comments")

+         _update_comments(client, existing, issue)


+     # Only synchronize tags for listings that op-in

+     if any('tags' in item for item in updates):

+         log.info("   Looking for new tags")

+         _update_tags(updates, existing, issue)


+     # Only synchronize fixVersion for listings that op-in

+     if any('fixVersion' in item for item in updates) and issue.fixVersion:

+         log.info("   Looking for new fixVersions")

+         _update_fixVersion(updates, existing, issue)


+     # Only synchronize assignee for listings that op-in

+     if 'assignee' in updates:

+         log.info("   Looking for new assignee(s)")

+         _update_assignee(client, existing, issue)


+     # Only synchronize descriptions for listings that op-in

+     if 'description' in updates:

+         log.info("   Looking for new description")

+         _update_description(existing, issue)


+     # Only synchronize title for listings that op-in

+     if 'title' in updates:

+         # Update the title if needed

+         if issue.title != existing.fields.summary:

+             data = {'summary': issue.title}

+             existing.update(data)

+             log.info('   Updated title')


+     # Only synchronize transition (status) for listings that op-in

+     if any('transition' in item for item in updates):

+         log.info("   Looking for new transition(s)")

+         _update_transition(client, existing, issue)


+     log.info('   Done updating %s!' % issue.title)



+ def _update_transition(client, existing, issue):

+     """

+     Helper function to update the transition of a downstream JIRA issue

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         existing (jira.resource.Issue): Existing JIRA issue

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Upstream issue

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     # Update the issue status in the JIRA description

+     # Format the status

+     today = datetime.today()

+     formatted_status = "[%s] Upstream issue status: %s" % (

+         today.strftime("%a %b %y - %H:%M"), issue.status)

+     new_description = existing.fields.description

+     # Check if the issue has the issue status line

+     if "] Upstream issue status:" in existing.fields.description:

+         # Use pattern matching to find and update the status

+         new_description = re.sub(

+             r"\[.*\] Upstream issue status: .*",

+             formatted_status,

+             new_description)

+     else:

+         # We can just add this line to the very top

+         new_description = formatted_status + '\n' + new_description

+     # Now we can update the JIRA issue (always need to update this

+     # as there is a timestamp involved)

+     data = {'description': new_description}

+     existing.update(data)

+     log.info('   Updated transition')


+     # If the user just inputted True, only update the description

+     # If the user added a custom closed status, attempt to close the

+     # downstream JIRA ticket


+     # First get the closed status from the config file

+     try:

+         # For python 3 >

+         closed_status = list(filter(lambda d: "transition" in d, issue.downstream.get('updates')))[0]['transition']

+     except ValueError:

+         # for python 2.7

+         closed_status = (filter(lambda d: "transition" in d, issue.downstream.get('updates')))[0]['transition']


+     if closed_status is not True and issue.status == 'Closed' \

+             and existing.fields.status.name.upper() != closed_status.upper():

+         # Now we need to update the status of the JIRA issue\

+         # Ensure that closed_status is a valid choice

+         # Find all possible transactions (i.e. change states) we could `do

+         transactions = client.transitions(existing)

+         found = False

+         for t in transactions:

+             if t['name'] and str(t['name']).upper() == closed_status.upper():

+                 # We can perform this transition (i.e. change state)

+                 try:

+                     client.transition_issue(existing, int(t['id']))

+                     log.info('   Updated downstream closed status for issue %s' % issue.title)

+                 except JIRAError:

+                     log.error('   Updating downstream issue failed for closed_status: %s' % closed_status)

+                 found = True

+         if not found:

+             log.warning('   Could not update JIRA closed_status for %s' % issue.title)



+ def _update_comments(client, existing, issue):

+     """

+     Helper function to sync comments between existing JIRA issue and upstream issue

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         existing (jira.resource.Issue): Existing JIRA issue

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Upstream issue

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     # First get all existing comments

+     comments = client.comments(existing)

+     # Remove any comments that have already been added

+     comments_d = _comment_matching(issue.comments, comments)

+     # Loop through the comments that remain

+     for comment in comments_d:

+         # Format and add them

+         comment_body = _comment_format(comment)

+         client.add_comment(existing, comment_body)

+     if len(comments_d) > 0:

+         log.info("   Comments synchronization done on %i comments." % len(comments_d))



+ def _update_fixVersion(updates, existing, issue):

+     """

+     Helper function to sync comments between existing JIRA issue and upstream issue

+     Args:

+         updates (list): Downstream updates requested by the user

+         existing (jira.resource.Issue): Existing JIRA issue

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Upstream issue

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     fix_version = []

+     # If we are not supposed to overwrite JIRA content

+     try:

+         # For python 3 >

+         if not bool(list(filter(lambda d: "fixVersion" in d, updates))[0]['fixVersion']['overwrite']):

+             # We need to make sure we're not deleting any fixVersions on JIRA

+             # Get all fixVersions for the issue

+             for version in existing.fields.fixVersions:

+                 fix_version.append({'name': version.name})

+     except ValueError:

+         # for python 2.7

+         if not bool((filter(lambda d: "fixVersion" in d, updates))[0]['fixVersion']['overwrite']):

+             # We need to make sure we're not deleting any fixVersions on JIRA

+             # Get all fixVersions for the issue

+             for version in existing.fields.fixVersions:

+                 fix_version.append({'name': version.name})


+     # Github and Pagure do not allow for multiple fixVersions (milestones)

+     # But JIRA does, that is why we're looping here. Hopefully one

+     # Day Github/Pagure will support multiple fixVersions :0

+     for version in issue.fixVersion:

+         if version is not None:

+             # Update the fixVersion only if it's already not in JIRA

+             result = filter(lambda v: v['name'] == str(version), fix_version)

+             # If we have a result skip, if not then add it to fix_version

+             if not result or not list(result):

+                 fix_version.append({'name': version})


+     # We don't want to make an API call if the labels are the same

+     jira_labels = []

+     for label in existing.fields.fixVersions:

+         jira_labels.append({'name': label.name})

+     res = [i for i in jira_labels if i not in fix_version] + \

+           [j for j in fix_version if j not in jira_labels]

+     if res:

+         data = {'fixVersions': fix_version}

+         # If the fixVersion is not in JIRA, it will throw an error

+         try:

+             existing.update(data)

+             log.info('   Updated %s fixVersion(s)' % len(fix_version))

+         except JIRAError:

+             log.warning('   Error updating the fixVersion. %s is an invalid fixVersion.' % issue.fixVersion)



+ def _update_assignee(client, existing, issue):

+     """

+     Helper function update existing JIRA assignee from downstream issue

+     Args:

+         client (jira.client.JIRA): JIRA client

+         existing (jira.resource.Issue): Existing JIRA issue

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Upstream issue

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     # Update the assignee

+     if issue.assignee and issue.assignee[0]:

+         # Check if the issue is already assigned to reduce API calls

+         try:

+             update = issue.assignee[0]['fullname'] != existing.fields.assignee.displayName

+         except AttributeError:

+             update = True

+         if update:

+             # If we have someone to assign it too

+             assign_user(client, issue, existing)

+             log.info('   Updated assignee')

+     else:

+         if existing.fields.assignee:

+             # Else we should remove all assignees

+             # Set removeAll flag to true

+             assign_user(client, issue, existing, remove_all=True)

+             log.info('   Updated assignee')



+ def _update_tags(updates, existing, issue):

+     """

+     Helper function to sync tags between upstream issue and downstream JIRA issue

+     Args:

+         updates (list): Downstream updates requested by the user

+         existing (jira.resource.Issue): Existing JIRA issue

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Upstream issue

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     # First get all existing tags on the issue

+     updated_labels = issue.tags


+     # Ensure no duplicates if overwrite is set to false

+     try:

+         # for python 3 >

+         if not bool(list(filter(lambda d: "tags" in d, updates))[0]['tags']['overwrite']):

+             updated_labels = _label_matching(updated_labels, existing.fields.labels)

+     except ValueError:

+         # for python 2.7

+         if not bool(filter(lambda d: "tags" in d, updates)[0]['tags']['overwrite']):

+             updated_labels = _label_matching(updated_labels, existing.fields.labels)


+     # Ensure that the tags are all valid

+     updated_labels = verify_tags(updated_labels)


+     # Now we can update the JIRA if labels are different

+     if sorted(updated_labels) != sorted(existing.fields.labels):

+         data = {'labels': updated_labels}

+         existing.update(data)

+         log.info('   Updated %s tag(s)' % len(updated_labels))



+ def _update_description(existing, issue):

+     new_description = existing.fields.description

+     if 'Upstream description' in new_description:

+         # If we just need to update the content of the description

+         new_description = re.sub(

+             r"Upstream description:(\r\n*|\r*|\n*|.*){quote}((?s).*){quote}",

+             r"Upstream description: {quote}%s{quote}" % issue.content,

+             new_description)

+     elif '] Upstream issue status:' in new_description and '] Upstream Reporter:' in new_description:

+         # We need to add a description field

+         # Need to find the 2nd new line as we already have

+         # Reporter and Status

+         index1 = new_description.find('\n')

+         index2 = new_description[index1+1:].find('\n')

+         new_description = "%s \nUpstream description: " \

+                           "{quote}%s{quote}\n%s" % \

+                           (new_description[:index1+index2+1],

+                            issue.content,

+                            new_description[index1+index2+1:])


+     elif '] Upstream issue status:' in new_description:

+         # We need to add a upstream reporter and description field

+         upstream_reporter = '[%s] Upstream Reporter: %s' % (

+             issue.id,

+             issue.reporter['fullname']

+         )

+         upstream_description = "%s \nUpstream description: " \

+                                "{quote}%s{quote}" % \

+                                (upstream_reporter, issue.content)

+         # Add it to the old description

+         index = new_description.find('\n')

+         new_description = (new_description[:index] +

+                            '\n' +

+                            upstream_description +

+                            new_description[index+1:])

+     else:

+         # Just add reporter and description to the top

+         upstream_reporter = '[%s] Upstream Reporter: %s' % (

+             issue.id,

+             issue.reporter['fullname']

+         )

+         upstream_description = "%s \nUpstream description: " \

+                                "{quote}%s{quote}" % \

+                                (upstream_reporter, issue.content)

+         new_description = '%s \n %s' % \

+                           (upstream_description, new_description)

+     # Now that we've updated the description (i.e. added

+     # issue.id) we can delete the link in the description if its still there.

+     new_description = re.sub(

+         r'\[%s\]' % issue.url,

+         r'',

+         new_description

+     )


+     # Now we can update the JIRA issue if we need to

+     if new_description != existing.fields.description:

+         data = {'description': new_description}

+         existing.update(data)

+         log.info('   Updated description')



+ def verify_tags(tags):

+     """

+     Helper function to ensure tag are JIRA ready :)

+     Args:

+         tags (lst(str)): Input tags

+     Returns:

+         updated_tags (lst(str)): Updates tags

+     """

+     updated_tags = []

+     for tag in tags:

+         updated_tags.append(tag.replace(" ", "_"))

+     return updated_tags



+ def sync_with_jira(issue, config):

+     """

+     Attempts to sync a upstream issue with JIRA (i.e. by finding

+     an existing issue or creating a new one)

+     Args:

+         issue (sync2jira.intermediary.Issue): Issue object

+         config (dict): Config dict

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """


+     log.info("   Considering upstream %s, %s", issue.url, issue.title)


+     # Create a client connection for this issue

+     client = _get_jira_client(issue, config)


+     # First, check to see if we have a matching issue using the new method.

+     # If we do, then just bail out.  No sync needed.

+     log.info("   Looking for matching downstream issue via new method.")

+     existing = _get_existing_jira_issue(client, issue, config)

+     if existing:

+         # If we found an existing JIRA issue already

+         log.info("   Found existing, matching downstream %r.", existing.key)

+         # Update relevant metadata (i.e. tags, assignee, etc)

+         _update_jira_issue(existing, issue, client)

+         return


+     # If we're *not* configured to do legacy matching (upgrade mode) then there

+     # is nothing left to do than to but to create the issue and return.

+     if not config['sync2jira'].get('legacy_matching', True):

+         log.debug("   Legacy matching disabled.")

+         _create_jira_issue(client, issue, config)

+         return


+     # Otherwise, if we *are* configured to do legacy matching, then try and

+     # find this issue the old way.

+     # - If we can't find it, create it.

+     # - If we can find it, upgrade it to the new method.

+     log.info("   Looking for matching downstream issue via legacy method.")

+     match = _get_existing_jira_issue_legacy(client, issue, config)

+     if not match:

+         _create_jira_issue(client, issue, config)

+     else:

+         _upgrade_jira_issue(client, match, issue, config)



  def _close_as_duplicate(client, duplicate, keeper, config):

      log.info("  Closing %s as duplicate of %s", duplicate.permalink(), keeper.permalink())

      if config['sync2jira']['testing']:
@@ -244,7 +831,7 @@ 


                  log.exception("Failed to close %r", duplicate.permalink())


-         log.warn("      Unable to find close transition for %r" % duplicate.key)

+         log.warning("      Unable to find close transition for %r" % duplicate.key)



  def close_duplicates(issue, config):
@@ -261,48 +848,3 @@ 

      keeper, duplicates = results[0], results[1:]

      for duplicate in duplicates:

          _close_as_duplicate(client, duplicate, keeper, config)



- def sync_with_jira(issue, config):

-     log.info("Considering upstream %s, %s", issue.url, issue.title)


-     # Create a client connection for this issue

-     client = _get_jira_client(issue, config)


-     # First, check to see if we have a matching issue using the new method.

-     # If we do, then just bail out.  No sync needed.

-     log.info("  Looking for matching downstream issue via new method.")

-     existing = _get_existing_jira_issue(client, issue, config)

-     if existing:

-         log.info("   Found existing, matching downstream %r.", existing.key)


-         # Only synchronize comments for listings that op-in

-         if not issue.downstream.get('comments'):

-             return


-         log.info("   Looking for new comments")

-         comments = client.comments(existing)

-         comments_d = _comment_matching(issue.comments, comments)

-         for comment in comments_d:

-             comment_body = _comment_format(comment)

-             client.add_comment(existing, comment_body)

-         log.info("   Comments synchronization done on %i comments." % len(comments_d))

-         return


-     # If we're *not* configured to do legacy matching (upgrade mode) then there

-     # is nothing left to do than to but to create the issue and return.

-     if not config['sync2jira'].get('legacy_matching', True):

-         log.debug("   Legacy matching disabled.")

-         _create_jira_issue(client, issue, config)

-         return


-     # Otherwise, if we *are* configured to do legacy matching, then try and

-     # find this issue the old way.

-     # - If we can't find it, create it.

-     # - If we can find it, upgrade it to the new method.

-     log.info("  Looking for matching downstream issue via legacy method.")

-     match = _get_existing_jira_issue_legacy(client, issue, config)

-     if not match:

-         _create_jira_issue(client, issue, config)

-     else:

-         _upgrade_jira_issue(client, match, issue, config)

file modified
+57 -5
@@ -16,17 +16,31 @@ 

  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110.15.0 USA


  # Authors:  Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>

+ from datetime import datetime



  class Issue(object):


-     def __init__(self, source, title, url, upstream, comments, config):

+     def __init__(self, source, title, url, upstream, comments,

+                  config, tags, fixVersion, priority, content,

+                  reporter, assignee, status, id, downstream=None):

          self.source = source

          self._title = title

          self.url = url

          self.upstream = upstream

          self.comments = comments

-         self.downstream = config['sync2jira']['map'][self.source][upstream]

+         self.tags = tags

+         self.fixVersion = fixVersion

+         self.priority = priority

+         self.content = content

+         self.reporter = reporter

+         self.assignee = assignee

+         self.status = status

+         self.id = id

+         if not downstream:

+             self.downstream = config['sync2jira']['map'][self.source][upstream]

+         else:

+             self.downstream = downstream



      def title(self):
@@ -37,11 +51,21 @@ 

          base = config['sync2jira'].get('pagure_url', 'https://pagure.io')

          comments = []

          for comment in issue['comments']:

+             # Only add comments that are not Metadata updates

+             if '**Metadata Update' in comment['comment']:

+                 continue

+             # Else add the comment

+             # Convert the date to datetime

+             comment['date_created'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(comment['date_created']))


                  'author': comment['user']['name'],

                  'body': comment['comment'],

+                 'name': comment['user']['name'],

+                 'id': comment['id'],

+                 'date_created': comment['date_created'],

                  'changed': None



          return Issue(


@@ -49,6 +73,14 @@ 




+             tags=issue['tags'],

+             fixVersion=[issue['milestone']],

+             priority=issue['priority'],

+             content=issue['content'],

+             reporter=issue['user'],

+             assignee=issue['assignee'],

+             status=issue['status'],

+             id=issue['date_created']



@@ -56,17 +88,37 @@ 

          comments = []

          for comment in issue['comments']:


-                 'author': comment['user']['login'],

+                 'author': comment['author'],

+                 'name': comment['name'],

                  'body': comment['body'],

-                 'changed': comment['changed'] if 'changed' in comment else None

+                 'id': comment['id'],

+                 'date_created': comment['date_created'],

+                 'changed': None



+         # Reformat the state field

+         if issue['state']:

+             if issue['state'] == 'open':

+                 issue['state'] = 'Open'

+             elif issue['state'] == 'closed':

+                 issue['state'] = 'Closed'


+         # TODO: Priority is broken

          return Issue(




-             comments=comments,



+             comments=comments,

+             tags=issue['labels'],

+             fixVersion=[issue['milestone']],

+             priority=None,

+             content=issue['body'],

+             reporter=issue['user'],

+             assignee=issue['assignees'],

+             status=issue['state'],

+             id=issue['id']



      def __repr__(self):

file modified
+62 -11
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 



  log = logging.getLogger('sync2jira.main')


+ remote_link_title = "Upstream issue"


  handlers = {

      # Example: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2016-895ed21e-5d53-4fde-86ac-64dab36a14ad&is_raw=true&size=extra-large
@@ -42,16 +42,38 @@ 

      'github.issue.reopened': u.handle_github_message,

      # Example: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2017-a053e0c2-f514-47d6-8cb2-f7b2858f7052&is_raw=true&size=extra-large

      'github.issue.labeled': u.handle_github_message,

-     'github.issue.comment': u.handle_github_comment,

+     'github.issue.assigned': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.unassigned': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.closed': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.comment': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.unlabeled': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.milestoned': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.demilestoned': u.handle_github_message,

+     'github.issue.edited': u.handle_github_message,

      # Example: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2016-d578d8f6-0c4c-493d-9535-4e138a03e197&is_raw=true&size=extra-large

      'pagure.issue.new': u.handle_pagure_message,

      # Example: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2017-c2e81259-8576-41a9-83c6-6db2cbcf67d3&is_raw=true&size=extra-large

      'pagure.issue.tag.added': u.handle_pagure_message,

-     'pagure.issue.comment.added': u.handle_pagure_comment,

+     'pagure.issue.comment.added': u.handle_pagure_message,

+     'pagure.issue.comment.edited': u.handle_pagure_message,

+     'pagure.issue.assigned.added': u.handle_pagure_message,

+     'pagure.issue.assigned.reset': u.handle_pagure_message,

+     'pagure.issue.edit': u.handle_pagure_message,

+     'pagure.issue.drop': u.handle_pagure_message,

+     'pagure.issue.tag.removed': u.handle_pagure_message,




  def load_config(loader=fedmsg.config.load_config):

+     """

+     Generates and validates the config file

+     that will be used by fedmsg and JIRA client

+     Args:

+         loader (function): Function to set up runtime config

+     Returns:

+         config (dict): The config dict to be used

+                         later in the program

+     """

      config = loader()


      # Force some vars that we like
@@ -87,32 +109,53 @@ 



  def listen(config):

+     """

+     Listens to activity on upstream repos on pagure and github

+     via fedmsg, and syncs new issues there to the JIRA instance

+     defined in 'fedmsg.d/sync2jira.py'

+     Args:

+         config (dict): Config dict

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

      if not config['sync2jira'].get('listen'):

          log.info("`listen` is disabled.  Exiting.")



-     log.info("Waiting for a relevant fedmsg message to arrive...")

+     log.info("   Waiting for a relevant fedmsg message to arrive...")

      for _, _, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(**config):

          idx = msg['msg_id']

          suffix = ".".join(topic.split('.')[3:])

          log.debug("Encountered %r %r %r", suffix, topic, idx)


          if suffix not in handlers:



-         log.info("Handling %r %r %r", suffix, topic, idx)

+         log.info("   Handling %r %r %r", suffix, topic, idx)


-         issue = handlers[suffix](msg, config)

+         if 'pagure' in suffix:

+             issue = u.handle_pagure_message(msg, config)

+         elif 'github' in suffix:

+             issue = u.handle_github_message(msg, config)


          if not issue:

-             log.warning("%s, %s yielded no Issue object.", suffix, idx)

+             log.warning("   %s, %s yielded no Issue object.", suffix, idx)



          d.sync_with_jira(issue, config)



  def initialize(config):

-     log.info("Running initialization to sync all issues from upstream to jira")

+     """

+     Initial initialization needed to sync any upstream

+     repo with JIRA. Goes through all issues and

+     checks if they're already on JIRA / Need to be

+     created

+     Args:

+         config (dict): Config dict for JIRA

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

+     log.info("   Running initialization to sync all issues from upstream to jira")

      log.info("   Testing flag is %r", config['sync2jira']['testing'])

      mapping = config['sync2jira']['map']

      for upstream in mapping.get('pagure', {}).keys():
@@ -122,7 +165,7 @@ 

              except Exception:

                  log.error("Failed on %r", issue)


-     log.info("Done with pagure initialization.")

+     log.info("   Done with pagure initialization.")


      for upstream in mapping.get('github', {}).keys():

          for issue in u.github_issues(upstream, config):
@@ -131,10 +174,18 @@ 

              except Exception:

                  log.error("Failed on %r", issue)


-     log.info("Done with github initialization.")

+     log.info("   Done with github initialization.")



  def main():

+     """

+     Main function to check for initial sync

+     and listen for fedmgs

+     Args:

+         Nothing

+     Returns:

+         Nothing

+     """

      config = load_config()



file modified
+193 -136
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ 

      string_type = types.StringTypes


  import requests

+ from github import Github


  import sync2jira.intermediary as i

@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ 

      _filter = config['sync2jira']\

          .get('filters', {})\

          .get('github', {})\

-         .get(upstream, {'state': 'open'})

+         .get(upstream, {})


      for key, expected in _filter.items():

          # special handling for label: we look for it in the list of msg labels
@@ -64,6 +65,58 @@ 

                  log.info("Actual %r %r != expected %r", key, actual, expected)

                  return None


+     # Initialize Github object so we can get their full name (instead of their username)

+     # And get comments if needed

+     github_client = Github(config['sync2jira']['github_token'])


+     # If there are no comments just make an empty array

+     if msg['msg']['issue']['comments'] == 0:

+         msg['msg']['issue']['comments'] = []

+     else:

+         # We have multiple comments and need to make api call to get them

+         repo = github_client.get_repo(upstream)

+         comments = []

+         github_issue = repo.get_issue(number=msg['msg']['issue']['number'])

+         for comment in github_issue.get_comments():

+             # First make API call to get the users name

+             comments.append({

+                 'author': comment.user.name,

+                 'name': comment.user.login,

+                 'body': comment.body,

+                 'id': comment.id,

+                 'date_created': comment.created_at,

+                 'changed': None

+             })

+         # Assign the message with the newly formatted comments :)

+         msg['msg']['issue']['comments'] = comments


+     # Search for the user

+     reporter = github_client.get_user(msg['msg']['issue']['user']['login'])

+     # Update the reporter field in the message (to match Pagure format)

+     msg['msg']['issue']['user']['fullname'] = reporter.name


+     # Now do the same thing for the assignees

+     assignees = []

+     for person in msg['msg']['issue']['assignees']:

+         assignee = github_client.get_user(person['login'])

+         assignees.append({'fullname': assignee.name})


+     # Update the assignee field in the message (to match Pagure format)

+     msg['msg']['issue']['assignees'] = assignees


+     # Update the label field in the message (to match Pagure format)

+     if msg['msg']['issue']['labels']:

+         # loop through all the labels on Github and add them

+         # to the new label list and then reassign the message

+         new_label = []

+         for label in msg['msg']['issue']['labels']:

+             new_label.append(label['name'])

+         msg['msg']['issue']['labels'] = new_label


+     # Update the milestone field in the message (to match Pagure format)

+     if msg['msg']['issue']['milestone']:

+         msg['msg']['issue']['milestone'] = msg['msg']['issue']['milestone']['title']


      return i.Issue.from_github(upstream, msg['msg']['issue'], config)


@@ -80,29 +133,58 @@ 


      _filter = config['sync2jira']\

          .get('filters', {})\

-         .get('pagure', {})\

-         .get(upstream, {'status': 'Open'})


-     for key, expected in _filter.items():

-         # special handling for tag: we look for it in the list of msg tags

-         if key == 'tags':

-             actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get('tags', []) + msg['msg'].get('tags', [])


-             # Some messages send tags as strings, others as dicts.  Handle both.

-             actual = \

-                 [tag['name'] for tag in actual if isinstance(tag, dict)] + \

-                 [tag for tag in actual if isinstance(tag, string_type)]


-             intersection = set(actual) & set(expected)

-             if not intersection:

-                 log.info("None of %r in %r on issue.", expected, actual)

-                 return None

-         else:

-             # direct comparison

-             actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get(key)

-             if actual != expected:

-                 log.info("Actual %r %r != expected %r", key, actual, expected)

-                 return None

+         .get('pagure', {}) \

+         .get(upstream, {})


+     if _filter:

+         for key, expected in _filter.items():

+             # special handling for tag: we look for it in the list of msg tags

+             if key == 'tags':

+                 actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get('tags', []) + msg['msg'].get('tags', [])


+                 # Some messages send tags as strings, others as dicts.  Handle both.

+                 actual = \

+                     [tag['name'] for tag in actual if isinstance(tag, dict)] + \

+                     [tag for tag in actual if isinstance(tag, string_type)]


+                 intersection = set(actual) & set(expected)

+                 if not intersection:

+                     log.info("None of %r in %r on issue.", expected, actual)

+                     return None

+             else:

+                 # direct comparison

+                 actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get(key)

+                 if actual != expected:

+                     log.info("Actual %r %r != expected %r", key, actual, expected)

+                     return None


+     # If this is a dropped issue upstream

+     try:

+         if msg['topic'] == 'io.pagure.prod.pagure.issue.drop':

+             msg['msg']['issue']['status'] = 'Dropped'

+     except KeyError:

+         # Otherwise do nothing

+         pass


+     # If this is a tag edit upstream

+     try:

+         # Add all updated tags to the tags on the issue

+         for tag in msg['msg']['tags']:

+             msg['msg']['issue']['tags'].append(tag)

+     except KeyError:

+         # Otherwise do nothing

+         pass


+     # If this is a comment edit

+     try:

+         # Add it to the comments on the issue

+         msg['msg']['issue']['comments'].append(msg['msg']['comment'])

+     except KeyError:

+         # Otherwise do nothing

+         pass


+     # Format the assignee field to match github (i.e. in a list)

+     msg['msg']['issue']['assignee'] = [msg['msg']['issue']['assignee']]


      return i.Issue.from_pagure(upstream, msg['msg']['issue'], config)

@@ -113,8 +195,8 @@ 


      params = config['sync2jira']\

          .get('filters', {})\

-         .get('pagure', {})\

-         .get(upstream, {'status': 'Open'})

+         .get('pagure', {}) \

+         .get(upstream, {})


      response = requests.get(url, params=params)

      if not bool(response):
@@ -124,6 +206,14 @@ 

              reason = response.text

          raise IOError("response: %r %r %r" % (response, reason, response.request.url))

      data = response.json()['issues']


+     # Reformat  the assignee value so that it is enclosed within an array

+     # We do this because Github supports multiple assignees, but JIRA doesn't :(

+     # Hopefully in the future it will support multiple assignees, thus enclosing

+     # the assignees in a list prepares for that support

+     for issue in data:

+         issue['assignee'] = [issue['assignee']]


      issues = (i.Issue.from_pagure(upstream, issue, config) for issue in data)

      for issue in issues:

          yield issue
@@ -140,111 +230,78 @@ 

      _filter = config['sync2jira']\

          .get('filters', {})\

          .get('github', {})\

-         .get(upstream, {'state': 'open'})

+         .get(upstream, {})


      url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/issues' % upstream

-     url += '?' + urlencode(_filter)

+     if _filter:

+         url += '?' + urlencode(_filter)


      issues = _get_all_github_issues(url, headers)

-     issues = list((

-         i.Issue.from_github(upstream, issue, config) for issue in issues

-         if 'pull_request' not in issue  # We don't want to copy these around

-     ))

-     for issue in issues:

-         yield issue



- def handle_github_comment(msg, config):

-     owner = msg['msg']['repository']['owner']['login']

-     repo = msg['msg']['repository']['name']

-     upstream = '{owner}/{repo}'.format(owner=owner, repo=repo)

-     mapped_repos = config['sync2jira']['map']['github']


-     token = config['sync2jira'].get('github_token')

-     if not token:

-         headers = {}

-         log.warning('No github_token found.  We will be rate-limited...')

-     else:

-         headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + token}


-     if upstream not in mapped_repos:

-         log.info("%r not in github map: %r", upstream, mapped_repos.keys())

-         return None


-     _filter = config['sync2jira']\

-         .get('filters', {})\

-         .get('github', {})\

-         .get(upstream, {'state': 'open'})


-     for key, expected in _filter.items():

-         # special handling for label: we look for it in the list of msg labels

-         if key == 'labels':

-             actual = [label['name'] for label in msg['msg']['issue']['labels']]

-             if expected not in actual:

-                 log.info("Label %s not set on issue", expected)

-                 return None

-         else:

-             # direct comparison

-             actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get(key)

-             if actual != expected:

-                 log.info("Actual %r %r != expected %r", key, actual, expected)

-                 return None

+     # Initialize Github object so we can get their full name (instead of their username)

+     # And get comments if needed

+     github_client = Github(config['sync2jira']['github_token'])


-     issue = msg['msg']['issue']


-     if 'pull_request' in issue:

-         log.info("%r is a pull request.  Ignoring.", issue.get('html_url'))

-         return None


-     comment = msg['msg']['comment']

-     log.info("Fetching comments for: %s", issue['url'])

-     issue['comments'] = _fetch_github_data("%s/comments" % (issue['url']), headers).json()

-     if msg['msg']['action'] == 'edited':

-         for c in issue['comments']:

-             if c['body'] == comment['body']:

-                 c['body'] = msg['msg']['changes']['body']['from']

-                 c['changed'] = comment['body']

-     return i.Issue.from_github(upstream, issue, config)



- def handle_pagure_comment(msg, config):

-     upstream = msg['msg']['project']['name']

-     ns = msg['msg']['project'].get('namespace') or None

-     if ns:

-         upstream = '{ns}/{upstream}'.format(ns=ns, upstream=upstream)

-     mapped_repos = config['sync2jira']['map']['pagure']


-     if upstream not in mapped_repos:

-         log.info("%r not in pagure map: %r", upstream, mapped_repos.keys())

-         return None


-     _filter = config['sync2jira']\

-         .get('filters', {})\

-         .get('pagure', {})\

-         .get(upstream, {'status': 'Open'})


-     for key, expected in _filter.items():

-         # special handling for tag: we look for it in the list of msg tags

-         if key == 'tags':

-             actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get('tags', []) + msg['msg'].get('tags', [])


-             # Some messages send tags as strings, others as dicts.  Handle both.

-             actual = \

-                 [tag['name'] for tag in actual if isinstance(tag, dict)] + \

-                 [tag for tag in actual if isinstance(tag, string_type)]


-             intersection = set(actual) & set(expected)

-             if not intersection:

-                 log.info("None of %r in %r on issue.", expected, actual)

-                 return None

+     # We need to format everything to a standard to we can create an issue object

+     final_issues = []

+     for issue in issues:

+         # Update comments:

+         # If there are no comments just make an empty array

+         if issue['comments'] == 0:

+             issue['comments'] = []


-             # direct comparison

-             actual = msg['msg']['issue'].get(key)

-             if actual != expected:

-                 log.info("Actual %r %r != expected %r", key, actual, expected)

-                 return None


-     issue = msg['msg']['issue']

-     return i.Issue.from_pagure(upstream, issue, config)

+             # We have multiple comments and need to make api call to get them

+             repo = github_client.get_repo(upstream)

+             comments = []

+             github_issue = repo.get_issue(number=issue['number'])

+             for comment in github_issue.get_comments():

+                 # First make API call to get the users name

+                 comments.append({

+                     'author': comment.user.name,

+                     'name': comment.user.login,

+                     'body': comment.body,

+                     'id': comment.id,

+                     'date_created': comment.created_at,

+                     'changed': None

+                 })

+             # Assign the message with the newly formatted comments :)

+             issue['comments'] = comments


+         # Update reporter:

+         # Search for the user

+         reporter = github_client.get_user(issue['user']['login'])

+         # Update the reporter field in the message (to match Pagure format)

+         issue['user']['fullname'] = reporter.name


+         # Update assignee(s):

+         assignees = []

+         for person in issue['assignees']:

+             assignee = github_client.get_user(person['login'])

+             assignees.append({'fullname': assignee.name})

+         # Update the assignee field in the message (to match Pagure format)

+         issue['assignees'] = assignees


+         # Update label(s):

+         if issue['labels']:

+             # loop through all the labels on Github and add them

+             # to the new label list and then reassign the message

+             new_label = []

+             for label in issue['labels']:

+                 new_label.append(label['name'])

+             issue['labels'] = new_label


+         # Update milestone:

+         if issue['milestone']:

+             issue['milestone'] = issue['milestone']['title']


+         final_issues.append(issue)


+     final_issues = list((

+         i.Issue.from_github(upstream, issue, config) for issue in final_issues

+         if 'pull_request' not in issue  # We don't want to copy these around

+     ))

+     for issue in final_issues:

+         yield issue



  def _get_all_github_issues(url, headers):
@@ -259,17 +316,6 @@ 

          link = _github_link_field_to_dict(response.headers.get('link', None))



- def _fetch_github_data(url, headers):

-     response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

-     if not bool(response):

-         try:

-             reason = response.json()

-         except Exception:

-             reason = response.text

-         raise IOError("response: %r %r %r" % (response, reason, response.request.url))

-     return response



  def _github_link_field_to_dict(field):

      """ Utility for ripping apart github's Link header field.

      It's kind of ugly.
@@ -283,3 +329,14 @@ 

              part.split('; ')[0][1:-1],

          ) for part in field.split(', ')




+ def _fetch_github_data(url, headers):

+     response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

+     if not bool(response):

+         try:

+             reason = response.json()

+         except Exception:

+             reason = response.text

+         raise IOError("response: %r %r %r" % (response, reason, response.request.url))

+     return response

file modified
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ 



+ pytest

file modified
+933 -65
@@ -1,28 +1,169 @@ 

- from nose.tools import eq_


  import mock

  import unittest

+ try:

+     # Python 3.3 >

+     from unittest.mock import MagicMock  # noqa: F401

+ except ImportError:

+     from mock import MagicMock  # noqa: F401



  import sync2jira.downstream as d

+ from sync2jira.intermediary import Issue


+ from nose.tools import eq_

  import jira.client

+ from jira import JIRAError


+ PATH = 'sync2jira.downstream.'



  class TestDownstream(unittest.TestCase):

-     config = {

-         'sync2jira': {

-             'jira': {

-                 # Nothing, really..

+     """

+     This class tests the downstream.py file under sync2jira

+     """

+     def setUp(self):

+         """

+         Setting up the testing environment

+         """

+         # Mock Config dict

+         self.mock_config = {

+             'sync2jira': {

+                 'jira': {

+                     'mock_jira_instance': {'mock_jira': 'mock_jira'}

+                 },

+                 'testing': {},

+                 'legacy_matching': False


-         },

-     }

+         }


+         # Mock sync2jira.intermediary.Issue

+         self.mock_issue = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_issue.assignee = [{'fullname': 'mock_user'}]

+         self.mock_issue.downstream = {

+             'project': 'mock_project',

+             'custom_fields': {'somecustumfield': 'somecustumvalue'},

+             'type': 'Fix',

+             'updates': [

+                 'comments',

+                 {'tags': {'overwrite': False}},

+                 {'fixVersion': {'overwrite': False}},

+                 'assignee', 'description', 'title',

+                 {'transition': 'CUSTOM TRANSITION'}

+             ],

+             'owner': 'mock_owner'

+         }

+         self.mock_issue.content = 'mock_content'

+         self.mock_issue.reporter = {'fullname': 'mock_user'}

+         self.mock_issue.url = 'mock_url'

+         self.mock_issue.title = 'mock_title'

+         self.mock_issue.comments = 'mock_comments'

+         self.mock_issue.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2']

+         self.mock_issue.fixVersion = ['fixVersion3', 'fixVersion4']

+         self.mock_issue.fixVersion = ['fixVersion3', 'fixVersion4']

+         self.mock_issue.assignee = [{'fullname': 'mock_assignee'}]

+         self.mock_issue.status = 'Open'

+         self.mock_issue.id = '1234'


+         # Mock issue updates

+         self.mock_updates = [

+                 'comments',

+                 {'tags': {'overwrite': False}},

+                 {'fixVersion': {'overwrite': False}},

+                 'assignee', 'description', 'title',

+                 {'transition': 'CUSTOM TRANSITION'},

+             ]


+         # Mock Jira transition

+         self.mock_transition = [{

+             'name': 'custom_closed_status',

+             'id': 1234

+         }]


+         # Mock jira.resources.Issue

+         self.mock_downstream = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_downstream.id = 1234

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.labels = ['tag3', 'tag4']

+         mock_version1 = MagicMock()

+         mock_version1.name = 'fixVersion3'

+         mock_version2 = MagicMock()

+         mock_version2.name = 'fixVersion4'

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.fixVersions = [mock_version1, mock_version2]

+         self.mock_downstream.update.return_value = True

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = "This is an existing description"


+         # Mock datetime.today()

+         self.mock_today = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_today.strftime.return_value = 'mock_today'


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_get_jira_client_not_issue(self,

+                                        mock_client):

+         """

+         This tests '_get_jira_client' function where the passed in

+         argument is not an Issue instance

+         """

+         # Call the function

+         with self.assertRaises(Exception):

+             d._get_jira_client(

+                 issue='string',

+                 config=self.mock_config

+             )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_client.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_get_jira_client_not_instance(self,

+                                           mock_client):

+         """

+         This tests '_get_jira_client' function there is no JIRA instance

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_issue.downstream = {}

+         self.mock_config['sync2jira']['default_jira_instance'] = {}


+         # Call the function

+         with self.assertRaises(Exception):

+             d._get_jira_client(

+                 issue=self.mock_issue,

+                 config=self.mock_config

+             )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_client.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_get_jira_client(self,

+                              mock_client):

+         """

+         This tests '_get_jira_client' function where everything goes smoothly

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_issue = MagicMock(spec=Issue)

+         mock_issue.downstream = {'jira_instance': 'mock_jira_instance'}

+         mock_client.return_value = 'Successful call!'


+         # Call the function


+         response = d._get_jira_client(

+             issue=mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_client.assert_called_with(mock_jira='mock_jira')

+         self.assertEqual('Successful call!', response)



      def test_get_existing_legacy(self, client):

+         """

+         This tests '_get_existing_jira_issue_legacy' function

+         """

          class MockIssue(object):

              downstream = {'key': 'value'}

              url = 'wat'

          issue = MockIssue()

-         config = self.config.copy()

+         config = self.mock_config

          # Ensure that we get results back from the jira client.

          target1 = "target1"

          client.return_value.search_issues = mock.MagicMock(return_value=[target1])
@@ -36,19 +177,22 @@ 



      def test_get_existing_newstyle(self, client):

-         config = self.config.copy()

+         config = self.mock_config


          class MockIssue(object):

              downstream = {'key': 'value'}

              title = 'A title, a title...'

              url = 'http://threebean.org'


-         # Ensure that we get results back from the jira client.

-         target1 = "target1"


          issue = MockIssue()

-         client.return_value.search_issues = mock.MagicMock(return_value=[target1])

+         mock_results_of_query = MagicMock()

+         mock_results_of_query.fields.summary = 'A title, a title...'


+         client.return_value.search_issues.return_value = [mock_results_of_query]

          result = d._get_existing_jira_issue(jira.client.JIRA(), issue, config)

-         eq_(result, target1)

+         # Ensure that we get the mock_result_of_query as a result

+         self.assertEqual(result, mock_results_of_query)



              'issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("Upstream issue") and '
@@ -57,7 +201,7 @@ 



      def test_upgrade_oldstyle_jira_issue(self, client):

-         config = self.config.copy()

+         config = self.mock_config


          class MockIssue(object):

              downstream = {'key': 'value'}
@@ -69,6 +213,7 @@ 

          client_obj = mock.MagicMock()

          client.return_value = client_obj

          d._upgrade_jira_issue(jira.client.JIRA(), downstream, issue, config)


          remote = {

              'url': 'http://threebean.org',

              'title': 'Upstream issue',
@@ -76,62 +221,785 @@ 

          client_obj.add_remote_link.assert_called_once_with(downstream.id, remote)



-     def test_create_jira_issue(self, client):

-         config = self.config.copy()

-         target1 = mock.Mock()

-         target1.id = "target1 id"

-         target1.key = "target key"

-         target1.fields.description = "description"

-         client.return_value.create_issue = mock.MagicMock(return_value=target1)

+     def test_assign_user(self, mock_client):

+         """

+         Test 'assign_user' function where remove_all flag is False

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_user = MagicMock()

+         mock_user.displayName = 'mock_assignee'

+         mock_user.key = 'mock_user_key'

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.return_value = [mock_user]

+         mock_client.assign_issue.return_value = True


-         class MockIssue(object):

-             downstream = {

-                 'project': 'awesome',

-                 'component': 'alsoawesome',

-             }

-             title = 'A title, a title...'

-             url = 'http://threebean.org'

-             comments = [{

-                 'author': 'Ralph',

-                 'body': 'Super duper.',

-             }]

+         # Call the assign user function

+         d.assign_user(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             downstream=self.mock_downstream,

+             client=mock_client

+         )


-         config['sync2jira']['testing'] = False

-         result = d._create_jira_issue(jira.client.JIRA(), MockIssue(), config)

-         eq_(result, target1)

-         client.return_value.create_issue.assert_called_with(

-             components=[{'name': 'alsoawesome'}],

-             issuetype={'name': 'Bug'},

-             project={'key': 'awesome'},

-             description='http://threebean.org',

-             summary='A title, a title...',

+         # Assert that all calls mocked were called properly

+         mock_client.assign_issue.assert_called_with(1234, 'mock_user_key')

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.assert_called_with(

+             'mock_assignee',

+             project='mock_project'




-     def test_create_jira_issue_with_custom_url(self, client):

-         config = self.config.copy()

-         target1 = mock.Mock()

-         target1.id = "target1 id"

-         target1.key = "target key"

-         target1.fields.description = "description"

-         client.return_value.create_issue = mock.MagicMock(return_value=target1)

+     def test_assign_user_with_owner(self, mock_client):

+         """

+         Test 'assign_user' function where remove_all flag is False

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_user = MagicMock()

+         mock_user.displayName = 'mock_assignee'

+         mock_user.key = 'mock_user_key'

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.return_value = []

+         mock_client.assign_issue.return_value = True


-         class MockIssue(object):

-             downstream = {

-                 'project': 'awesome',

-                 'component': 'alsoawesome',

+         # Call the assign user function

+         d.assign_user(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             downstream=self.mock_downstream,

+             client=mock_client

+         )


+         # Assert that all calls mocked were called properly

+         mock_client.assign_issue.assert_called_with(1234, 'mock_owner')

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.assert_called_with(

+             'mock_assignee',

+             project='mock_project'

+         )


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_assign_user_without_owner(self, mock_client):

+         """

+         Test 'assign_user' function where remove_all flag is False

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_user = MagicMock()

+         mock_user.displayName = 'mock_assignee'

+         mock_user.key = 'mock_user_key'

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.return_value = []

+         mock_client.assign_issue.return_value = True

+         self.mock_issue.downstream.pop('owner')


+         # Call the assign user function

+         d.assign_user(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             downstream=self.mock_downstream,

+             client=mock_client

+         )


+         # Assert that all calls mocked were called properly

+         mock_client.assign_issue.assert_not_called()

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.assert_called_with(

+             'mock_assignee',

+             project='mock_project'

+         )


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_assign_user_remove_all(self, mock_client):

+         """

+         Test 'assign_user' function where remove_all flag is True

+         """

+         # Call the assign user function

+         d.assign_user(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             downstream=self.mock_downstream,

+             client=mock_client,

+             remove_all=True

+         )


+         # Assert that all calls mocked were called properly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(assignee={'name': ''})

+         mock_client.assign_issue.assert_not_called()

+         mock_client.search_assignable_users_for_issues.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_attach_link')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_create_jira_issue(self,

+                                mock_client,

+                                mock_attach_link,

+                                mock_update_jira_issue):

+         """

+         Tests '_create_jira_issue' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_client.create_issue.return_value = self.mock_downstream


+         # Call the function

+         response = d._create_jira_issue(

+             client=mock_client,

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_client.create_issue.assert_called_with(

+             issuetype={'name': 'Fix'},

+             project={'key': 'mock_project'},

+             somecustumfield='somecustumvalue',

+             description='[1234] Upstream Reporter: mock_user \n Upstream description: {quote}mock_content{quote}',

+             summary='mock_title'

+         )

+         mock_attach_link.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             {

+                 'url': 'mock_url',

+                 'title': 'Upstream issue'


-             title = 'A title, a title...'

-             url = 'http://threebean.org'

-             comments = []

+         )

+         mock_update_jira_issue.assert_called_with(

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             self.mock_issue,

+             mock_client

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(response, self.mock_downstream)


-         config['sync2jira']['testing'] = False

-         result = d._create_jira_issue(jira.client.JIRA(), MockIssue(), config)

-         eq_(result, target1)

-         client.return_value.create_issue.assert_called_with(

-             components=[{'name': 'alsoawesome'}],

-             issuetype={'name': 'Bug'},

-             project={'key': 'awesome'},

-             description='http://threebean.org',

-             summary='A title, a title...',

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_jira_client')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_existing_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_create_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_existing_jira_issue_legacy')

+     def test_sync_with_jira_matching(self,

+                                      mock_existing_jira_issue_legacy,

+                                      mock_client,

+                                      mock_create_jira_issue,

+                                      mock_update_jira_issue,

+                                      mock_existing_jira_issue,

+                                      mock_get_jira_client):

+         """

+         Tests 'sync_with_jira' function where we do find a matching issue

+         This assumes we're not using the legacy matching anymore

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_get_jira_client.return_value = mock_client

+         mock_existing_jira_issue.return_value = self.mock_downstream


+         # Call the function

+         d.sync_with_jira(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_get_jira_client.assert_called_with(self.mock_issue, self.mock_config)

+         mock_update_jira_issue.assert_called_with(self.mock_downstream, self.mock_issue, mock_client)

+         mock_create_jira_issue.assert_not_called()

+         mock_existing_jira_issue_legacy.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_jira_client')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_existing_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_create_jira_issue')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_existing_jira_issue_legacy')

+     def test_sync_with_jira_no_matching(self,

+                                         mock_existing_jira_issue_legacy,

+                                         mock_client,

+                                         mock_create_jira_issue,

+                                         mock_update_jira_issue,

+                                         mock_existing_jira_issue,

+                                         mock_get_jira_client):

+         """

+         Tests 'sync_with_jira' function where we do NOT find a matching issue

+         This assumes we're not using the legacy matching anymore

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_get_jira_client.return_value = mock_client

+         mock_existing_jira_issue.return_value = None


+         # Call the function

+         d.sync_with_jira(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_get_jira_client.assert_called_with(self.mock_issue, self.mock_config)

+         mock_update_jira_issue.assert_not_called()

+         mock_create_jira_issue.assert_called_with(mock_client, self.mock_issue, self.mock_config)

+         mock_existing_jira_issue_legacy.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_description')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_comments')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_tags')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_fixVersion')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_update_transition')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_jira_issue(self,

+                                mock_client,

+                                mock_update_transition,

+                                mock_update_fixVersion,

+                                mock_update_tags,

+                                mock_update_comments,

+                                mock_update_description):

+         """

+         This tests '_update_jira_issue' function

+         """

+         # Call the function

+         d._update_jira_issue(

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             client=mock_client

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_update_comments.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             self.mock_issue

+         )

+         mock_update_tags.assert_called_with(

+             self.mock_updates,

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             self.mock_issue

+         )

+         mock_update_fixVersion.assert_called_with(

+             self.mock_updates,

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             self.mock_issue

+         )

+         mock_update_description.assert_called_with(

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             self.mock_issue

+         )

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with({

+          'summary': 'mock_title'

+         })

+         mock_update_transition.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             self.mock_issue

+         )


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'datetime')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_transition_JIRAError(self,

+                                           mock_client,

+                                           mock_datetime):

+         """

+         This function tests the '_update_transition' function where Upstream issue status

+         s not in existing.fields.description and transitioning the issue throws an error

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_issue.status = 'Closed'

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = ''

+         mock_datetime.today.return_value = self.mock_today

+         mock_client.transitions.return_value = [{'name': 'CUSTOM TRANSITION', 'id': '1234'}]

+         mock_client.transition_issue.side_effect = JIRAError


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_transition(

+             client=mock_client,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_today.strftime.assert_called_with("%a %b %y - %H:%M")

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with({'description': '[mock_today] Upstream issue status: Closed\n'})

+         mock_client.transitions.assert_called_with(self.mock_downstream)

+         mock_client.transition_issue.asert_called_with(self.mock_downstream, 1234)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'datetime')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_transition_not_found(self,

+                                           mock_client,

+                                           mock_datetime):

+         """

+         This function tests the '_update_transition' function where Upstream issue status

+         s not in existing.fields.description and we can't find the appropriate closed status

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_issue.status = 'Closed'

+         self.mock_issue.downstream['transition'] = 'bad_transition'

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = ''

+         mock_datetime.today.return_value = self.mock_today

+         mock_client.transitions.return_value = [{'name': 'CUSTOM TRANSITION', 'id': '1234'}]


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_transition(

+             client=mock_client,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_today.strftime.assert_called_with("%a %b %y - %H:%M")

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with({'description': '[mock_today] Upstream issue status: Closed\n'})

+         mock_client.transitions.assert_called_with(self.mock_downstream)

+         mock_client.transition_issue.asert_called_with(self.mock_downstream, 1234)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'datetime')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_transition_successful(self,

+                                           mock_client,

+                                           mock_datetime):

+         """

+         This function tests the '_update_transition' function where everything goes smoothly!

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_issue.status = 'Closed'

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = '[test] Upstream issue status: Open'

+         mock_datetime.today.return_value = self.mock_today

+         mock_client.transitions.return_value = [{'name': 'CUSTOM TRANSITION', 'id': '1234'}]


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_transition(

+             client=mock_client,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_today.strftime.assert_called_with("%a %b %y - %H:%M")

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with({'description': '[mock_today] Upstream issue status: Closed'})

+         mock_client.transitions.assert_called_with(self.mock_downstream)

+         mock_client.transition_issue.asert_called_with(self.mock_downstream, 1234)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_comment_format')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_comment_matching')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_comments(self,

+                              mock_client,

+                              mock_comment_matching,

+                              mock_comment_format):

+         """

+         This function tests the 'update_comments' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_client.comments.return_value = 'mock_comments'

+         mock_comment_matching.return_value = ['mock_comments_d']

+         mock_comment_format.return_value = 'mock_comment_body'


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_comments(

+             client=mock_client,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_client.comments.assert_called_with(self.mock_downstream)

+         mock_comment_matching.assert_called_with(self.mock_issue.comments, 'mock_comments')

+         mock_comment_format.assert_called_with('mock_comments_d')

+         mock_client.add_comment.assert_called_with(self.mock_downstream, 'mock_comment_body')


+     def test_update_fixVersion_JIRAError(self):

+         """

+         This function tests the 'update_fixVersion' function where updating the downstream

+         issue throws an error

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.update.side_effect = JIRAError

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.fixVersions = []


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_fixVersion(

+             updates=self.mock_updates,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )

+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(

+             {'fixVersions': [{'name': 'fixVersion3'}, {'name': 'fixVersion4'}]})


+     def test_update_fixVersion_no_api_call(self):

+         """

+         This function tests the 'update_fixVersion' function existing labels are the same

+         and thus no API call should be made

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.update.side_effect = JIRAError


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_fixVersion(

+             updates=self.mock_updates,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )

+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_not_called()


+     def test_update_fixVersion_successful(self):

+         """

+         This function tests the 'update_fixVersion' function where everything goes smoothly!

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.fixVersions = []


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_fixVersion(

+             updates=self.mock_updates,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )

+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(

+             {'fixVersions': [{'name': 'fixVersion3'}, {'name': 'fixVersion4'}]})


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'assign_user')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_assignee_assignee(self,

+                                       mock_client,

+                                       mock_assign_user):

+         """

+         This function tests the 'update_assignee' function where issue.assignee exists

+         """

+         # Call the function

+         d._update_assignee(

+             client=mock_client,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_assign_user.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_issue,

+             self.mock_downstream

+         )


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'assign_user')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_update_assignee_no_assignee(self,

+                                          mock_client,

+                                          mock_assign_user):

+         """

+         This function tests the '_update_assignee' function where issue.assignee does not exist

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_issue.assignee = None


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_assignee(

+             client=mock_client,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_assign_user.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_issue,

+             self.mock_downstream,

+             remove_all=True

+         )


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'verify_tags')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_label_matching')

+     def test_update_tags(self,

+                          mock_label_matching,

+                          mock_verify_tags):

+         """

+         This function tests the '_update_tags' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_label_matching.return_value = 'mock_updated_labels'

+         mock_verify_tags.return_value = 'mock_verified_tags'


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_tags(

+             updates=self.mock_updates,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_label_matching.assert_called_with(

+             self.mock_issue.tags,

+             self.mock_downstream.fields.labels

+         )

+         mock_verify_tags.assert_called_with('mock_updated_labels')

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with({'labels': 'mock_verified_tags'})


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'verify_tags')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_label_matching')

+     def test_update_tags_no_api_call(self,

+                          mock_label_matching,

+                          mock_verify_tags):

+         """

+         This function tests the '_update_tags' function where the existing tags are the same

+         as the new ones

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_label_matching.return_value = 'mock_updated_labels'

+         mock_verify_tags.return_value = ['tag3', 'tag4']


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_tags(

+             updates=self.mock_updates,

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         mock_label_matching.assert_called_with(

+             self.mock_issue.tags,

+             self.mock_downstream.fields.labels

+         )

+         mock_verify_tags.assert_called_with('mock_updated_labels')

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_not_called()


+     def test_update_description_update(self):

+         """

+         This function tests '_update_description' where we just have to update the contents of the description

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = 'Upstream description: {quote} test {quote}'


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_description(

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(

+             {'description': 'Upstream description: {quote}mock_content{quote}'})


+     def test_update_description_add_field(self):

+         """

+         This function tests '_update_description' where we just have to add a description field

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = '[123] Upstream Reporter: mock_user \n' \

+                                                   'Upstream description: {quote} test {quote}'


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_description(

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(

+             {'description': '[123] Upstream Reporter: mock_user \n'

+                             'Upstream description: {quote}mock_content{quote}'})


+     def test_update_description_add_reporter(self):

+         """

+         This function tests '_update_description' where we have to add a description and upstream reporter field

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = '[123] Upstream issue status: Open\n'


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_description(

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )

+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with({'description': '[123] Upstream issue status: Open\n[1234] Upstream Reporter: mock_user \nUpstream description: {quote}mock_content{quote}'})


+     def test_update_description_add_reporter_no_status(self):

+         """

+         This function tests '_update_description' where we have to add reporter and description without status

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = ''


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_description(

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(

+             {'description': '[1234] Upstream Reporter: mock_user \n'

+                             'Upstream description: {quote}mock_content{quote} \n '})


+     def test_update_description_add_description(self):

+         """

+         This function tests '_update_description' where we have a reporter and status already

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_downstream.fields.description = '[123] Upstream issue status: Open\n' \

+                                                   '[123] Upstream Reporter: mock_user\n'


+         # Call the function

+         d._update_description(

+             existing=self.mock_downstream,

+             issue=self.mock_issue

+         )


+         # Assert all calls were made correctly

+         self.mock_downstream.update.assert_called_with(

+             {'description': '[123] Upstream issue status: Open\n'

+                             '[123] Upstream Reporter: mock_user \n'

+                             'Upstream description: {quote}mock_content{quote}\n\n'})


+     def test_verify_tags(self):

+         """

+         This function tests 'verify_tags' function

+         """

+         # Call the function

+         response = d.verify_tags(

+             tags=['this is a tag']

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         self.assertEqual(response, ['this_is_a_tag'])


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_jira_client')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_matching_jira_issue_query')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_close_as_duplicate')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_close_duplicates_no_matching(self,

+                                           mock_client,

+                                           mock_close_as_duplicate,

+                                           mock_matching_jira_issue_query,

+                                           mock_get_jira_client):

+         """

+         This tests 'close_duplicates' function where len(results) <= 1

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_get_jira_client.return_value = mock_client

+         mock_matching_jira_issue_query.return_value = ['only_one_response']


+         # Call the function

+         response = d.close_duplicates(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_get_jira_client.assert_called_with(self.mock_issue, self.mock_config)

+         mock_matching_jira_issue_query.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_issue,

+             self.mock_config,

+             free=True

+         )

+         mock_close_as_duplicate.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_jira_client')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_matching_jira_issue_query')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_close_as_duplicate')

+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_close_duplicates(self,

+                               mock_client,

+                               mock_close_as_duplicate,

+                                           mock_matching_jira_issue_query,

+                                           mock_get_jira_client):

+         """

+         This tests 'close_duplicates' function where len(results) > 1

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_get_jira_client.return_value = mock_client

+         mock_item = MagicMock()

+         mock_item.fields.created = 1

+         mock_matching_jira_issue_query.return_value = [mock_item, mock_item, mock_item]


+         # Call the function

+         response = d.close_duplicates(

+             issue=self.mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_get_jira_client.assert_called_with(self.mock_issue, self.mock_config)

+         mock_matching_jira_issue_query.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             self.mock_issue,

+             self.mock_config,

+             free=True

+         )

+         mock_close_as_duplicate.assert_called_with(

+             mock_client,

+             mock_item,

+             mock_item,

+             self.mock_config

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_close_as_duplicate_errors(self,

+                                        mock_client):

+         """

+         This tests '_close_as_duplicate' function where client.transition_issue throws an exception

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         class HTTPExceptionHelper():

+             text = "Field 'resolution' cannot be set"


+         class HTTPException(Exception):

+             response = HTTPExceptionHelper


+         mock_duplicate = MagicMock()

+         mock_duplicate.permalink.return_value = 'mock_url'

+         mock_duplicate.key = 'mock_key'

+         mock_keeper = MagicMock()

+         mock_keeper.key = 'mock_key'

+         mock_keeper.permalink.return_value = 'mock_url'

+         mock_client.transitions.return_value = [{'name': 'Dropped', 'id': '1234'}]

+         mock_client.comments.return_value = []

+         mock_client.transition_issue.side_effect = HTTPException


+         # Call the function

+         d._close_as_duplicate(

+             client=mock_client,

+             duplicate=mock_duplicate,

+             keeper=mock_keeper,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_client.comments.assert_any_call(mock_keeper)

+         mock_client.comments.assert_any_call(mock_duplicate)

+         mock_client.transitions.assert_called_with(mock_duplicate)

+         mock_client.add_comment.assert_any_call(mock_duplicate, 'Marking as duplicate of mock_key')

+         mock_client.add_comment.assert_any_call(mock_keeper, 'mock_key is a duplicate.')

+         mock_client.transition_issue.assert_any_call(

+             mock_duplicate,

+             '1234',

+             resolution={'name': 'Duplicate'}

+         )

+         mock_client.transition_issue.assert_any_call(

+             mock_duplicate,

+             '1234'

+         )


+     @mock.patch('jira.client.JIRA')

+     def test_close_as_duplicate(self,

+                                 mock_client):

+         """

+         This tests '_close_as_duplicate' function where everything goes smoothly

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_duplicate = MagicMock()

+         mock_duplicate.permalink.return_value = 'mock_url'

+         mock_duplicate.key = 'mock_key'

+         mock_keeper = MagicMock()

+         mock_keeper.key = 'mock_key'

+         mock_keeper.permalink.return_value = 'mock_url'

+         mock_client.transitions.return_value = [{'name': 'Dropped', 'id': '1234'}]

+         mock_client.comments.return_value = []


+         # Call the function

+         d._close_as_duplicate(

+             client=mock_client,

+             duplicate=mock_duplicate,

+             keeper=mock_keeper,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_client.comments.assert_any_call(mock_keeper)

+         mock_client.comments.assert_any_call(mock_duplicate)

+         mock_client.transitions.assert_called_with(mock_duplicate)

+         mock_client.add_comment.assert_any_call(mock_duplicate, 'Marking as duplicate of mock_key')

+         mock_client.add_comment.assert_any_call(mock_keeper, 'mock_key is a duplicate.')

+         mock_client.transition_issue.assert_called_with(

+             mock_duplicate,

+             '1234',

+             resolution={'name': 'Duplicate'}


file modified
+115 -54
@@ -1,69 +1,130 @@ 

  from nose.tools import eq_


+ import mock

  import unittest


  import sync2jira.intermediary as i


+ PATH = 'sync2jira.intermediary.'


  class TestIntermediary(unittest.TestCase):

-     config = {

-         'sync2jira': {

-             'map': {

-                 'pagure': {

-                     'koji': {'project': 'RCMPROJ', 'component': 'Brew'},

-                 },

-                 'github': {

-                     'product-definition-center/product-definition-center': {

-                         'project': 'PDC', 'component': 'General', },

-                 },

-             },

-             'jira': {

-                 # Nothing, really..

-             },

-         },

-     }


-     def test_issue_repr(self):

-         issue = i.Issue('pagure', 'title', 'url', 'koji', [], self.config)

-         eq_(repr(issue), '<Issue url >')


-     def test_issue_title(self):

-         issue = i.Issue('pagure', 'title', 'url', 'koji', [], self.config)

-         eq_(issue.title, '[koji] title')

+     """

+     This class tests the downstream.py file under sync2jira

+     """

+     def setUp(self):

+         self.mock_config = {

+             'sync2jira': {

+                 'pagure_url': 'dummy_pagure_url',

+                 'map': {

+                     'pagure': {

+                         'pagure': 'mock_downstream'

+                     },

+                     'github': {

+                         'github': 'mock_downstream'

+                     }

+                 }

+             }

+         }


-     def test_issue_from_pagure(self):

-         upstream_issue = {

-             'title': 'title',

-             'id': 21,

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'datetime')

+     def test_from_pagure(self,

+                          mock_datetime):

+         """

+         This tests the 'from_pagure' function under the Issue class

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_datetime.utcfromtimestamp.return_value = 'mock_date'

+         mock_issue = {

              'comments': [{

-                 'user': {'name': 'Ralph'},

-                 'comment': 'This is fine.',

+                 'date_created': '1234',

+                 'user': {

+                     'name': 'mock_name'

+                 },

+                 'comment': 'mock_body',

+                 'id': '1234',


+             'title': 'mock_title',

+             'id': 1234,

+             'tags': 'mock_tags',

+             'milestone': 'mock_milestone',

+             'priority': 'mock_priority',

+             'content': 'mock_content',

+             'user': 'mock_reporter',

+             'assignee': 'mock_assignee',

+             'status': 'mock_status',

+             'date_created': 'mock_date'


-         issue = i.Issue.from_pagure('koji', upstream_issue, self.config)

-         eq_(issue.title, '[koji] title')

-         eq_(issue.url, 'https://pagure.io/koji/issue/21')

-         eq_(issue.comments, [{

-             'author': 'Ralph',

-             'body': 'This is fine.',

-             'changed': None

-         }])


-     def test_issue_from_github(self):

-         upstream_issue = {

-             'title': 'title',

-             'html_url': 'Some github url',

+         # Call the function

+         response = i.Issue.from_pagure(

+             upstream='pagure',

+             issue=mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert that we made the calls correctly

+         self.assertEqual(response.source, 'pagure')

+         self.assertEqual(response.title, '[pagure] mock_title')

+         self.assertEqual(response.url, 'dummy_pagure_url/pagure/issue/1234')

+         self.assertEqual(response.upstream, 'pagure')

+         self.assertEqual(response.comments, [{'body': 'mock_body', 'name': 'mock_name',

+                                               'author': 'mock_name', 'changed': None,

+                                               'date_created': 'mock_date', 'id': '1234'}])

+         self.assertEqual(response.tags, 'mock_tags')

+         self.assertEqual(response.fixVersion, ['mock_milestone'])

+         self.assertEqual(response.priority, 'mock_priority')

+         self.assertEqual(response.content, 'mock_content')

+         self.assertEqual(response.reporter, 'mock_reporter')

+         self.assertEqual(response.assignee, 'mock_assignee')

+         self.assertEqual(response.status, 'mock_status')

+         self.assertEqual(response.id, 'mock_date')

+         self.assertEqual(response.downstream, 'mock_downstream')


+     def test_from_github(self):

+         """

+         This tests the 'from_github' function under the Issue class

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_issue = {

              'comments': [{

-                 'user': {'login': 'ralphbean'},

-                 'body': 'This is dandy.',

+                 'author': 'mock_author',

+                 'name': 'mock_name',

+                 'body': 'mock_body',

+                 'id': 'mock_id',

+                 'date_created': 'mock_date'


+             'title': 'mock_title',

+             'html_url': 'mock_url',

+             'id': 1234,

+             'labels': 'mock_tags',

+             'milestone': 'mock_milestone',

+             'priority': 'mock_priority',

+             'body': 'mock_content',

+             'user': 'mock_reporter',

+             'assignees': 'mock_assignee',

+             'state': 'open',

+             'date_created': 'mock_date'


-         repo = 'product-definition-center/product-definition-center'

-         issue = i.Issue.from_github(repo, upstream_issue, self.config)

-         eq_(issue.title, '[product-definition-center/product-definition-center] title')

-         eq_(issue.url, 'Some github url')

-         eq_(issue.comments, [{

-             'author': 'ralphbean',

-             'body': 'This is dandy.',

-             'changed': None

-         }])


+         # Call the function

+         response = i.Issue.from_github(

+             upstream='github',

+             issue=mock_issue,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert that we made the calls correctly

+         self.assertEqual(response.source, 'github')

+         self.assertEqual(response.title, '[github] mock_title')

+         self.assertEqual(response.url, 'mock_url')

+         self.assertEqual(response.upstream, 'github')

+         self.assertEqual(response.comments, [{'body': 'mock_body', 'name': 'mock_name', 'author': 'mock_author',

+                                               'changed': None, 'date_created': 'mock_date', 'id': 'mock_id'}])

+         self.assertEqual(response.tags, 'mock_tags')

+         self.assertEqual(response.fixVersion, ['mock_milestone'])

+         self.assertEqual(response.priority, None)

+         self.assertEqual(response.content, 'mock_content')

+         self.assertEqual(response.reporter, 'mock_reporter')

+         self.assertEqual(response.assignee, 'mock_assignee')

+         self.assertEqual(response.status, 'Open')

+         self.assertEqual(response.id, 1234)

+         self.assertEqual(response.downstream, 'mock_downstream')

file modified
@@ -1,9 +1,47 @@ 

+ import mock

  import unittest

+ try:

+     # Python 3.3 >

+     from unittest.mock import MagicMock  # noqa: F401

+ except ImportError:

+     from mock import MagicMock  # noqa: F401


  import sync2jira.main as m



+ PATH = 'sync2jira.main.'



  class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):

+     """

+     This class tests the main.py file under sync2jira

+     """

+     def setUp(self):

+         """

+         Set up the testing environment

+         """

+         # Mock Config dict

+         self.mock_config = {

+             'sync2jira': {

+                 'jira': {

+                     'mock_jira_instance': {'mock_jira': 'mock_jira'}

+                 },

+                 'testing': {},

+                 'legacy_matching': False,

+                 'map': {

+                     'pagure': {'key_pagure': 'value1'},

+                     'github': {'key_github': 'value1'}

+                 },

+                 'initialize': True,

+                 'listen': True

+             },

+         }


+         # Mock Fedmsg Message

+         self.mock_message = {

+             'msg_id': 'mock_id'

+         }


      def _check_for_exception(self, loader, target, exc=ValueError):


@@ -30,3 +68,202 @@ 

      def test_config_validate_all_good(self):

          loader = lambda: {'sync2jira': {'map': {'pagure': {}}, 'jira': {}}}

          m.load_config(loader)  # ahhh, no exception.


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'load_config')

+     def test_close_duplicates(self,

+                               mock_load_config,

+                               mock_d,

+                               mock_u):

+         """

+         This tests the 'close_duplicates' function where everything goes smoothly

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_load_config.return_value = self.mock_config

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue_github']

+         mock_u.github_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue_pagure']


+         # Call the function

+         m.close_duplicates()


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_load_config.assert_called_once()

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.assert_called_with('key_pagure', self.mock_config)

+         mock_u.github_issues.assert_called_with('key_github', self.mock_config)

+         mock_d.close_duplicates.assert_any_call('mock_issue_github', self.mock_config)

+         mock_d.close_duplicates.assert_any_call('mock_issue_pagure', self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'load_config')

+     def test_close_duplicates_errors(self,

+                               mock_load_config,

+                               mock_d,

+                               mock_u):

+         """

+         This tests the 'close_duplicates' function where closing duplicates raises an exception

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_load_config.return_value = self.mock_config

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue']

+         mock_u.github_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue']

+         mock_d.close_duplicates.side_effect = Exception()


+         # Call the function

+         with self.assertRaises(Exception):

+             m.close_duplicates()


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_load_config.assert_called_once()

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.assert_called_with('key_pagure', self.mock_config)

+         mock_u.github_issues.assert_not_called()

+         mock_d.close_duplicates.assert_called_with('mock_issue', self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'load_config')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     def test_list_managed(self,

+                           mock_u,

+                           mock_load_config):

+         """

+         This tests the 'list_managed' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_load_config.return_value = self.mock_config


+         # Call the function

+         m.list_managed()


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_load_config.assert_called_once()

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.assert_called_with('key_pagure', self.mock_config)

+         mock_u.github_issues.assert_called_with('key_github', self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'initialize')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'load_config')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'listen')

+     def test_main(self,

+                   mock_listen,

+                   mock_load_config,

+                   mock_initialize):

+         """

+         This tests the 'main' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_load_config.return_value = self.mock_config


+         # Call the function

+         m.main()


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_load_config.assert_called_once()

+         mock_listen.assert_called_with(self.mock_config)

+         mock_listen.assert_called_with(self.mock_config)

+         mock_initialize.assert_called_with(self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     def test_initialize(self,

+                         mock_d,

+                         mock_u):

+         """

+         This tests 'initialize' function where everything goes smoothly!

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue_pagure']

+         mock_u.github_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue_github']


+         # Call the function

+         m.initialize(self.mock_config)


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.assert_called_with('key_pagure', self.mock_config)

+         mock_u.github_issues.assert_called_with('key_github', self.mock_config)

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.assert_any_call('mock_issue_pagure', self.mock_config)

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.assert_any_call('mock_issue_github', self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     def test_initialize_errors(self,

+                                mock_d,

+                                mock_u):

+         """

+         This tests 'initialize' function where syncing with JIRA throws an exception

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue_pagure']

+         mock_u.github_issues.return_value = ['mock_issue_github']

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.side_effect = Exception()


+         # Call the function

+         with self.assertRaises(Exception):

+             m.initialize(self.mock_config)


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_u.pagure_issues.assert_called_with('key_pagure', self.mock_config)

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.assert_any_call('mock_issue_pagure', self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'fedmsg')

+     def test_listen_no_handlers(self,

+                                 mock_fedmsg,

+                                 mock_d,

+                                 mock_u):

+         """

+         Test 'listen' function where suffix is not in handlers

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_fedmsg.tail_messages.return_value = [("dummy", "dummy", "mock_topic", self.mock_message)]


+         # Call the function

+         m.listen(self.mock_config)


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.assert_not_called()

+         mock_u.handle_github_message.assert_not_called()

+         mock_u.handle_pagure_message.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'fedmsg')

+     def test_listen_no_issue(self,

+                              mock_fedmsg,

+                              mock_d,

+                              mock_u):

+         """

+         Test 'listen' function where the handler returns none

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_fedmsg.tail_messages.return_value = [("dummy", "dummy", "d.d.d.pagure.issue.drop", self.mock_message)]

+         mock_u.handle_pagure_message.return_value = None


+         # Call the function

+         m.listen(self.mock_config)


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.assert_not_called()

+         mock_u.handle_github_message.assert_not_called()

+         mock_u.handle_pagure_message.assert_called_with(self.mock_message, self.mock_config)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'u')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'd')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'fedmsg')

+     def test_listen(self,

+                              mock_fedmsg,

+                              mock_d,

+                              mock_u):

+         """

+         Test 'listen' function where everything goes smoothly

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_fedmsg.tail_messages.return_value = [("dummy", "dummy", "d.d.d.github.issue.comment", self.mock_message)]

+         mock_u.handle_github_message.return_value = 'dummy_issue'


+         # Call the function

+         m.listen(self.mock_config)


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_d.sync_with_jira.assert_called_with('dummy_issue', self.mock_config)

+         mock_u.handle_github_message.assert_called_with(self.mock_message, self.mock_config)

+         mock_u.handle_pagure_message.assert_not_called() 

\ No newline at end of file

file modified
+527 -329
@@ -1,378 +1,576 @@ 

  import mock

  import unittest

- from nose.tools import eq_

+ import json

+ try:

+     # Python 3.3 >

+     from unittest.mock import MagicMock  # noqa: F401

+ except ImportError:

+     from mock import MagicMock  # noqa: F401



  import sync2jira.upstream as u



+ PATH = 'sync2jira.upstream.'



  class TestUpstream(unittest.TestCase):

+     """

+     This class tests the upstream.py file under sync2jira

+     """

      def setUp(self):

-         self.config = {

+         self.mock_config = {

              'sync2jira': {

                  'map': {

                      'github': {

                          'org/repo': {},


                      'pagure': {

-                         'some_repo': {},

+                         'org/repo': {},



                  'jira': {

                      # Nothing, really..


-             },

-         }


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     def test_handle_github_message(self, from_github):

-         issue_dict = {'state': 'open'}

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'repository': {

-                     'name': 'repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

-                 },

-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },

-         }

-         u.handle_github_message(message, self.config)

-         from_github.assert_called_once_with(

-             'org/repo', issue_dict, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_pagure')

-     def test_handle_pagure_message(self, from_pagure):

-         issue_dict = {'status': 'Open'}

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'project': {

-                     'name': 'some_repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

-                 },

-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },

-         }

-         u.handle_pagure_message(message, self.config)

-         from_pagure.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', issue_dict, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream._fetch_github_data')

-     def test_handle_github_comment(self, _fetch_github_data, from_github):

-         comment = {

-             'user': {'login': 'threebean'},

-             'body': 'This is fine.',

-         }

-         comments = [comment]

-         issue_dict = {

-             'state': 'open',

-             'title': 'title',

-             'url': 'some_issue_url',

-         }

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'action': 'created',

-                 'repository': {

-                     'name': 'repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

-                 },

-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-                 'comment': comment,

-             },

-         }

-         githubResponse = mock.MagicMock()

-         githubResponse.json.return_value = comments

-         _fetch_github_data.return_value = githubResponse

-         u.handle_github_comment(message, self.config)


-         from_github.assert_called_once_with(

-             'org/repo', issue_dict, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream._fetch_github_data')

-     def test_handle_github_change_comment(self, _fetch_github_data, from_github):

-         comment = {

-             'user': {'login': 'threebean'},

-             'body': 'This is fine.',

-         }

-         comments = [

-             comment,

-             {

-                 'user': {'login': 'threebean'},

-                 'body': 'Some other text',

-             }

-         ]

-         issue_dict = {

-             'state': 'open',

-             'title': 'title',

-             'url': 'some_issue_url',

-         }

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'action': 'edited',

-                 'changes': {

-                     'body': {

-                         'from': 'Some text',

-                     },

-                 },

-                 'repository': {

-                     'name': 'repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

+                 'filters': {

+                     'github':

+                         {'org/repo': {'filter1': 'filter1', 'labels': 'custom_tag'}},

+                     'pagure':

+                         {'org/repo': {'filter1': 'filter1', 'tags': ['custom_tag']}},


-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-                 'comment': comment,

+                 'github_token': 'mock_token'



-         githubResponse = mock.MagicMock()

-         githubResponse.json.return_value = comments

-         _fetch_github_data.return_value = githubResponse

-         u.handle_github_comment(message, self.config)


-         from_github.assert_called_once_with(

-             'org/repo', issue_dict, self.config)



-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_pagure')

-     def test_handle_pagure_comment(self, from_pagure):

-         issue_dict = {

-             'status': 'Open',

-             'title': 'title',

-             'id': 21,

-             'comments': [{

-                 'user': {'name': 'Ralph'},

-                 'comment': 'This is fine.',

-             }],

-         }

-         message = {

+         # Mock Pagure Message

+         self.mock_pagure_message = {

              'msg': {

                  'project': {

-                     'name': 'some_repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

+                     'name': 'org/repo'


-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },

-         }

-         u.handle_pagure_comment(message, self.config)

-         from_pagure.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', issue_dict, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     def test_handle_github_filter_positive(self, from_github):

-         self.config['sync2jira']['filters'] = {

-             'github': {

-                 'org/repo': {

-                     'some_value': 'present',

+                 'issue': {

+                     'filter1': 'filter1',

+                     'tags': ['custom_tag'],

+                     'comments': [],

+                     'assignee': 'mock_assignee'


+                 'tags': ['new_tag'],

+                 'comment': 'new_comment',

+                 'status': 'temp'


+             'topic': 'io.pagure.prod.pagure.issue.drop',


-         issue_dict = {

-             'state': 'open',

-             'some_value': 'present',

-         }

-         message = {


+         # Mock Github Comment

+         self.mock_github_comment = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_github_comment.user.name = 'mock_username'

+         self.mock_github_comment.user.login = 'mock_user_login'

+         self.mock_github_comment.body = 'mock_body'

+         self.mock_github_comment.id = 'mock_id'

+         self.mock_github_comment.created_at = 'mock_created_at'


+         # Mock Github Message

+         self.mock_github_message = {

              'msg': {

                  'repository': {

-                     'name': 'repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

-                 },

-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },

-         }

-         u.handle_github_message(message, self.config)

-         from_github.assert_called_once_with(

-             'org/repo', issue_dict, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_pagure')

-     def test_handle_pagure_filter_positive(self, from_pagure):

-         self.config['sync2jira']['filters'] = {

-             'pagure': {

-                 'some_repo': {

-                     'some_value': 'present',

-                 },

-             },

-         }

-         issue_dict = {

-             'status': 'Open',

-             'some_value': 'present',

-         }

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'project': {

-                     'name': 'some_repo',

                      'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

+                         'login': 'org'


+                     'name': 'repo'


-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },

-         }

-         u.handle_pagure_message(message, self.config)

-         from_pagure.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', issue_dict, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     def test_handle_github_filter_negative(self, from_github):

-         self.config['sync2jira']['filters'] = {

-             'github': {

-                 'org/repo': {

-                     'some_value': 'present',

-                 },

-             },

-         }

-         issue_dict = {

-             'state': 'open',

-             'some_value': 'absent',

-         }

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'repository': {

-                     'name': 'repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

+                 'issue': {

+                     'filter1': 'filter1',

+                     'labels': [{'name': 'custom_tag'}],

+                     'comments': ['some_comments!'],

+                     'number': 'mock_number',

+                     'user': {

+                         'login': 'mock_login'


-                 },

-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },

+                     'assignees': [{'login': 'mock_login'}],

+                     'milestone': {

+                         'title': 'mock_milestone'

+                     }

+                 }

+             }


-         u.handle_github_message(message, self.config)

-         assert not from_github.called, 'should not have been called'


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_pagure')

-     def test_handle_pagure_filter_negative(self, from_pagure):

-         self.config['sync2jira']['filters'] = {

-             'pagure': {

-                 'some_repo': {

-                     'some_value': 'present',

-                 },


+         # Mock github issue

+         self.mock_github_issue = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_github_issue.get_comments.return_value = [self.mock_github_comment]


+         # Mock Github Issue Raw

+         self.mock_github_issue_raw = {

+             'comments': ['some comment'],

+             'number': '1234',

+             'user': {

+                 'login': 'mock_login'


+             'assignees': [{'login': 'mock_assignee_login'}],

+             'labels': [{'name': 'some_label'}],

+             'milestone': {

+                 'title': 'mock_milestone'

+             }


-         issue_dict = {

-             'status': 'Open',

-             'some_value': 'absent',

-         }

-         message = {

-             'msg': {

-                 'project': {

-                     'name': 'some_repo',

-                     'owner': {

-                         'login': 'org',

-                     },

-                 },

-                 'issue': issue_dict,

-             },


+         # Mock Github Reporter

+         self.mock_github_person = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_github_person.name = 'mock_name'


+         # Mock Github Repo

+         self.mock_github_repo = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_github_repo.get_issue.return_value = self.mock_github_issue


+         # Mock Github Client

+         self.mock_github_client = MagicMock()

+         self.mock_github_client.get_repo.return_value = self.mock_github_repo

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.return_value = self.mock_github_person


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'Github')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_all_github_issues')

+     def test_github_issues(self,

+                            mock_get_all_github_issues,

+                            mock_github,

+                            mock_issue_from_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'github_issues' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_github.return_value = self.mock_github_client

+         mock_get_all_github_issues.return_value = [self.mock_github_issue_raw]

+         mock_issue_from_github.return_value = 'Successful Call!'


+         # Call the function

+         response = list(u.github_issues(

+             upstream='org/repo',

+             config=self.mock_config

+         ))


+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         try:

+             mock_get_all_github_issues.assert_called_with(

+                 'https://api.github.com/repos/org/repo/issues?labels=custom_tag&filter1=filter1',

+                 {'Authorization': 'token mock_token'}

+             )

+         except AssertionError:

+             mock_get_all_github_issues.assert_called_with(

+                 'https://api.github.com/repos/org/repo/issues?filter1=filter1&labels=custom_tag',

+                 {'Authorization': 'token mock_token'}

+             )

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.assert_any_call('mock_login')

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.assert_any_call('mock_assignee_login')

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_called_with(

+             'org/repo',

+             {'labels': ['some_label'], 'number': '1234', 'comments': [

+                 {'body': 'mock_body', 'name': 'mock_user_login', 'author': 'mock_username', 'changed': None,

+                  'date_created': 'mock_created_at', 'id': 'mock_id'}], 'assignees': [{'fullname': 'mock_name'}],

+              'user': {'login': 'mock_login', 'fullname': 'mock_name'}, 'milestone': 'mock_milestone'},

+             self.mock_config

+         )

+         self.mock_github_client.get_repo.assert_called_with('org/repo')

+         self.mock_github_repo.get_issue.assert_called_with(number='1234')

+         self.mock_github_issue.get_comments.assert_any_call()

+         self.assertEqual(response[0], 'Successful Call!')


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'Github')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_get_all_github_issues')

+     def test_github_issues_no_token(self,

+                                     mock_get_all_github_issues,

+                                     mock_github,

+                                     mock_issue_from_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'github_issues' function where we have no github token

+         and no comments

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_config['sync2jira']['github_token'] = None

+         self.mock_github_issue_raw['comments'] = 0

+         mock_github.return_value = self.mock_github_client

+         mock_get_all_github_issues.return_value = [self.mock_github_issue_raw]

+         mock_issue_from_github.return_value = 'Successful Call!'


+         # Call the function

+         response = list(u.github_issues(

+             upstream='org/repo',

+             config=self.mock_config

+         ))


+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         try:

+             mock_get_all_github_issues.assert_called_with(

+                 'https://api.github.com/repos/org/repo/issues?labels=custom_tag&filter1=filter1',

+                 {}

+             )

+         except AssertionError:

+             mock_get_all_github_issues.assert_called_with(

+                 'https://api.github.com/repos/org/repo/issues?filter1=filter1&labels=custom_tag',

+                 {}

+             )

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.assert_any_call('mock_login')

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.assert_any_call('mock_assignee_login')

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_called_with(

+             'org/repo',

+             {'labels': ['some_label'], 'number': '1234', 'comments': [], 'assignees': [{'fullname': 'mock_name'}],

+              'user': {'login': 'mock_login', 'fullname': 'mock_name'}, 'milestone': 'mock_milestone'},

+             self.mock_config

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(response[0], 'Successful Call!')

+         self.mock_github_client.get_repo.assert_not_called()

+         self.mock_github_repo.get_issue.assert_not_called()

+         self.mock_github_issue.get_comments.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_pagure')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'requests')

+     def test_pagure_issues_error(self,

+                                  mock_requests,

+                                  mock_issue_from_pagure):

+         """

+         This function tests 'pagure_issues' function where we get an IOError

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         get_return = MagicMock()

+         get_return.__bool__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)

+         get_return.__nonzero__ = get_return.__bool__

+         get_return.json.side_effect = Exception()

+         get_return.text.return_value = {

+             'issues': [

+                 {'assignee': 'mock_assignee'}

+             ]



-         u.handle_pagure_message(message, self.config)

-         assert not from_pagure.called, 'should not have been called'


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.requests')

-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_pagure')

-     def test_get_all_pagure_issues(self, from_pagure, requests):

-         response = mock.MagicMock()

-         mock_issue = {'comments_url': 'comment_url'}

-         response.json.return_value = {

-             'issues': [mock_issue],

+         mock_requests.get.return_value = get_return


+         # Call the function

+         with self.assertRaises(IOError):

+             list(u.pagure_issues(

+                 upstream='org/repo',

+                 config=self.mock_config

+             ))


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_requests.get.assert_called_with(

+             'https://pagure.io/api/0/org/repo/issues',

+             params={'filter1': 'filter1', 'tags': ['custom_tag']}

+         )

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_pagure')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'requests')

+     def test_pagure_issues(self,

+                            mock_requests,

+                            mock_issue_from_pagure):

+         """

+         This function tests 'pagure_issues' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         get_return = MagicMock()

+         get_return.json.return_value = {

+             'issues': [

+                 {'assignee': 'mock_assignee'}

+             ]



-         requests.get.return_value = response

+         get_return.request.url = 'mock_url'

+         mock_requests.get.return_value = get_return

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.return_value = 'Successful Call!'


-         generator = u.pagure_issues('some_repo', self.config)

-         # Step through that...

-         list(generator)

+         # Call the function

+         response = list(u.pagure_issues(

+             upstream='org/repo',

+             config=self.mock_config

+         ))


-         requests.get.assert_called_once_with(

-             'https://pagure.io/api/0/some_repo/issues',

-             params={'status': 'Open'},

+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         self.assertEqual(response[0], 'Successful Call!')

+         mock_requests.get.assert_called_with(

+             'https://pagure.io/api/0/org/repo/issues',

+             params={'filter1': 'filter1', 'tags': ['custom_tag']}


-         from_pagure.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', mock_issue, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.requests')

-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     def test_get_all_github_issues(self, from_github, requests):

-         response = mock.MagicMock()

-         mock_issue = {'comments_url': 'comment_url'}

-         response.json.return_value = [mock_issue]

-         requests.get.return_value = response


-         generator = u.github_issues('some_repo', self.config)

-         # Step through that...

-         list(generator)


-         requests.get.assert_any_call(

-             'https://api.github.com/repos/some_repo/issues?state=open',

-             headers={},

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.assert_called_with(

+             'org/repo',

+             {'assignee': ['mock_assignee']},

+             self.mock_config


-         requests.get.assert_any_call(

-             'comment_url',

-             headers={},


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_pagure')

+     def test_handle_pagure_message_not_in_mapped(self,

+                                                  mock_issue_from_pagure):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_pagure_message' where upstream is not in mapped repo

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_pagure_message['msg']['project']['name'] = 'bad_repo'

+         # Call the function

+         response = u.handle_pagure_message(

+             msg=self.mock_pagure_message,

+             config=self.mock_config


-         from_github.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', mock_issue, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.requests')

-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_pagure')

-     def test_get_filtered_pagure_issues(self, from_pagure, requests):

-         self.config['sync2jira']['filters'] = {

-             'pagure': {

-                 'some_repo': {

-                     'some_value': 'present',

-                 },

-             },

-         }

-         response = mock.MagicMock()

-         mock_issue = {'comments_url': 'comment_url'}

-         response.json.return_value = {

-             'issues': [mock_issue],

-         }

-         requests.get.return_value = response


-         generator = u.pagure_issues('some_repo', self.config)

-         # Step through that...

-         list(generator)

+         # Assert all calls made correctly

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.assert_not_called()


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_pagure')

+     def test_handle_pagure_message_bad_filter(self,

+                                               mock_issue_from_pagure):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_pagure_message' where comparing the actual vs. filter does not equate

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_pagure_message['msg']['issue']['filter1'] = 'filter2'


+         # Call function

+         response = u.handle_pagure_message(

+             msg=self.mock_pagure_message,

+             config=self.mock_config)


+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_pagure')

+     def test_handle_pagure_message_bad_tag(self,

+                                            mock_issue_from_pagure):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_pagure_message' where the tags do not match

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_pagure_message['msg']['issue']['tags'] = ['bad_tags']


-         requests.get.assert_called_once_with(

-             'https://pagure.io/api/0/some_repo/issues',

-             params={'some_value': 'present'},

+         # Call function

+         response = u.handle_pagure_message(

+             msg=self.mock_pagure_message,

+             config=self.mock_config)


+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_pagure')

+     def test_handle_pagure_message_successful(self,

+                                               mock_issue_from_pagure):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_pagure_message' where everything goes smoothly

+         and we test edge cases!

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.return_value = "Successful Call!"


+         # Call the function

+         response = u.handle_pagure_message(

+             msg=self.mock_pagure_message,

+             config=self.mock_config


-         from_pagure.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', mock_issue, self.config)


-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.requests')

-     @mock.patch('sync2jira.upstream.i.Issue.from_github')

-     def test_get_filtered_github_issues(self, from_github, requests):

-         self.config['sync2jira']['filters'] = {

-             'github': {

-                 'some_repo': {

-                     'some_value': 'present',

-                 },

-             },

-         }

-         response = mock.MagicMock()

-         mock_issue = {'comments_url': 'comment_url'}

-         response.json.return_value = [mock_issue]

-         requests.get.return_value = response


-         generator = u.github_issues('some_repo', self.config)

-         # Step through that...

-         list(generator)


-         requests.get.assert_any_call(

-             'https://api.github.com/repos/some_repo/issues?some_value=present',

-             headers={},


+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_pagure.assert_called_with(

+             'org/repo',

+             {'status': 'Dropped', 'assignee': ['mock_assignee'], 'filter1': 'filter1', 'comments': ['new_comment'],

+              'tags': ['custom_tag', 'new_tag']},

+             self.mock_config

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(response, 'Successful Call!')


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'Github')

+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     def test_handle_github_message_not_in_mapped(self,

+                                                  mock_issue_from_github,

+                                                  mock_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_github_message' where upstream is not in mapped repos

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_github_message['msg']['repository']['owner']['login'] = 'bad_owner'


+         # Call the function

+         response = u.handle_github_message(

+             msg=self.mock_github_message,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )


+         # Assert that all calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_not_called()

+         mock_github.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     def test_handle_github_message_bad_filter(self,

+                                               mock_issue_from_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_github_message' where comparing the actual vs. filter does not equate

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_github_message['msg']['issue']['filter1'] = 'filter2'


+         # Call function

+         response = u.handle_github_message(

+             msg=self.mock_github_message,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )

+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     def test_handle_github_message_bad_label(self,

+                                              mock_issue_from_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_github_message' where comparing the actual vs. filter does not equate

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         self.mock_github_message['msg']['issue']['labels'] = [{'name': 'bad_label'}]


+         # Call function

+         response = u.handle_github_message(

+             msg=self.mock_github_message,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )

+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(None, response)


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'Github')

+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     def test_handle_github_message_no_comments(self,

+                                               mock_issue_from_github,

+                                               mock_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_github_message' where we have no comments

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_issue_from_github.return_value = "Successful Call!"

+         mock_github.return_value = self.mock_github_client

+         self.mock_github_message['msg']['issue']['comments'] = 0


+         # Call function

+         response = u.handle_github_message(

+             msg=self.mock_github_message,

+             config=self.mock_config

+         )

+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_called_with('org/repo',

+                                                   {'labels': ['custom_tag'], 'number': 'mock_number',

+                                                    'comments': [], 'assignees': [{'fullname': 'mock_name'}],

+                                                    'filter1': 'filter1',

+                                                    'user': {'login': 'mock_login', 'fullname': 'mock_name'},

+                                                    'milestone': 'mock_milestone'},

+                                                   self.mock_config)

+         mock_github.assert_called_with('mock_token')

+         self.assertEqual('Successful Call!', response)

+         self.mock_github_client.get_repo.assert_not_called()

+         self.mock_github_repo.get_issue.assert_not_called()

+         self.mock_github_issue.get_comments.assert_not_called()

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.assert_called_with('mock_login')


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'Github')

+     @mock.patch('sync2jira.intermediary.Issue.from_github')

+     def test_handle_github_message_successful(self,

+                                               mock_issue_from_github,

+                                               mock_github):

+         """

+         This function tests 'handle_github_message' where everything goes smoothly!

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         mock_issue_from_github.return_value = "Successful Call!"

+         mock_github.return_value = self.mock_github_client


+         # Call function

+         response = u.handle_github_message(

+             msg=self.mock_github_message,

+             config=self.mock_config


-         requests.get.assert_any_call(

-             'comment_url',

-             headers={},


+         # Assert that calls were made correctly

+         mock_issue_from_github.assert_called_with('org/repo',

+                                                   {'labels': ['custom_tag'], 'number': 'mock_number',

+                                                    'comments': [{'body': 'mock_body', 'name': 'mock_user_login',

+                                                                  'author': 'mock_username', 'changed': None,

+                                                                  'date_created': 'mock_created_at', 'id': 'mock_id'}],

+                                                    'assignees': [{'fullname': 'mock_name'}],

+                                                    'filter1': 'filter1', 'user':

+                                                        {'login': 'mock_login', 'fullname': 'mock_name'},

+                                                    'milestone': 'mock_milestone'}, self.mock_config)

+         mock_github.assert_called_with('mock_token')

+         self.assertEqual('Successful Call!', response)

+         self.mock_github_client.get_repo.assert_called_with('org/repo')

+         self.mock_github_repo.get_issue.assert_called_with(number='mock_number')

+         self.mock_github_issue.get_comments.assert_any_call()

+         self.mock_github_client.get_user.assert_called_with('mock_login')


+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_fetch_github_data')

+     @mock.patch(PATH + '_github_link_field_to_dict')

+     def test_get_all_github_issues(self,

+                                    mock_github_link_field_to_dict,

+                                    mock_fetch_github_data):

+         """

+         This tests the '_get_all_github_issues' function

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         get_return = MagicMock()

+         get_return.json.return_value = [{'comments_url': 'mock_comments_url'}]

+         get_return.headers = {'link': 'mock_link'}

+         mock_fetch_github_data.return_value = get_return


+         # Call the function

+         response = list(u._get_all_github_issues(

+             url='mock_url',

+             headers='mock_headers'

+         ))


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_fetch_github_data.assert_any_call('mock_url', 'mock_headers')

+         mock_fetch_github_data.assert_any_call('mock_comments_url', 'mock_headers')

+         mock_github_link_field_to_dict.assert_called_with('mock_link')

+         self.assertEqual('mock_comments_url', response[0]['comments_url'])


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'requests')

+     def test_fetch_github_data_error(self,

+                                      mock_requests):

+         """

+         Tests the '_fetch_github_data' function where we raise an IOError

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         get_return = MagicMock()

+         get_return.__bool__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)

+         get_return.__nonzero__ = get_return.__bool__

+         get_return.json.side_effect = Exception()

+         get_return.text.return_value = {

+             'issues': [

+                 {'assignee': 'mock_assignee'}

+             ]


+         }

+         mock_requests.get.return_value = get_return


+         # Call the function

+         with self.assertRaises(IOError):

+             u._fetch_github_data(

+                 url='mock_url',

+                 headers='mock_headers'

+             )


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_requests.get.assert_called_with('mock_url', headers='mock_headers')


+     @mock.patch(PATH + 'requests')

+     def test_fetch_github_data(self,

+                                      mock_requests):

+         """

+         Tests the '_fetch_github_data' function where everything goes smoothly!

+         """

+         # Set up return values

+         get_return = MagicMock()

+         get_return.__bool__ = mock.Mock(return_value=True)

+         get_return.__nonzero__ = get_return.__bool__

+         mock_requests.get.return_value = get_return


+         # Call the function


+         response = u._fetch_github_data(

+             url='mock_url',

+             headers='mock_headers'


-         from_github.assert_called_once_with(

-             'some_repo', mock_issue, self.config)


+         # Assert everything was called correctly

+         mock_requests.get.assert_called_with('mock_url', headers='mock_headers')

+         self.assertEqual(response, get_return)

file modified
+3 -1
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ 

  deps =



+     pytest

+     nose

  sitepackages = False

  commands =

-     nosetests {posargs}

+     pytest {posargs}



  basepython = python3